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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Looks like someone.....

    I'd like my F250 more if it didnt have so many dings and scratches. Yeah, I know I put them there, but you have to ding and scratch to make money! I dented my bumper the first time I towed my trailer. Trailer popped off and was pushing me down the road. (Stupid trailer.)
  2. New feature - You Tube

    That quiznos one is a little disturbing. Not sure I want to eat there now.
  3. removal of oil based drive way paint

    none of the paint strippers work well when pressure washed off. they are designed to be scraped. (Believe me Ive tried.) I have heard from several people that Dads easy strip works well when removed with hot water. you can also try a rotary tip. if its loose it will come up well. just be careful that you dont take up th concrete surface.
  4. Teak bench with WTW Warm Honey Gold
  5. to david rush

    How is it in Boone this week. Any one there that doesnt have a serious celebration hangover? Go Appalachian State!!
  6. Here is a gazebo and dock I just finished. The test spot on the floor I did came up nice so I went ahead and bid it. unfortunately the verticles and overhanging plywood were a nightmare. 3 seperate strips with full strength HD80 boosted with glycol and extra SH beads. then I had to use a paint stripper and then sand. Overhead sanding with a Makita is very tiring, especially in 97deg heat!! the worst part was that every single place where the wood joined was caulked! Inside and outside. the stain absolutely would not come off the caulk even with the BIX or scraping or sanding. In some areas I just cut it out, like the overhangs, and where it was really bad I just skimmed it with a cedar color caulk. the rest I just said the hell with it and gave up.
  7. Finished with 70 hours in this, not to mention it was 1 1/2 hours from my house. 9 days when I had planned 4-5 Stained with Bakers cedar gold/dark mix. I liked the product alot. very easy to apply with sureflo. But I was disappointed that it wasnt more of a semi transparent that I thought it would be. I was hoping to hide the old stain in the joints and nail holes that I couldnt get out. But the customer was thrilled! and I got paid. Yeah!!!!
  8. I really like th WTW. but other brands have their uses. Did my first Bakers Gray Away last week. have used cabots solid and semi's and like them too. If your offering for retail, I think scott at The sealer store has the right idea. Offer everything except what the big box stores offer. As long its a quality product and you can instruct homeowners in the how to's.
  9. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    Do I really need to say what I am? ok, for those that dont know me. Totally republican, named my son Reagan, Still like GW and will vote Mike Hucabee and straight republican ticket unless those dems that run can prove they are not socialist. Hillary quote "i prefer not to be called a liberal, but a classic progressive." the early progressives were as socialist as they could get and followed Karl Marx almost to the letter. As for reading and taking the other side into consideration, I do. we have the St petersburg times here, long known as the Pravda West, and I read it every day, especially the editorials so I know what the other side is thinking. I love conservative talk radio, (is there any other kind that is commercially viable?) but all the magazines I read and tv news shows I watch are liberal, so I can get both sides. There is absolutely no liberal policy that would make me change my vote, and there is definately no liberal candidate worth putting into the most powerful position in the world.
  10. Im in the process of removing the solid water based stain from this gazebo. Every joint and crack has been caulked with a silicone caulk. the stain is not coming off the caulk even with some paint stripper and scrubbing. I cant scrape it off, nor can I scrape the caulk out. Short of taking a razor blade and cutting it out, does anyone have any ideas? Ive tried sanding also, in fact Im absolutely exhausted from sanding the stain for the last 2 days from where the stripper didnt touch it (3 strips). Sanding over your head isnt fun, believe me.
  11. I thought of just going over it, but should I do it before applying the sealer or after? Im going to use a semi trans since there are spots that the old stuff just wont come off (cracks, crevices, nail holes, etc...) That may sufice for the caulked areas also, but Id like to hear from some others about this.
  12. Im the worst dang carpenter in history, and I tell people that. I really cant cut a board straight. I will replace when absolutely necessary though and make sure I buy extra to compensate for my bad cuts. Just do the replacement before the cleaning.
  13. Baby Name Game

    Marcus Epiphanius is the perfect name. Until he's 18 it will be all about ME anyway. Just dont teach him swordfighting.
  14. burner exhaust adapter

    oops, never mind, just saw the pics of the adaptor they sent. that looks nice. For anyone else, all the parts I used came from lowes, in the AC isle. $50 max. The nice one from Alkota looks a lot neater though!
  15. burner exhaust adapter

    Hey, thats my pic. Actually I ended up changing out to 6 inch pipe all the way up. getting to much back flow where it was restricted. I also pushed it all the way down so the adaptor is right on the stainless. It is cut with tin snips and a little bending to get it to fit right. I beleive the reason the manufacturers dont offer this is that the exhaust is forced out a pretty small opening already and if you add pipe with anybends to it, or too small a pipe, the back pressure can be too much and cause other problems. (Happened to me on a different machine and blew out the ignitor.)
  16. 2-way etiquette?

    i used to be a nextel salesrep. As we were always calling the other salesman on our team, the consensus was to send an alert first as we never knew when the other rep was with a customer. an alert says, "i need to talk, call me back when you can." On your phone, you know that the alert was received by the other party and unless your just impatient or have to talk right away, thats the way to go.
  17. Hillary for Pres?

    this girl wants her. [yt]Sudw4ghVe8[/yt]
  18. How do you tell a customer that you shouldnt have used a stain of your own choice that has become a problem. Did a deck with SpaNDeck about 1 and ahalf years ago. Followed the procedures exactly. (clean, bleach, apply first coat to wet wood.) with in 1 year there was flaking and pealing. cleaned, stripped where it was flaking and reaplied. Did I meantion how hard it is to blend in where the pealing was? Now, less tan 2 years. there is severe mildew growing under the stain in spots, on top in other spots, and flaking and pealing again. This deck has no airflow underneath, Which I know now is a leading indicator that I shouldnt use an acrylic. Other than that it is in full, (100%) sun. The response i Got from Flood is pretty much boilerplate. Strip, with Stripper/Cleaner, (We all know how easy it is to strip Acrylic,) and recoat. So here's the problem. How do you tell the customer that you stopped using that sealer, shouldnt have used it in the first place, and now you need to strip it off and start from scratch?
  19. Hillary for Pres?

    First of all, the banner 'Mission Accomplished' was for the aircraft carrier that had fullfilled its mission and was on its way back to base. It was the presidents staff that was at fault for putting him in front of that sign. But even if you look at it in the context of the total, the mission AT THAT TIME was the overthrow of the Iraqi regime and removing Saddam from office. That was done in record time and with little loss of US life. So in that sense "mission accomplished." It has been poorly managed since then, and granted we went in with little plan for the aftermath of the actual military campain. Occupation has never really been our thing.
  20. Credit Cards

    I just did my first job for Credit card payment. I wasnt going to but realized that I was going to loose it if i didnt and figured since I had a paypal account, why not. She hasnt put it through yet, but it looks easy and I have paid that way before. I believe it was about $21 on a $745 job.
  21. Hillary for Pres?

    How come no one ever says anything about Pres GW's economic plan? He isnt one to toot his own horn, but Id say its working pretty darn well. Think there might be an agenda with the mainstream media and doing thier best to hide the good news? Nah. Thats highly unlikely!
  22. Hillary for Pres?

    you speak the truth my brother!! Power to the People! (but only the republican people)
  23. anyone know what the mix ratio on efc38 would be for downstreaming? Just general cleaning of old wood, not stripping.
  24. Actually did a test spot on this. Very bad, mildew covered floor, but spindles are fine. Floor came up fine with HD 80. Didnt even try to test the spindles as finish was sound. Sold as a 2 tier project. Strip what is possible and reapply Flood. or completely strip, sand and apply WTW for 2x as much. She went for the FLood re-ap.
  25. Hillary for Pres?

    Jeff, Will you quit changing your position, I dont know who you are anymore. You finally convince me to vote for Hillary and you turn republican. I just dont know what to believe?!