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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. conservative ticket for '08

    this is my idea of a perfect ticket for republicans in 2008 YouTube - Coulter & Limbaugh Introduce 1/2 Hour News Hour
  2. I have done a couple of docks with the Spa n Deck. one had started peeling with in a year, and had mildew growing under the sealer. The others I havnt checked on. But I have seen many in this area done with it. Im not impressed. lots of failure. However, I dont know the history of the ones Ive seen with the failing finish. Could have been applied wrong. I did recoat one that a homeowner had used Spa n Deck. lots of peeling and it did not recoat very well.
  3. What are these guys up to?

    Hey David, good to see a home boy. Im originally from Banner elk. Since I got into this business I wish I had stayed up there, except that I can work year round here. I havnt received anything from SM about price increases, only the fence install stuff. Although the leads have slowed down, I still get a large portion of my bus from those leads with a higher closing ratio than any other source. (Hope nobody local is reading this.) well worth the money. But every area is different.
  4. My yp add that ran for 2 years, garnered about double what I paid for it. Dropped it last june and I still get calls from it. Go figure. I am going to run again a very small in collumn add under 'deck refinishing and waterproofing." only one other guy there. we'll see how it works. If I get the same response rate with this add it will be better, because of maintenance, instead of one time service. I had no success in a targeted direct mailing this year. 2x to the same upper scale neighborhood,(about 450 flyers each time) with 2 responses and one job that paid for one of the mailings only. In fairness though the first one went out when everything was tanking in this market due to economic factors that still havnt gone away. No other form of advertizing worked for me last year, even usually reliable sources, and as each add bombed, I of course put more money chasing the bad money, with no better results. At least with the YP add, you cant buy more space for an entire year.
  5. Walmart/Sams Club

    A little too strict I think. Submit testing samples of the reclaimed water? Seriously.
  6. Walmart/Sams Club

    I think that for the company thats already set up for reclaim, with several trucks, it will be good. Waaay to much for me. the frequency of cleaning is not enough. I have done some sams clubs and quarterly for them will be alright, but for the walmarts, they need to be done monthly or every other month minimum.
  7. PM Letter

    I like the post card Stephen. Its pretty, But its a little busy. Old guys like me will have a hard time reading it. Thanks for the letter Jeff
  8. Load capacity

    I used my 98 GMC Safari for years. The cargo gives you more weight capacity because you reduce the weight of the seats. They run great and will last hundreds of thousands of miles with proper maintenance. They basically are a small truck. in a van body.
  9. I miss cold weather

    but not this much. www.king5.com Video Player
  10. Im Back

    Hey guys and gals. After a long hiatus due to something being screwed up, Im back. Im sure everyone missed me terribly. Beth, I changed my messaging editor interface to Standard from WISW (something or other) and it allowed me back on. Dont know how it got changed in the first place but its fixed. Now I can get my TGS fix. It was hell going through TGS posting withdrawal, but a least I could read everything.
  11. Im Back

    It went back to the WYSIWYG editing today. Just have to go to the user CP settings each visit. Apparently even though Im saving my settings it doesnt like it.
  12. here is a nice deck I just did. The owner is a plastic surgeon who actually built the deck himself-not the arbor. He said he put himself through school doing this. after a couple stains with Cabots oil semi trans, he figured it was not one of his skills and called me.
  13. one I did before Christmas. Cleaned with EFC-38. stained with WTW warm honey gold.
  14. wood tux is a one coat product. You put two coats on and it forms an oily film in spots. Its not like the BGA or Ready seal.
  15. I did staple them down like that. then clipped the edges. I wished I had brought along my helper, but Its hard to train and do at the same time, so I left him back. There were a lot of things he could have done that would have been a big help though, so next time He comes along.
  16. I did enclose the arbor, Couple spots came open while I was spraying so I had to clean some spots off the siding. Took only about 2 hours on the arbor including covering.
  17. New roof washing set up.

    All you need is a tank, a sureflow or delavan pump, some hose and go at it. plenty of ways to set it up. search under roofcleani and youll see a number of ways.
  18. Political thread jump start :)

    Jeff, Im glad you finally see it my way.
  19. Straight color. Gotta love this WTW. goes on so easy.
  20. Im Back

    Your too kind, Jon. I knew there was a reason I loved ya.
  21. Stripped with f-18 and brightened with oxalic. stained with WTW mixed with Woodrich. Climbing on top of the arbor was fun, but not half as much fun as spraying upwards!!
  22. stupid things

    I did a stupid thing today. I backed up to the trailer, lowered it on to the ball, went to do some other things and then drove off. Im driving down the road and put on brakes for a light and heard an awful noise behind me. I look and my trailer is veering off to the right and pushing my truck. I had completely forgotten to latch it, hook up the chains and safety brake cable. How stupid!!! Last time I renewed my insurance, my agent added liability to my trailer in case something like this happened. I was lucky that i was in the right turn lane and the trailer headed for the curb, so if it missed me, it would have hit the curb. but it could have been much worse. I got away with a lightly dented bumper. I know we are relucttant to tell about our own stupidity, but list some of the things that you have done that you consider just plain stupid. Plus, you can get them off your chest with out telling your wife!
  23. US war combat death through time

    what that table doesnt show is the casualties as a percent of population, or the cost as a percent of GDP. The revolutanary war and civil war, compared to vietnam and now were unbelievably costly in terms of the population at that time and the ammount it cost.
  24. US war combat death through time

    AMEN TO THAT John. I think all should serve at least 2 years, but voluntarily, not compulsory. Its a shame that only by compulsory service will that happen. Gen X has it way too easy and no real incentive to serve. Fortunately those that volunteer for the military now, knowing full well where they are going to end up, THEY will be the next generations leaders, not the ones that protest and avoid any kind of service. I believe that if you look at those kids, this country is on the right track for the future.
  25. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Near as I can tell, Bill clinton was a regular guy until he became a politician. GW bush might have been born into a wealthy family, but if you look at his history, he was a pretty regular guy,(for which the media and dems give him grief over.) then he became a politician. RR was a regular guy. Jimmy Carter was a penut farmer. Notice the trend? Politics changes people. Bush was the governor of a Democrat run state. Dem top to bottom. He worked with the Dems and got things done. He has worked extensively with the Dems in the senate while pres. He let Ted Kennedy virtually write the Education Bill. Conservatives like myself think he works with/gives in to the Dems way to much.