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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Kool deck ????

    If you use oxalic on the rust stains, use it over ALL the deck. I had these funny spots that didnt restain from the leaves like the rest of the deck. I finally remembered that each spot was where some rust was and got hit with oxalic. I dont know why but it kind of acted like a sealer or it just acted residually. I need to seal mine. with in a day the tannin stains are back. Giant oak tree of neighbors hangs over it.
  2. Kool deck ????

    Ive got cool deck around my pool. It is textured conctete sprayed over the existing concrete. I have cleaned it several times with no ill effects. if it is applied right the surface cleaner will not harm it. It does tend to crack heavily, so watch out when you rinse that the pressure doesnt get under the coating and cause it to lift. any tannin stains are very hard to get rid of and will need a higher concentration of chlorine on if it is stained badly. oxalic on any rust stains.
  3. Oh noo..another repair!!!

    I feel your pain brother. I bought an APW skid just before they went out of business. I seem to be running to the repair shop every 2-3 months for one thing or another. Very agrivating to say the least, and quite costly. At least the shop does me right on labor.
  4. Cujos accident

    just read about Cujo and Pams accident in the Cleaner Times email. Prayers to Cujo for speedy recovery.
  5. My new rig!

    Wesley, Nice looking setup. Check that exhaust venting though. I did that with mine, and it caused a lot of backpressure, screwed up the ignitors and other problems. The advice I got after that was to not have the vent right up against the heater, but up a couple inches so it can also draw fresh air.
  6. Cujos accident

    Thank you phillip. Keep both of them in your thoughts. Pam and Cujo have been a source of help and information to many on this board and others, not to mention being available to personally help anyone that calls.
  7. Plant protection!!!

    Ditto on that! Sometimes its hard to upsell the driveway even when its solid black. Im glad you posted the pics. I was thinking of doing that after the last browned out bushes. I thought maybe I had some residual chem on the tarps and turned them down the wrong way, but your right, some plants just get too hot under the tarps.
  8. So far, so good

    Im just into my 3rd full year and business is down substantially. Advertizing that worked last year is doing little this year, so costs to advertize in other sources go up. Im still landing the same percentage of my estimates but just markedely less estimating going on. Some of my periodic commercial work is coming through again, but with reduced budgets, or no budget at all, so no work from them. I really wanted to get a part timer this year, but that isnt going to work out. Right now Im on track to gross less than I did my first full year, and I need to replace the lemon of a skid unit I have. Im sure the work will come back but it is a little disconcerting if not depressing.
  9. chemical injector question

    I have yet to be able to get soap from an injector with over 100 feet of hose. something about pysics.
  10. just got a call about a roof I cleaned in April. Hard rains yesterday and the roof leaks. weve hardly had rain in 6 months so the first one to blame is me. Went and met them, and again explained my low pressure methods, chemical ingrediants, etc. they were very nice, but since its a 5 year old roof, I can see their concern. Any way, had to file my first claim with insurance company. Ill be on a cruize next week so any other calls about leaking roof will fall on deaf ears.
  11. First liability claim

    anyway. the customer was quite embarassed when the adjuster called. It really wasnt leaking, just a weird look to the wallpaper in spots that made it look like water dripping. stupid mistake and she apologized profusely. case closed.
  12. First liability claim

    First of all, I would never ever take this attitude with any customer, even if theyre nasty to me. Nice guys may not finish finish first, but at least they can feel good about how they treated others and politeness goes a long way. Anyway, it was a 5 year old roof. It haddnt rained substantiallyfor 6 months, then heavy rain after I was up there. Understandable how they could get the impression I caused something. I do use similar wording to the contract shown above by One tough pressure. However, just because the contract says something, any decent lawyer can find a way around it. why not go talk to the customer, who by the way was extremely nice, and, imho, not trying to cheat me or anyone for that matter, see what the complaint was and reassure them that "if it was my fault it will be taken care of!!!" That is what customer service is all about. and thats what gets repeat customers and referrals.
  13. Ive seen only one Ipe deck and the wood is beautiful, but expensive. Put a bid in to stain it. but didnt get the job. I fave seen many trex decks. and would only use it if you like the look and feel of plastic. I have finished many a PT deck, and they can be beautiful if you do it right. I really do like the WTW product and will only use that in future unless old finish cant be stripped properly. For the money, Id go with PT. make sure some fly by night, lowballing handyman does not build it and youll have a handsome deck. Then Ill come over and finish it for you. (you stick to roofs.) :)
  14. OFF to Florida

    Ditto Lance with the yankees(#). All the deck Ive done have been for northerners that know the value and apreciate the professional work. The floridians just dont take care of the decks. One lady that I gave a house wash estimate had a wraparound deck. Very nice. about 2000 sf of floor. I asked about cleaning and finishing it for her. " Nah, my husband is just gonna tear it out and put in a new one." I guess with PT wood and Florida labor costs, people think thats the way to go. just wait till it rots and replace it. (#) As a born and raised southerner, (by the grace of God thank you,) I always sayd Damnyankee was one word. But Ive had to shorten it because they are the only ones that will spend on deck refinishing.
  15. Wrong house

    Hey jeff, I like that moral of the story. 'Dont be an idiot!' that wood be a good tag line for a lot of companies. I wonder how many companies have trie to charge the wrong house? then persisted trying to get paid. I did wash a McDs one time. couple days later the manager calls and says why havnt you shown up yet. My first thought was maybe I went to the wrong one? But then she says oh never mind the asst. Mgr saw you there. I was there from 10pm to 5am on this. these places get so much traffic that the oil is back the next day in the drivethrough and she couldnt tell I did it.
  16. First liability claim

    Although I did not see the water she described, I am sure it was improperly installed and evidence is just now showing up of that. I will leave it hands of the adjuster. Just from a few coments the customer made, the adjuster will find less than stellar methods of roof installation. That is what I pay a premium for and have to trust the judgment of professionals. Tile roof repair isnt cheap. \.
  17. My pump took a crap yesterday. severe cavitation. cant find any intake leaks. screens are clean, full water flow to it. any suggestions on how else I can trouble shoot it?
  18. pump cavitation

    nope, tank is full, and have had it set up like this for a year. return hose is about 75deg around from supply hose, so its not directly above, plus I ran it directly from garden hose with same effect. Could it be the unloader? how do I check. Bob, I just sent you an email through your web site.
  19. Heat Stroke FAQ's

    i usually go through at least a gallon a day, and sweat out every bit of it. 96Deg today. right on time topic.
  20. Cleaner Times WOW

    Why bother saying anything else? We have taken the meaning out of words in our PC society. There are many ways to be menntally handicapped. Retardation, schitzophrenia, manic/depressive, bi-polar. the word means what it means and why sugar coat it. If a retarded person understood the word, they wouldnt be any more insulted by being called mentally challenged or mentally handicapped?
  21. Had a guy with a 2nd story deck, connected by bridge to another second story deck, solid acrylic stain, numerous rotted horizontals, spindels,rails and posts. quote to clean, replace rotted wood, prime and reseal with solid-$4300. Calls me and says he was figuring $3500. Gave him 10% off (standard from that referral source) Sends me an email saying that he cant see the wood, and stain costing more than $500, coudnt take more than 1 day or $412/hour or $212/hour if it took two. More than he paid his attorneys. Most hell pay is $2000. I thanked him and said see ya! My wife said I should have told him that I used to be an attorney until I found this work much more lucrative.
  22. NO 12%, HELP research

    what about something like efc-38. pre carb cleaners are supposed to remove mold. I havnt tried it on moldy siding, but it does lift dirt pretty well.
  23. stainless fittings

    I havnt tried the hansens, but I heard they are very expensive. I have tried the cheaper stainless, $3-4 range, and havnt found they last long enough to justify the expense.
  24. Shurflo lifetime

    Ive had as low as 1 use, (yes 1) and more than a year. its hard to say. just clean them out good and hope for the best. keep a spare on hand. Northern tool is a good source. watch for sales.
  25. Ditto, gotta set a minimum and stick with it. Every deck or dock I do has something come up that takes longer than I expected. If your working a very small deck that the minimum $ more than covers, then add something to clean for no cost. Quick house wash, driveway clean etc. But you still have to make that second trip, or when using WTW, wait an hour or two .