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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. sikkens

    Thanks guys, I knew the answers before I asked the question, just wanted to be able to show him. Looking at the specs on Cetol DEK, 'you must coat all 6 sides' sounds like fun. anyway, hes bringing me some scraps and Im going to show him this weekend. Hes a painter, and knows nothing about wood care, but surprisingly gets a fair number of decks to do. Im going to try to convince him after this one to pass them all to me and Ill pass on all my painting jobs, (I hate painting with a passion, from my army days when we would paint the curbs to kill time.)
  2. 5.6 up high

    you could add a small float tank, 2-3 gal like on the hydroteks.
  3. open or inclosed trailer

    I love haveing the enclosed except everything is rusted out due to the chlorine in the air., Also when my burner started the side of the trailor on fire, fortunately it was at night and I saw the funny glow before it got out of hand. Seriously though. If I could park my trailer inside I think i would get an open one, More room in the long run, but Id have to force myself to be neater
  4. Is there any problem taking Thompsons off PT wood? I dont know yet if its THompsons Advanced or Water seal. I need to look at it next week.
  5. Thompsons

    Test, test, test. Ive learned my lesson. But I wanted to see if it had special problems i needed to be aware of. That last behr deck looked like it was going to be easy, and the test spot came up nice. If I had some ox with me when I did the test, i would have known something was wrong because it didnt brighten at all after stripping it.
  6. Ive read about using electric sanders on wood. My question is if using a random orbit sander, arent you still going to leave marks since it will at some time be going across the grain? Wouldnt it be better to use a belt sander, or would you only use them for removing a lot of surface. Obviously most decks arent going to warrent using a drum sander, but may have a lot of sanding to do anyway.
  7. Ken Fenner Pressure Washing Philadelphia Main Line DIY Deck Cleaner A little knowlege can be a dangerous thing Isnt that what the Junkies Do in Philly? now your just adding high pressure? or are you pressure washing the main lining junkies? Ive used a palm sander for rails, and in the past Ive used a belt sander when I wanted to sand 2 mills off a mahogany table I was refinishing, but it was very hard to control it and sand evenly.
  8. insurance just went up

    Mine actually went down this year, through Joe Walters
  9. The problem is the term 'reasonable sanding'. We sanded for at least an hour and it seemed to keep bring up more, or the stuff was so far below the surface that I would have had to sand off several mils to get it all. That just isnt reasonable. At what point do you say enough is enough and just apply the new stain.
  10. here's the deck that may have had the Behr on it. Ive never seen anything like this although my experience is limited. the oxalic didnt lighten it up at all. then the WHG wood tux was real dark. The second one is the before striping pic.
  11. Jesus had a child??

    Just to prove I dont believe all pastors know what their talking about or that they have a lock on what God wants: In largo the city manager just announced that he was going to undergo a *** change operation. At a council meeting to discuss his future, a local pastor said. "What would Jesus Do? Jesus would fire him. mark my words." I think that pastor is a whacko. and I believe he is a conservative.
  12. Jesus had a child??

    that was a joke Scott.
  13. Jesus had a child??

    Lieberman has always gotten a large percentage of the republican vote. Hes very popular there. The dem that ran against him was extremely left wing and deserved to lose. Remember the base votes in primaries not the majority of voters. thats why the liberal dems run as liberals then move to the center for the general election. the republicans run as conservitaves during the primaries and then move toward the center too. Ned lamont proved the base of the party is far left. But the majority of the party is not far left and put Leberman back in office.
  14. needed to bring this back up as Id like this last question answered
  15. Jesus had a child??

    The apostle Paul told his followers to check out what he said against other writings, not just to take every word for gospel, (pun intended) The preachers that tell you to believe what they say and expect you to not look anything up are wrong. so are the political leaders. The Bible as it is written today has undergone some changes. But which changes are good and correct. the ones that take out references to gender, and change the word man (the original greek that was written translated that word to mankind,) so that now man is men or women. like the Son of man and woman? the bible was translated into english by falable people. there was politics going on even then. But the King James version still stands the test of time as the most accurate traslation. Why not read several versions. why not study greek and hebrew , or at least get a bible that has the original Greek and Hebrew side by side with translations for you to read. that way the preachers cant snow you with thier inferred translations. My pastor says the KJV is the only translation that is accurate. We know this because Jesus' words are in red.
  16. Jesus had a child??

    Have a nice day Jon:lgbounces Yes I am a republican. Used to not be. I absolutely do not believe that all on the left are anti christian, nor do they love terrorists. Just like all right wing evangelicals do not bomb abortion clinics. I believe that there are many wackos on both ends of the political spectrum. I do believe that a big majority of the press is left wing and has an agenda and it is against Christianity. I am very tired of hearing that the republican party is beholden to the evangelicals. Evangelical Christians firmly believe that the Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word Of God. We hold firmly to the beliefs that are taught in the bible and we have a right to vote for those that agree with us, just as the non Christians have a right to vote for thier canditates. The base of the Republican party is conservitave Christian. The reson the republicans lost is that they have left thier base. The country didnt vote for the dems they voted against a republican party who has left thier core beliefs. Joe Lieberman is as left wing as they come, He is a practicing Jew, He is firmly behind the war on terror. The press has demonized him as much as they demonize the Christian right who believe the same things. He was voted in as an independent and because he stayed with his core beliefs, which are liberal. the democratic primary voters are left wing and voted against him because of his stance with GW on the war on terror. The rest of the voters stood behind him. Jeff I believe that your beliefs are firm, but they are firmly wrong. What reasons you have for your beliefs are your own business, and I do not have any problems with you. I respect you and what youve done in business. I just believe you dont see the truth as I see it. and I do not hold it against you. we'll see where you stand in 20 years.
  17. Going Green--With Reclaiming

    do you people ever sleep???
  18. Jesus had a child??

    the anti christian left will do everything possible to sow doubt, since they obviously cant prove anything. If they can just sow a little doubt, they think they can destroy the faith.
  19. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    dont put too much stock in daily happenings of the DOW. look at it over time, notice a trend? the DOW continues to rise. In fact over the last year its gone up almost 2500 points, a 400 pt correction isnt a disaster
  20. I think I ran into my first one like this. I striped with HD 80, strengthed it and striped again Im talking to the HO about when I brighten how the wood just changes like magic, then hit it with ox and absolutely nothing! stays dark as hell. so I let it dry a little and can see more stain and splotches and dots where its fairly thick but inside the wood, not surface film. after some more drying I hit it with 36 grit sandpaper. the dust is purple and obviously the stain is fairly deep. By accident (wrong communication on my part,) my helper brushed mineral spirits on the worst part which seemed to get rid of the purple tint. I then applied the wood tux. but it just looked like crap. a deep brown color. Am I right, is this the Behr were taling about or did I run into something else?
  21. thats a good point about lines. I am careful to spray both directions, but you dont know until later on if you werent even in applying it.
  22. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    Uhm, I think that you are wrong Rod. When Bush took office, we were not running in the black, as so many tout. It was projected by the outgoing administration that we would be in the black in ten years. There is a difference, and since it is verifiable that Clinton was at least untruthful, it is possible that these figurees were cooked, just a bit. THANK YOU so much for saying that. I cant believe the amount of people that say Clinton had a surplus. So many people say it that now most believe it, even people who should know better. Thats how the press works, just repeat the lie as truth and it will become truth. there may be underlying problems with the economy but overall it is very sound. We will always have corrections and downturns, but the economy will grow overall. too many people overextend financially, expecially on houses trying to get what they think is the American Dream. Many are going to lose thier houses, not because of the economy, but because thier own stupidity and bad choices. the American Dream isnt about wealth and things. its about having a better life and giving thier kids the chance of an even better life. There isnt a person among my circle of friends who doesnt have it better than thier parents. They might not have the stuff, but all of them agree that they have it eiser, and by the time they are thier parents age, they will have the stuff, even more of it. and thier kids will have it better too.
  23. Deposits anyone????

    I was hoping to never again get involved in a discussion of GW and this economy. and Im not going to now. Dang proud of myself. anyway, deposit takin only on jobs that take materials, decks, pavers, large roof cleaning jobs etc. as for commercial, I beleive that you should have enough in reserve before you accept the contract or you shouldnt take it. No commercial bus here is going to put a deposit down. they'll call the next guy. the only problem Ive had is a massive commercial project with $65k in receivable for 60 days. then I was sweating, but the client was govmt. so I knew the money was going to come eventually. and I only had about $12 in labor and expenses already paid out. I will keep getting deposits, but Ive never been screwed even on the ones where I dont.
  24. Ive rolled, used a pump up, and airless and find the best way is the airless. I keep the roller handy to roll out any puddles. THen sand after with sand mixed with 'sand lock' water it in after you blow off excess. The sanding is the most timeconsuming part.