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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. 2 party system

    You guys are way too pessimistic! I view my future as very bright. I view my kids future as very bright. My kids will go to college if they want to. your grandparents had to save cash to buy a house. no mortgage. your parents did not have easy access to college. there are more opportunities today than ever before for a person to make the american dream for himself. by the way Jeff. Life isnt good, God is good, and He gives us free will to make life as we want it. You said you lost a $30/hr job and had to get one for min wage. Was life good then? God was. now that you are successfull in your own right, life is good. Has God changed? No. You still have your free will to succeed or fail. And sometimes He allows us to fail to see how we handle it. He also allows us to be wildly successfull to see also how we handle it. this pessimism will only eat at you. The glass is half full!!! I Praise God for the system we have in this country and look forward to a marvelous future.
  2. check your email ill pm you also
  3. Ideal Flatwork Set Up

    Jeff, take a pic of that exhaust. I need to do that and just need to visualize it. as it is right now, the exhaust points to the water tank, and even with a board in front of it, the water when drained is almost hot. Dont want to melt the tank. By the way, Love my 8gpm Pressure pro skid. have only used it couple times since I bought it, but man does it kick ass!!
  4. Ive used an airless several times with wood tux. just set it on the lowest psi setting. just dont do it if its windy.
  5. 2 party system

    According to the dept of labor, 18 states have a higher min wage than the fed rate. Why should the feds be dictating anything. Its a lot easier to get your state to do anything than the fed govmnt. If you guys feel so strongly about it petetion your state to raise its rate. As for the higher rate jobs being subject to screening, thats the case most everywhere. Why should I pay more for someone unless he fits my needs. The diff in 9 and min wage is $8000/year. With employee turnover as high as it is, employers have every right to be more discriminating in thier hires. if I can get someone with a few more skills, who doesnt jump jobs, has a clean driving record, who doesnt come to work high, Ill pay more. "I'm tired of the whole "I got mine, you get yours," mentality. Doesnt anyone even have a heart anymore?" I dont have mine, Im still working for it. I work alone, when I bring in some one wether day or temp labor, I always give them more than the paycheck, I always try to make it at least 10/hr. sometimes, much more depending on how they did. Start at home. you pay your guys a living wage if thats your belief, and convince other businesess to do the same. Keep gov. out of my pocket. I will do whats right regardless of what someone tells me. by the way, how do you tip. did you know min wage for wait staff is typically $2-3/hr? Do you only give 15%. If you do, for shame. and shut up about federal min wage.
  6. 2 party system

    The only people in this county that make min wage are the day laborers. Ive used many and with one exeption, they are there becaused they just moved here or because they made stupid decisions in thier lives, (drugs,alcohol.) even McDs pays $7.50 to start out here. Supply and demand rules the market and there is a shortage of labor here. But at 7.50 per hour,($1 more than state min and $2 more than Fed min.) they cant possibly afford a house in this market and probably will not be able to afford a decent apartment either. So should an employer pay a wage that would allow them to affore a home here? At $15/hour they would make 31200 per year. That would get them into a $78000 house if you use the 2.5 times income ratio that used to be the standard. There isnt a house in this county that they could get for that price. the avg price is $229000!!! So should they be paid $20 or $30/hr? Even professional positions in this county barely pay that. Should the govt step in and subsidize them? thats your money by way of more taxes. Whats fair? they cant live off $7.50/hour so where does the min wage come in at fair. This is an endless argument and will never end Historically people that work for min wage are teenagers or part timers. Those with job experience make more and continue to make more as thier experience grows. But if the job market cools, the businesses that are low margin businesses will not hire if the min wage is increased with out an increase in prices, which causes inflation to rise, which causes borrowing rates to increase, which leads to a recession where those that make min wage are laid off first.
  7. 2 party system

    amen to that bro. I get totally frustrated and my blood pressure starts to rise and if you were here Id punch you. not a good idea since you are much bigger than me. LOL I think this is fun and is an outlet that we have, espessially if your wife is like mine and totally uninterested,(ignorant?) Although sometimes she goads me on just to see me start to boil. Most of the guys I hang out with agree with me so I just cant get any good arguments going, and have no other outlet for my right wing rants. you keep up your rants, However uneducated they me be and Ill dazzle you with my immense knowledge and absolutely unempeachable opinions. Please note the above is 100% toungue in cheek and dont go off on me anyone.
  8. 2 party system

    Republicans take responsibility for their failures. They may do stupid or illegal things, but they resign their positions when they are caught. When democrats get caught, they rally aroung each other and get reelected. Congressman Reynolds, caught in a sting with $90000 in bribe money in his freezer- still in congress; Barney Frank-friend runs male prostitution ring in his basement, has parking tickets fixed so they dont have questions asked-still in congress; Jerry Sudds- Has *** with a page- not just emails- runs again and wins another seat in congress; John Murtha-escapes being charged with accepting bribes in the abscam deal by a technicallity-still in congress. by they way, all Democrats. Mark foley-resigns, duke Cunningham-resigns. No one in the republican party stands up for these guys but resoundly condemned them for thier actions. As this thing hashes out, there were newspapers and other media that had this story many months ago. There was nothing too it for them to publish until now. Remember the October surprise Clinton pulled on Bush 41? Here we go again. There is much more that can be said about the Dems and the way they treat thier fellons compared to Republicans. But not now. By the way Jeff I said "their good and bad people in each party."
  9. using DBAs

    ive been thinking of adding a DBA for different services, so my advertizing is more targeted. The corp name of Chapman Property Services, LLC. doesnt do it for me anymore. I have Roof Cleaning, Pressure washing, window cleaning, deck refinishing, paver and pool deck sealing all under this heading and when Im targeting say pavers, Id like a name to reflect that. Who uses dba's and how do you feel about them.? Do you stick with one kind of advertizing or target different areas with different dba's?
  10. 2 party system

    You are absolutely right on this, on both counts. Dems would have done the same and that is what is wrong with politics. People are sinners. Some may be saved by the grace of God, but the sin nature is still there. If paryt leaders knew, then damn them and kick them out of office for thier moral failures. But dont tell me that republicans were only being political when they tried to impeach Clinton for a crime (lying under oath was the crime not the *** part,) and then tell me that its ok for the dems to keep Ted Kennedy (at best a philandering lout, at worst a murderer,) because they only do it for the good of the country. Their are damn good democrats who are against abortion and cant get the party to even here them, Remember Bob Casey? Conservatism is about letting the economy work, allowing people to make thier own way in the economy and getting government out of the way so everyone can have the American dream. the poor have just as much chance of making it in this country as the harvard grad. that is what compassionate conservitasm is about. The republican party champions that along with moral issues that allow families to thrive. A solid family environment gives men the stability to work hard and make a good living. So some people have moral failings. I wish I could say I dont. And I bet no one on the other side of this can say they dont. The democratic party is for more taxes, letting government decide whats good for us. giving the poor handouts with our tax money, because I dont deserve to be rich; and personal freedom- even if it means the degradation of the family and murdering unborn babies. that is the basis of each parties philsophies. thier are good and bad people in both parties, just like thier are good and bad people in business. the 2 party system gives a platform for people to decide which philosophy they like best and vote that way. Hell you can vote libertarian, communist, constitutionalist, socialist, or other if you want. but what we have now works. when it doesnt, our system allows us to change it.
  11. 2 party system

    heres an interesting study I found, from right after the last pres elections. (Emphasis is mine) New Study Reveals Link Between Voting Patterns and States' Economic Policies WASHINGTON, D.C. –The sweeping Republican victories in the recent presidential election had many analysts concluding that moral issues explained voting patterns. But perhaps a better explanation is that the red states adhere to a different economic philosophy, one rooted in free enterprise and consumer choice. A new study by the Pacific Research Institute, the U.S. Economic Freedom Index: 2004 Report, provides a ranking of economic freedom in the 50 states. Published in association with Forbes, the Index ranks states based on more than 100 variables, including regulatory and fiscal obstacles imposed on residents. Some might find the Index rankings surprising. States such as New York, California, and Pennsylvania rank low in terms of economic freedom. States such as Kansas, Idaho, Colorado, and Utah rank high. The Index also reveals that restrictions on economic freedom cost working Americans tens of thousands of dollars over their lifetime. PRI will release the Index at two panel events in Washington, DC. OK, Im done for a while.
  12. 2 party system

    as for republicans favoring the wealthy, how do you explain these people, Bill Gates-Dem Warren Buffett- Dem Peter lewis (CEO Progressive ins.)-dem George Soros- whacco liberal dem Hell even the pres. of fox news, Rupert murdoch, gives to democratic causes. As for Congress? Heres the top twelve. notice how ten of them are dems. Senate millionairesJohn Kerry, D-Massachusetts: $163,626,399 Herb Kohl, D-Wisconsin: $111,015,016 John Rockefeller, D -West Virginia: $81,648,018 Jon Corzine, D-New Jersey: $71,035,025 Dianne Feinstein, D-California: $26,377,109 Peter Fitzgerald, R-Illinois: $26,132,013 Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey $17,789,018 Bill Frist, R-Tennessee: $15,108,042 John Edwards, D-North Carolina: $12,844,029 Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts: $9,905,009 Jeff Bingaman, D-New Mexico: $7,981,015 Bob Graham, D-Florida: $7,691,052 So when Bush gave tax cuts to the wealthy, was he giving it to these people. Oh yeah, most of them voted for the cuts. then they accused bush of cutting taxes only for the wealthy.
  13. using DBAs

    my decision isnt based on what you shlubs (affectionate term,) say. but for the most part I value the opinions I get here. Isnt that why we come here. Its just one part in the decision making process.
  14. 2 party system

    "What's sad is the republicans are seeing what it takes to get votes from our increasingly apathetic society so they are pandering to it. They won't build fences on the border because they want the hispanic vote just like the democrats. I couldn't care less about the homosexual or abortion issue...my focus is on economics and freedom." thats the main thing that ticks me off right now, the republicans are pandering. Thats one of the reasons they wont take serious mesures to stop illegal immigration. They want those hispanic votes. As for the homosexual and abortion issue, those are basic morality issues that define the base of the republican party. Back in the 50s and prior they defined the democrat party. The dems used to be for almost the same the republicans are for now-free trade, low taxes, etc... funny how they switched over time. I am absolutely against killing an unborn child for any reason, and dont tell me that republicans dont care what happens after the child is born. they give heavily to adoption agencies, crisis pregnancy centers, and even to charities that help single women. I dont care what homosexuals do, my next door neigbors are gay and some of the nicest guys in the world. puts me to shame that they are driving off to church today and Im skipping! But the activist in their community and in the Dem party want to teach my kids that its morally ok and encourage them to explore their sexuality even at a young age, whether hetero or homo. I want to controll what is taught to my kids. Recent study came out, and Ill try to look it up later for those that wantt o check it out them selves. Married people vote overwhelmingly republican, single people people vote overwhelmingly Dem. (Of course their are exeptions) Is that because married people want to keep security, morals and low taxes a priority in their life? Is it that singles believe thier personal freedom is the most important thing to them. Look at the platforms, that is what the parties stand for. Lastly, I dont want A bunch of uninformed people voting, If only 50% of the country bothers to know what the issues are, then only 50% of the people should vote. I was real fortunate that I wasnt yet old enough to vote in 1976, because if I was, I would have voted for Carter! I wasnt informed enough to know better.
  15. 2 party system

    Those poor terrorists, they might catch a cold in a chilly room. NO more Torture, No more Torture.! Democrates for a better world. With Saddam Hussein in charge of Iraq. Doesnt every one know that the Iraqis liked the Rape Rooms?
  16. using DBAs

    I want to push Deck sealing, mostly pavers and pool decks, but would also like to get more wood refinishing. Im thinking along the lines of "Pinellas Deck Pros" or "Deck seal pros" the whole advertizing thing makes my head spin. Should you do as RC says and convey in your advertizing what you do, or should you rely on name of business to convey that. you only have so many words to use in any add. air conditioning companies have "air" or "mecanical" in their names. painters obviously use 'Paint" somewhere in their name. When you see the adds they dont need to spend time telling you what they do. other companies, you have no idea by looking at their names what it is they do. Im just trying to hash it out in my head and get some ideas.
  17. 2 party system

    Ahmedinejad and the Democrat party. Partners in world peace!
  18. 2 party system

    Bash Bush, Coddle Terrorists-Vote Democrat in 2006
  19. loyalty

    the larger the contractor, and the larger the contract will dictate how fast they pay. some contracts require submitted invoices by a certain date, say sept 20, for all work done up to that time and checks are issued on the 15th of next month. just an example but there is 3 weeks their and if your contractor submits late, it will be another month before they get the check to pay you. even though you dont have a contract, they may and are bound by it. its a tough position, but if say if its been more than 6 weeks, go for the customer!
  20. stupid things

    thats too funny.
  21. stupid things

    Started on a roof by spraying the side with the ladder figuring it would dry by time I made it around. Wasnt close, and was the slipperiest one Id been on yet. Sliding down a chlorine covered roof on my butt and hands doesnt feel good to say the least. Another time the ladder gets pulled over when I pull my hose across the roof. Fortunately, across the street were some roofers that were happy to put the ladder back up for me.
  22. I need to pull and clean my coils. I have the plumbing off but cant get the coils out of the housing. Any tips? I cant beleive how much crap is in there. no wonder it smokes.
  23. coil removal

    What happens?? Im one that will mix it just to find out unless you tell me.
  24. coil removal

    There have been some problems with the Pressure Pro line of skids also. The local dealer rewires them because the diesel feeds even when the burner switch is off. I just bought a used one with only 10 or so hours on it. The burned nicely when I tested it, but first time I turned the hot water on, diesel poured out the bottom of the burner housing! Im talking several ounces. Could have been from the moving process, but it could be another problem. This time I got such a good deal, I figured I could afford some repair work. and was fully aware of the lack of warranty. 'let the buyer beware.' I was. This time.
  25. coil removal

    Ok, Since its been broached, I can speak freely. Didnt want to get accused of slandering anyone. It was a piece of crap. Had it in the shop numerous times. To his credit, Steve Rowlett did take care of me at the beginning, sending me several things at his expense, (unloader, pressure switch,) And I dont blame him at all for the problems. As Gary said, He didnt design the machine and was left holding the bag. Im sure his reputation was damaged from selling this line of product. It does now work very well, with the exception of the unburned diesel on the coils. Poor design. Ive said this before, but the things that go bad on these machines are the items that are not covered under warranty. The engines are great, the burners, pumps etc, are great. but the design of the machines can be faulty, and when the design causes failures, the things that fail arent warrantied. Its a shame, but true. Every time you buy a machine you better know what the dealer is and isnt going to do to help with the non warrantied items, and if you buy from a dealer some distance from your home, be preparred to go it alone. I bought based on price. I paid for that. I have never blamed Steve, and have defended him to every one who faulted him for the problems I had.