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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Any one have an example of wording on a Workmans Comp waiver? I have a customer who is asking for a waiver while I wait for the official Exemption from the state. email me at jchapman11@tampabay.rr.com if you have something. thanks
  2. Question About Property Values

    1 mil plus. just for the land. tear down and build 10 luxury homes at 500k+
  3. Being positive

    Got a ticket for running a red light yesterday. Split second decision-either slam the brakes or run. I picked the stupid decision. especially since I had nowhere to be. Im also having a verry slow spring, very disconcerting. BUT- I have a loving wife, good kids, God has provided well and Im happy. I keep telling myself how good I have it. Especially when I look at others. Ever been to a prayer meeting when your feeling sorry for yourself?? God has a good sense of when to send you to those things, to see the problems others have. Make you want to tuck your piddly little prayer request away real quick. Love God, Love your Family, Love Life.
  4. wood tux question

    This is wood tux wet with no tint on PTP. http://forums.thegrimescene.com/showthread.php?t=5500 padded in stain, one coat only the pic here is with red tint in WTW. I used about 4 oz of tint to 5gallons. From some angles its very dark, others like this one it looks more orange. Havnt tinted brown yet. I love the ease of use with this stuff, but havnt used many others to compare.
  5. Ken, Shoot me the info Ill Do it. jchapman11@tampabay.rr.com
  6. Wow! Gorgeous Deck.

    Cody, Check your PMs.
  8. Got Carpal Tunnel?

    Tennis ball. Had fatigue comes from constant gripping the wand not the initial trigger pull. I switch hands regularly. Worst prob I have now is constantly sore right shoulder from the surface cleaner. (hose hangs on that side) I can turn it the other way but its not as easy to use.
  9. Politics still, but not gas prices

    mmmm! tasty stuff! try it with peanut butter.
  10. Floyd fans

    Its a good thing these guys dont lose the guitar playing ability along with their voices.
  11. Politics still, but not gas prices

    Im sorry, but Im the trusting sort. I beleive that if your not doing anything wrong, the govmnt is going to pay attention to you. I know, some times the little guy gets caught up in something and gets railroaded, but I beleive it really is rare. Most of the time the guy you read about who swears innocence, isn't. very few people are in the wrong place at the wrong time accidentally. they put themselves there. like with wiretapping, you really think the guvmnt really has time to listen to your calls to your mamma? but if your call is to your mamma in Iran, why not listen. if your call is innocent, I doubt theyll be knocking at your door.
  12. Now this is funny!

    thats a riot.
  13. Gas prices

    Carter may be a good man but he was a terrible president. Jeff, your looking at this issue emotionally, not logically. Phillip, Mike and others have thought through the logic of this issue. What you read in the paper isnt necessarily true, its what the editor wanted you to read, and most papers lean very far to the left (usually meaning anti-capitalist, definitely anti-republican/conservative.) And you damn sure cant take anything on the networks as gospel, (including the so-called conservative station FOX News.) There are many a crooked politition, but the vast majority are not. You only read about the crooked ones. Only the CEOs of the big companies get the millions, and the crooked ones will definitely show up in the news. Again the vast majority are honest, damn hard working folks, who take care of their business, their employees and stockholders. As for congress, Im so ticked off at the republicans, I could spit. But, that being said, the pressure to be re-elected is immense and they, like us if we could put ourselves in their positions, follow the money. It doesnt mean their dishonest, just politicians. as said above, Jeff, I respect and even envy some of the business success youve had. and you most definitely have a right to your opinion, but dont get angry because others are picking it apart. We feel passionately about this. and you know, I cant talk about this stuff with my wife, and better not let any customer know what I believe. This is the only place I can come to hear others viewpoints, and let mine be known. And since we're like minded in our profession, I love it. Plus you started this thread. Good show.
  14. Floyd fans

    For any one who listens to Glenn Beck, he does the Easter story with Pink Floyd background. Killer! And dont say its Sacreligious until you hear it.
  15. Floyd fans

    Heathen!! , unbeleaver!!, Apostate!! (except for liking Stevie Ray Vaughn anyway.)
  16. Gas prices

    Amen brother. And if you beleive that bunch of blow hards in congress had anything more to do with the decrease in price than Mike W did, then I guess you'll be voting for them again. Cause thats the only reason they were talking about it. Hell, lets put Mike Williamson into congress. At least hes got sense enough to understand supply and demand, which is more than these people who blame GW for all the ills of the world understand.
  17. Gas prices

    Anyone want to guess how much exxon has spent drilling for oil in the last decade. Cant find exact numbers but its in the 10s of billions of dollars. and when prices are lower, the still spend on drilling. about their profit (from last year, 3rd quarter profit figure): On revenue of $100.7 billion a pretax profit of $9.92 billion represents a pretax profit margin of just 9.95%. By comparison, Dell Computer's latest pretax profit margin was 9.18%, IBM 12.74%, GE 14.52%, Citibank 30.01%, JP Morgan 17.91%, Pfizer 15.54%, Berkshire Hathaway 9.72%, Viacom (CBS) -75.85% and big bad (sarcasm) Walmart 3.59%. Can you call the Exxon profits excessive? No. But you can sure see why CBS would be complaining about them. Exxon's profits only look gargantuan because of the scale they operate on. Most people who owned a mutual fund that only returned 9.95% during a Bull Market for stocks would not brag. Exxon only returning 9.95% on it's capital during a price spike in the commodity it sold is almost frightening. With the 10-20grand we have invested in our equipment (or more) would we be happy with a 1-2K profit every quarter?? remember, this is pretax profit. and they are a US based corporation.
  18. thats a great pump, but the cost is outragous! If your doing that many per month, its oubviously worth the cost, but for those of us who do a fraction of that, the roller pump suffices. I plan on upgrading if I get to a certain level.
  19. heres my roller pump set up. I have it mounted on 1x4s so I can move it in and out. As for flow, I keep it just above idle, with the bypass wide open. With a 1/16th barb on a nozzle QC i can get to the peak of a high one story roof. I use a 40013 nozzle for when im up on the roof and need a wide angle spray. A soap tip works well too. also, every time i use it, after rinsing, I put a couple ounces of 30W oil in the intake to lube the rollers.
  20. Pool Deck Cleaning

    Gumbo, Are you a contractor or homeowner? Why dont you give me a call and Ill take a look at it. See if I can give any advice. Ill be in St pete, near pasadena 1st thing tomorow. Call me at 432-2501 btwn 7:30 and 8.
  21. thats good, got an out loud laugh.
  22. Gum Buster

  23. consumer fears

    Lowballer alert!!!! Thats cool, you see very few guys down here that know what their talking about. where just a little bit of research can make you knowledgable enough to sell a job even when you havn't actually done that particular type of job before. I ran into some landscapers that had a big add on the side of their truck for paver sealing. So i sidled over and asked how much thay typically charged, and what they did. I asked about chems to remove efllorescence, " dont worry, our pressure washer is powerfull enough to remove anything, we dont use any chemicals." and their price was less than half of mine per SF. I almost wish the county would reinstate the licensing for PWers here. get some of these hacks out of here.
  24. Who's washing

    Dang, Im dead in the water. Only phone calls Im getting are sales calls. My add in local paper comes out today, and last year it generated tons of business. If it doesnt this year im in trouble. This is the slowest month Ive had since I started out. Fortunately I had some painting and handy man work through a realtor friend, and my neighbor is having me paint his house, or id be starving this month.
  25. Hurricane Seaon

    Business just tanked for Most of the guys I know around here. and the hurricanes didnt even get near us. I dont think people are looking for that kind of service, so advertizing is ineffective. if you got business going door to door, do it again. Personally, I am loath to do that. but I know for some it works, for immediate work anyway.