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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. I spy

    man I just moved in closer to see what I was missing and BAM
  2. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Funny picture. WHat youll never read is that someone handed them to the pres. who put them up to his face, reallized the gaff and laughed it off. John Kerry fell while skiing and blamed it on a secret service member and tried to have him removed from the detail. Back to the subject of this thread. John Kerry has a history of bashing, and belittling the military. Remember the medals he (in a fit of publicity seeking) threw over the white house fence? turned out they werent even his, even though he said they were at the time. He was an officer. He testified to personally witnessing war crimes by the military. As an officer, didnt he have a duty to stop them, or at least report them? This is the kind of guy the democrats put up as thier heros. Along with Nancy Pelosi who also denigrates the military, Hillary Clinton who made no secret of her loathing of the military while she was in the white house. These are the people you want? go ahead and vote Democrat. Ill vote for the person, regardless of the party, but it just so happens the people I agree with are republican.
  3. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    I did and until half way through (7years) I leaned Democrat. Hell, in High school, I heckled Gerald Ford at a rally, (young and stupid then,) Then I realized what Jimmy Carter had done to the military and the difference RR had made in the readiness of the military and started leaning republican. I was a news junkie until I realized the absolut leftward spin the press put on everything. This was long before Limbaugh, Fox news and most talk radio. These guys came up because people like me were dying to hear about the world from another perspective. For those of you who ***** and moan about talk radio and Fox, The Left had a 30 year monolopy of how the country heard the news, and it leaned left, far left, and no one was out there to say otherwize. I thought extremely low of Bill CLinton, but I did not hate him as you guys hate Bush. He was my president even though I voted against him 2x. I never heard the hatred against Clinton, even when talk radio got going, as the hatred I hear spewed against Bush. I do not blindly agree with Bush or the Republicans for that matter. What I do beleive is that on Iraq and the war on terror in general, Bush is absolutely right and I will continue to support him and staying there until the job is done. By the way, the "war" in Kosovo was officially 'won' in 1999. as of September, 2006 there were 16181 Nato troops (US included) still in Kosovo. and there was never anyone who said Milosovik had WMD.
  4. Lost without TGS

    whats up hillary loving dem voting yankee? Im having that same problem with mine. shoots a flame 4ft high, when first started, and smokes alot under the burner. I need to take it in. the guys at ameriteck in tampa said the come from the factory wired wrong and keep feeding fuel when heat is off. Vote republican or we'll all have to listen to Nancy Pelosi even more than we do now.
  5. Lost without TGS

    thought it funny you hadnt posted in a while. Congrats on the new digs. Election is tuesday. ready to joust again?
  6. and the after. this was some thirsty wood. I did the benches too. they had to be sanded Well i cant upload the after pics because they are already here http://forums.thegrimescene.com/showthread.php?t=5664
  7. ill add mine. dock stripped with hd80, gazebo stripped with efc 38. neutralized with oxalic and stained with WTW, redwood tint.
  8. The Wall in Texas--Political topic(Pictures)

    i was just reading an interesting article about Bob Delany, the NJ highway cop who went undercover in the 70s and put away a couple hundred mafia. I gotta say, yous cops are pretty cool.
  9. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    anyone watch 'THe Unit?' Last one had one of the wifes confronting some peacenicks with the facts about soldiers. why they volunteer even when they know the risks and where they will serve. It was really right on time, being right after the Head Democrat Morons comments. They ending was a riot. if you saw it youll know what I mean. This is what youll get more of if you vote Dem, along with Nancy Pelosi. you really want those people in charge?
  10. Stripping IPE wood

    "and if the customer thinks a contractor is hell-bent on screwing him over - then he ain't your cutomer! Let him live with his stupidity. And who the hell would spend all that crazy money on Ipe - just to coat it with latex house paint?!?!? That's just ridiculous - and is a big warning sign that this guy is a big idiot who will give you problems." amen to that. What a fool. Spent 20k on a deck, (probably more) and went to HD and said 'what can I do to protect this'? "duhhhh, this paint might work. why dont you try it and see. duhhhh. probably didnt even ask the deck contractor
  11. There is Superstitiousness....

    I deliberatly walk under ladders, Owned a black cat once, love to do things on friday the 13th. And yes Im serious. I do walk under ladders on purpose just to prove the superstions false. My wife refuses to say bless you when someone sneezes because it came from the superstition that your soul left you when you sneezed. I cant convince her that its just simple politeness nowadays.
  12. if the standard injector gets 10% and the double gulps do 68% more, thats only 16.8 % draw. Whay not get a 20% draw injector and be done with it.
  13. Not only a fantastic deck, a fantastic video to boot. It would have taken me as long on the video as on the deck itself.
  14. Taking on a Partner

    I approached a good friend of mine that was starting to get into the business about a partnership. He had a successful business up north before nasty divorce ruined it, so I figured he could make up for some of my deficiences. He handed me a set of tapes from Christian Financial concepts. The tapes gave many examples about partnerships and all ended badly. Needless to say, I knew where my friend stood. It would be better to get an investor or two instead of a partner.
  15. Insurance Headaches

    I have never had a problem with Joe W. Just got notice that the carrier, Liberty Mutual, was canceling all policies and another company is picking them up.
  16. 500' dock

    Call Bill Gradisher at Flood. 800-356-6346 x2215 Just met him recently and hell give some good advice. also call russell at ESI,(wood tux) youll find his number on this board with a search.
  17. Thee Grime Scene...for Southeners...

    Try it with Jive.
  18. People are actually starting to do wood care here in florida. Will wonders never cease. of course most of the owners are yankees. I guess they under stand the value of it. just doing the ground and 2nd floor, 3rd floor on request for a large Pita charge.
  19. Yeah, unfortunatly i hadnt done enough to experience that reality at that point. Still made money, just not enough and I hate using solids on wood. its 100 feet off the gulf of mexico. It was absolutely brutal doing this job. even with the ocean breeze, by 2 I could barely move. here are some pix. http://forums.thegrimescene.com/showthread.php?t=4574
  20. I did some condo decks last summer. did a test spot on similar product, acrylic, dk what brand. came up fine. but when I did the job, about 1/3 of the decks had an undercoat that wouldnt budge. I used F-18 Full strength and it wouldnt touch it. Ending up having to sand it to allow adheasion only and usied a solid stain to finish. Now that I know more, I would have sold a solid anyway or priced it to sand the whole deck. I dk if sanding would have made any difference though due to severe weathering, cracking, splintering etc. About 5k sf total deck space. always do a test spot but some times it still doesnt help.
  21. water broom

    whats a ridge hook?
  22. Almost walked away

    I always ask where they got my number. I know right then if theyll have a coupon or not. I dont bring down the price, but Im willing to give something extra. like cleaning the drive if its small, blowing out the gutters unless there packed full. Something that doesnt take much time and give the customer added value.
  23. Almost walked away

    so did she give you the job? I think when they ask for those items, they are seriously considering using you, and some people will always try to bargain you down. If you just give them something nominal, even if its very small, they feel they won and will give the go ahead.
  24. Customers, just gotta vent.

    Unfortunately, there is such bad customer service in so many places, that customers-even the usually polite ones-feel they need to go right to the aggressive posture. Look at the recent problems with AOL. no matter how hard you tried, you couldnt cancel your service. People are so fed up with that kind of thing they dont have any patience anymore even when the store is trying to make things right.