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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. I did the same thing once when i had a 4x8 trailer. slots work great if you have access to a pallet jack or forklift. anyone has access to engine hoist at a local rental place. may not be an easy move but it works.
  2. Vlad posted an ad he saw for one for sale in Ft Meyers. I called the guy withing 15minutes of seeing it and sealed the deal. Theres guys waiting if I dont show up. 8gpm pressure pro skid, 350gal tank, hose reel with 250ft of hose. 10hours on all for $3500. If I could have rented the engine hoist on saturday evening, I would have been there sunday, but hes holding it till tuesday. Everyone Ive talked to says the PP skids are good so I figured at that price, i cant loose even if there a few problems. Ive had nothing but problems with the APW skid I got. Itll be for sale once I clean it up and clean the coils. Ive replaced just about every minor part on it. Its finally running good, but i wanted bigger. just didnt want to shell out 6 grand.
  3. thanks, Im glad I checked. Like the new avatar, Don.
  4. My New Truck!!

    My wife says theyre tacky! can you beleive women? What goes on in those brains?
  5. now your making this personal. dont make me drive up there
  6. 911: "Its not a criminal act, we cant help you." Lady: "your here to protect me." Its all George Bushes Fault. He cut the Police budget for califorinia and now 911 cant help inocent people get the right burger!
  7. Not Thinking

    A small tank shouldnt be a problem. doing paint prep your not running constant flow like you are for a surface cleaner, and every time you stop, the tank will be filling up. you could also run 2 hoses into the tank with a Y fitting, or even into the PW itself.
  8. Getting Shot Down!

    Gees Larry, Get a haircut and that awful hawiian shirt and youll sell more. Just kidding. Another thing to take into consideration is that they do have the money but are not ready to spend it yet. or that the price was higher than they budgeted for and need to work out the extra . Im amazed how many calls I get that say, 'remember the estimate you gave me 4 months ago'? 'we'd like to do it now, when can you schedule'? I knew my pitch was good, my professionalism was there, my enthusiam showed. But when they ignore my follow up call, I figure I was undercut, so I move on and dont loose sleep over it. By the time they call sometimes I cant remember the details at all. When I was in sales, some of my best accounts were the ones I had to force myself to go into, because I profiled them from outward appearances. I learned just to do the estimate and sell the job, you never know who will buy.
  9. This summer is slow...

    I agree with licencing. Certification, and the works. Its why I joined the PWNA. need to have standards. That still wont eliminate those who do unlicenced work. But some people will only hire licenced painters, even though the unlicenced guy has just as much experience.
  10. chemical drum pumps

    use a cheap sure flow, rinse afterward.
  11. News Flash!

    Thats hilarious. Heres one thats just plain stupid Cook County prosecutors say a 29-year-old man traveling with his mother desperately didn't want her to know he'd packed a sexual aid for their trip to Turkey. So he told security it was a bomb, officials said. Madin Azad Amin was stopped by officials on Aug. 16 after guards found an object in his baggage that resembled a grenade, prosecutors said. When officers asked him to identify it, Amin said it was a bomb, said Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto. He later told officials he'd lied about the item because his mother was nearby and he didn't want her to hear that it was part of a p***s pump, Scaduto said. He's been charged with felony disorderly conduct, said Andrew Conklin, a spokesman with the Cook County state's attorney's office. Amin faces up to three years in prison if convicted.
  12. This summer is slow...

    Back on topic, you can tell how slow every one is based on the number of new posts in the last 24 hours. and the time of day their posted. This post is case in point.
  13. Man that's steep!!!! Boomlift?

    Ditto Howard. The higher gpm sureflow will shoot pretty far, you can also use a high orifice 0 tip. or even a 1/16 barb fitting. another option is the roller pump, but youll have to buy an engine to go with it. With mine I could shoot 30-40 feet from the ground. or get on the ladder and do a good portion before moving the ladder. I dont like walking steep roofs like that. the fall equipment gets in the way, and if your using chlorine itll eat the ropes.
  14. Suggestions on which HOT PW to purchase

    Thats the best deal Ive heard of. Wish I was close. my local dealer is very reasonable on price for repairs. only he's 40 miles away. what I found is that the things that go bad arent covered under warranty anyway. The good relationship is very necessary. but you have to learn to make repairs yourself. He showed me how to tell what part is going bad when burner stops, the rest you get from experience. What ever skid you get, make sure the unloader you get will work with a tank if you have one, and have a flow switch installed instead of a pressure switch.
  15. Weird sponsor?

    Do horses Pork?
  16. Gum anyone?

    call the Gumbuster.
  17. Gum Blaster

    how would you get the gum in the corners or by the wall. Dont waste your money
  18. 3" Spider

    When I was little I lived in Ethiopia. Our mission had a little beach on a lake that we camped at regularly. One day we were walking through the woods and ran across a web that spanned the trail. web had to be 150-200sf!! anyway i grabbed a couple strands of web. couldnt beleive how strong it was Couldnt break it even thought it wasnt more than 10 strands. Anyway, when we got aroung to looking for the spider, we backed up real quick! I swear it was 6-8 inches across including legs. looked like something youd see in the horror movies. needless to say, we were more carefull to look ahead and up other than watch the path in front of our feet. I still have a fear of spiders, (there were more instances than that with spiders,) but at least I can now get close enough to squash them.
  19. Am I that overpriced?

    periodically i'll go by a home I bid on to see if it was done, as long as i'm in the neighborhood. Im actually surprised to see that a good portion just didnt have the work done. Ive also had calls 6 months after the estimate was given. Cust finally decided to have it done. Just be glad were not painters. theyre happy at making $25/hr locally because there are more of them than there are PWers. And that doesnt include the immigrants and unlicenced ones.

    I think a lot of the spending decrease is due th higher prices all the way around. Not only gas prices, but in florida the skyrocketing insurance rates, along with other factors. Last year my phone rang regularly, this year its not. AC contractors are not as busy as last year, but the granite countertop company is swamped! Go figure. My belief is this. lets say you have an income of 50K/yr. last years expensed were 45k, this year they jumped to 47k. people will see that as a huge jump, even though its not a big percentage. so they hold off on some things they would normally do or would want to do. After a time the shock of that jump wears off and they realize they still make more than their spending. Their income is still there and even just a 4% raise pushes them up to that $5000 cushion again. I beleive the calls will begin again soon, if the above theory makes any sense. (thay damn well better.)
  21. How long till the US gets into the fray....

    Can you imagine what the press and dems would say if Bush came out and said "were sending troops to Guarantee Isreals security"? "Bush is the antichrist!" would be the new democratic party mantra

    I had such poor response to my advertizing the last couple of months,(none, zero, zip and nada) that I just pulled all of it. Ive had 1 residential job in 2 months. In fact it seams the only calls I get are from advertizers! I figure Ill start advertizing again in september. Maybe by then people will be ready to spend money again. Thank God for my normal summertime commercial business!!!
  23. Honest debate Iraq

    thank you Kevin W for your sons service. Be proud. Pray a lot.
  24. Honest debate Iraq

    " It would be political suicide to start a draft, but thats whats needed, we are already showing weakness to the enemy and it started with poor planning. " Poor planning? Give me a break. How do you plan that the populous of a country that you just defeated their army, (the 5th largest standing army in the world if i remember,) the army that was mostly draftees, that had one religious sect, that kept the other religous sect under their thumb, that could arrest you, rape you, feed you into a wood chipper, while they made your family watch, (or you watch while they did that to your wife and doughter,) decides that it would rather kill their neighbors than make a stable society? Now Im done
  25. Honest debate Iraq

    I spent 7 years in peace time army, You know how much we hated moving back and forth into different training situations. all we wanted to do was go somewhere and kick some butt. So we go to war and the troops complain. troops complain about everything, its tradition. gripe, gripe, gripe. but when it comes time to reinlist, they are doing so in record numbers. As for the draft-interesting statistic I heard from the history channell the other day - Only 25% of all troops that served in Veitnam were draftees. Have you ever heard that the army then was mostly enlisted? never But the reason we lost that war is that the politicians wouldnt let the army win, and the media whipped up the sentiment against it. Sound familiar? the only difference now is that the troops are kicking a**. the media cant call them draftees, so they label the professional, volunteer soldiers as dropouts that cant get jobs in this terrible Bush economy. They ignore the positives that happen every day in Iraq, because they dont want to get off their lazy butts and go out to the field to see the good that this country has done, with the use of their best and brightest. the Libs in congress like Murtha slander them, the media call them dunces. But they still go, because they see the need to help an oppressed people. even when some of those people dont want them and attack them. But they still do their jobs and ask for another tour. Sorry for the rant, but Im done now.