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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. coil removal

    Every one knows Florida is home to all the scam artists in the country, dont you Mel? At least we have a growing economy, adding jobs where everyone has a right to work, free from the corrupt influence of unions. Dont think PA can say that.
  2. coil removal

    Gary, Didnt you buy an APW from Steve too? I know several people who have their machines and they work great.Im sure every manufacturer has there bad production days. From talking to a former employee, they just had bad business practices. Their engineers work for someone else now and may be building the next skid you buy. I took Bob W's advice and just cleaned what I could reach with a wire brush, shop vac and poured a generous dose of Red Devil into it and ran it.
  3. coil removal

    APW. Went out of business soon after I bought it.
  4. coil removal

    its a horizontal burner. After talking to Bob Williamson, i just said the hell with it. This thing is definately not put together right and Im afraid Ill make it worse
  5. dealing with child injury

    I stuck my hand in an old hand crank coffee grinder while my friend started cranking. Still dont know why I can use my hand. My boy went over handlebars on bike when he was 5. Like Scott, had to put my full weight on him while they stiched up his lip. If they hadnt covered his face he probably wouldnt have fought so much. Glad hes oK Jeff. Kids heal quickly, thank God.
  6. Home Remedys

    Head on! Apply directly to the forhead! Head On! Apply directly to the forhead!
  7. # of Fayettville Ga Pressure Washers

    In pinellas county, the most densly populated county in florida, there are about 125 sfr's. all with in 20 miles. there are more than 150 listings in the YP (than # changes regularly as its the section with the highest turnover in the yp) that does not include those in the Yellow book, those that dont run an add there-like me- and part timers. If it wasnt for my commercial clients, id be starving now, but when residential business comes, its good, and it seems that it all comes at once. Time in business is a big factor in repeat customers, along with referrals. A good buddy here said that the month he began his 3rd year, he took off. My third year started just before the slow down, so im hopefull it will take off when people start spending again. Phillip, I know you do mostly resi work, but you really need to get some comercial work. some of those jobs will be huge and really allow you to keep money coming in. Dont worry about competition,slow times will get rid of a good number of those. If your not getting calls, neither are they. Just from the little I know about you, Im pretty sure your work stands out and will get repeat and referral customers. you just have to find a way through the slow periods.
  8. Home Remedys

    try the 'theraflu cold' Its the nastiest tasting stuff on the planet, but my wife says it actually gives her some relief. When she gets colds she gets hit real hard! so I tend to beleive her when she finds something that works for her.
  9. Hot Box 12volt Vs 115 Volt

    your generator should work fine running the hot box. I did that until I bought a skid. if you go with 12 volt you just need to make sure you keep the battery charged and an extra battery on hand.
  10. what gives

    After painting 1 bathroom 3 times cause she didnt like each color that she picked, I make her do all the painting now. Ill do the cut in and help a little, but she does most of the work. Now she doesnt change colors so often.
  11. Finally NFL Football Season!

    Bucs got smashed! 1st ever shutout in new stadium. As usual offense looked like crap. Good to see carolina get beat though. The Bucs have Falcons number, but Carolina has ours bigtime.
  12. new tank, new problem. what is the best way to attach a float valve to a round tank? If i got a hudson valve will it fit in the opening? its a 125 gal tank, with a 5" (?) opening at top. Pics are nice if you have them.
  13. 3/8th vs. 1/2

    I just got an 8gpm skid. there are times Ive had to pull 400 ft of hose around. I may get some pressure drop but Ill be darned if im going to pull that much extra weight around with using the half inch. ive never been able to get draw from my chem injector with more than 100 ft of hose with my old 5.6gpm skid. now that Ive got the bigger unit, maybe the same 3-5gpm injector will draw with longer hose lengths.
  14. I have one of those toilet type float valves. but the curve of the tank is too narrow to fit the arm if I mount it on the side of the lip. On the long end, the lip is too narrow. I can mount it on the end but I was trying to avoid holes in the side of the tank. Alan, I like that set up. isnt the Hudson a verticle mount for the top of the tank?
  15. Paver Cleaning and Sealing

    I like in the video how they say that their high tec equipment completely removes the old sealer. Ive cleaned many paver surfaces and MY high tec equipment doesnt even come close to removing the old sealer! If you look at the spec sheets on v-seal, it will abrade off the surface and does not completely stop surface abraision. but it can be reaplied easily when that happens. The main difference is that it penetrates deeper than any other sealer.
  16. 9/11 - who done it!

    Whe word 'stupididity' comes to mind. These people that are 'in the know' have their own agenda and they are good at getting publicity. they more publicity they get the more people beleive them. These are the same people that say the moon landings were faked. these are the same people that believe the CIA invented AIDS to get rid of black people. there were many intelligence failures in both the Clinton and Bush administrations, but to say any one person, much less many people conciously let 3000 americans die, and the economy get slammed on purpose defies common sense.
  17. Soap Formulas

    Oh yeah. call mel (PW Kid) hes got a mix for concrete cleaner that he might share. gets raw powders from Ft Lauderdale company.
  18. Soap Formulas

    as long as the items your mixing are compatible, no boom. like delamolene and sod. hydroxide. or sod hydroxide and sod metasiliacat. there compatable so you just have to find the correct mix. I asked an experienced contractor what he mixed for rust one time. He told me sod. hypochlorite and muratic acid! Now I knew that was just the most ridiculous thing Id ever heard. but I figured since hes not a local competitor, and we were at a roundtable, he had no reason to snooker me. so I took an open bucket, middle of driveway and pored the mix. glad I didnt do it in the garage!!! Anyway. kens right. thats how come there are 1,785,852 chemical companies out there. after you find your mix you can become the latest one to sell chems.
  19. extension pole

    my ettore pole is as hard to use as any other. very light but the twist lock tightens up so much that you need pipe grips to loosen it.
  20. Soap Formulas

    the problem your going to find is that no company wants to open themselves up to the liability of you mixing it yourself. thats why the Chemistry Store will sell you the raw product, but no directions on how to mix or use it. your only option is to but the raw powders and figure it out yourself.
  21. Paver Cleaning and Sealing

    $50/500sf? it took me 5 hours to sand a 1350sf patio yesterday and I was working pretty fast. you got a better way PP. cause I need it. talk about sore muscles! for sanding. I typically charge 20-25 cents per sf on top of clean and seal price. I also add a polymeric additive to the sand that when you wet it down will cement the sand in place and minimizes weed growth and mildew buildup. that helps greatly on the sale. Now, I will admit Im not going to land every job at that price, but Im competetive locally at 65-75 cents/sf total and I take home a nice check on each job.
  22. Who is John Galt?

    a fair tax as I read it would boost the economy imensely after an adjustment period. the politicos do care about that. they care about more money coming in to dole out. With the fair tax, everyone, illegals and otherwise would pay tax. no more cheating the system.
  23. Paver Cleaning and Sealing

    your going to blast most of the sand out when cleaning. Use your pool shock to rid any mildew growth, degreaser for tire tracks, oil etc, give it 24 hours to dry. seal with Zylene sealer. let dry 2-3 hours then broom in sand. with the heat and sun, the surface will dry well enough in 24 hours to apply the sealer. problem with vseal is that it does nothing for the look of the pavers. zylene sealers willl enhance color and make them just a little shiny. 2 coats even better. usually 55-75 cents per sf depending on weather your resanding, but since its a 2 trip job, price accordingly
  24. Picking up a used skid unit tomorrow and I have a question. is the eyelet on top of the burner used for lifting unit? It looks like thats what its there for but Ive been afraid Ill damage it without strapping up the frame to the lift. it would be much easier to hook it to the eyelet if its ok.
  25. guese I didnt say I was already doin that. the PP skids are pretty high so it was a pain, but still worked well. they have eyelets welded to frame on top. tow strap through the eylets, around bottom of frame then through the other eyelet.