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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. yeah, Ken. It really is. I probably didnt need to allow the amount of dwell time i did. I have to strip some Flood spaNdeck next week. Think i can mix it strong enough to make a dent when downstreaming or should I apply straight.
  2. List of world's shortest books

    Good list Kevin
  3. in case anyone wanted to know. The downstreamed hd 80 worked surprisingly well for cleaning. actually got the same amount of furring from that as using EFC straight. As for the underside of the deck, I used the respirator and face sheild. got rid of the yellow rain suit after a couple minutes, as I was so soaked any of the diluted hd80 wasnt going to have much effect on my skin anyway.
  4. Sanding

    best investment ever was the Makita and the osborne brush. Although today I found that it was so much fun to use, i was killing my back doing every board, and pulled out the old stiff nylon brush and pole for the easy stuff. then went back over with the makita.
  5. The reason I was thinking EFC was that I have to clean the undersides as well. 2nd story and 3rd story deck. with the humidity were having, i did not want to go the respirator and rubber suit route. I may just Use the HVLP and use EFC straight. Maybe well get a cool front Monday and I can use the HD80 DS. and save my self a lot of time. thanks, Ken
  6. So, Should I mix hd 80 at full strength and downstream for cleaning?
  7. Is this common?

    Ive cleaned plenty of roofs that way, and still have to when the chem pump goes out. If your not using the chems it's the only to clean a tile roof and not take 6 hours on a 3000sf roof.
  8. McMoo is Gone... Let's remember him

    Just a couple days ago I saw a dancing alien on some site and thought of Dan, How tragic.
  9. Price?

    Travis, Obviously my market is different, but I have a hard time getting $1.25 or more for strip and stain. I have found the only people willing to pay better are the people who have moved from up north and know the value of their decks and professional work. Floridians are trained for cheap labor and my impression since Ive been pushing wood restoration, is that many would just as soon let the wood rot and pay a handyman to replace it. Or pay a painter $25/hr to slap Behr on it. I have been closing more at a higher price since the wood course we went to in Orlando though. Knowledge sells, so does a professional presentation.
  10. Dock!

    Get some floating oilsorbent booms, enough so they float about 5 feet away from the dock on all sides. drape canvas over the tarps, so they tarps are across the water and under the dock. that will catch any old stain as its stripped off. I beleive that the HD80 is water soluable and will not hurt any fish. (Check with russell.) you will need to tie the tarps to the booms and will probably need a boat to do this, not to mention getting the tarps under the dock. the difficulty is going to be getting to outsides of the arbor to strip and stain. very high difficulty level all around. I would guess half a day just setting up tarps and booms. Price high or loose your shirt doing this. Good luck Travis.
  11. Could this be why it is slower than normal?

    I dont think its from the water restrictions. I slow down every June with residential jobs. I think the spike in gas prices made some difference, but it dawned on me that school gets out here in May, I took my vacation in June, how many others are doing likewise? for a lot of people they have to pay for full time child care that the dont have to pay for during the school year? I pick back up again in Mid August when school is getting ready to start again. I beleive this yeare it was the confluence of the spike in gas prices that slowed things down more than normal.
  12. ESpec's school

    I just got back from ESpecs school on Jekyll Island. Wanted to give Paul Kassander, John Allison and Richard K. kudos for putting on the school. The cost of the school probably barely covered the expense of the convention center and trucking in all the equipment they brought. Great info, great time meeting others, Learned as much from the other PWers as the classes, But isnt that the Idea behind round tables? There were guys there that had been in business from 1 year to 30 years. Anyone considering going in the future, take the family. Jekyll is a nice, relaxing place and a great place for some downtime after a hectic season.
  13. Did this deck yesterday. 3 year old PT, never sealed. (This is the one with the popped nails.) Cleaned with efc38, citric acid neutralized. Stained with WT WHG.
  14. i did it just for the brighting. The mark on the path is water. dried fine. I did have to go back and even out some lines where I rolled my cart across the deck.
  15. This is my new cart. 20 bucks at Harbor Freight, 2 sure flows, etc. very handy.
  16. Im doing a deck on Monday and just about half the nails need to be set. Ive read where some of you guys use nail guns to set them, Is there a gun that I can buy that uses electricity so I dont have to buy an air compressor?
  17. Ended up just doing it with a hammer. used a nail set only on the ones that just wouldnt go flush. Even though only 1/3 of the nails were popped, many were a little loose, just hadnt popped above the surface. About an hour on my hands an knees. not too bad. I like to do those things before I start washing, since I use WTW. I only let it dry completely if I see a lot of furring after washing.
  18. I was reading that other thread, but everyone has a pneumatic nailer. Im going to try the ball peen hammer route. I am just trying to avoid being on my hands and knees as much as possible.
  19. A Little Confused

    Oh!! Stupid me. In my defense, I did go to public school.
  20. Small Deck

    Inverness is in the heart of Rebel held florida. The yankees cant stand it there, so they all moved to Pinellas County where Im at. Ricker, You will love WT once you try it. Youll hate yourself for using Behr when you have to re-do it.
  21. A Little Confused

    Where do you get a 4:1 injector??
  22. Cleaner Times Magazine--Get it!!!

    Overall I like CT. The history series is very well done. Im not so sure of a lot of the other articles though. Especially the business and tax articles. Seems they are written generically and 'pressure cleaning company' is pasted in wherever applicable. Need more writers like Beth with real PW Industry experience. John T, should write for them. Your posts show a reasonably good writing style with good info.
  23. Thread hijack---- went to see roger waters last week with my 14 year old. great concert. Except when he does one of his own songs about how much Tony Blair and GW are warmongers. Freaking Hippie. Excelent music though. he hasnt lost a step or his voice like some of these old musicians.
  24. How Can THIS Be Good For Business ??

    Comon Chris, why would anyone do it themselves when everyone knows that Apple will clean any roof for $100. Seriously, I have run into 80 and 90 year olds that pressure wash thier own roof, (seriously!) I have a friend that is maint. mgr at a retirement condo. Roof is 7 story flat with projections, dont know the arcitectural term, that are about 200 sf tiles. He stands on the flat part and pours pool chlorine down them. if people have the money to clean them they will call us. if not theyll get a low ball company or theyll do it them selves.