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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Your biggest job

    Is that because you kept stopping to work the slot machines??
  2. Your biggest job

    Almost 300,000 sf concrete at 3 seperate high schools, at least 1-2 pieces of gum every square foot. Doing it while construction crews where there and painters were painting all buildings. Completed in 7 weeks, even with multiple equipment breakdowns.
  3. Any reason why not

    Ive used bleach and soap on white vynl awnings before and it does an adequate job. Awning Rejuvination Systems makes a vynil cleaner that does even better and is inexpensive. the results last longer too. I beleive they are in Ft. Lauderdale.
  4. Cabot's SPF

    I did a conco complex, 12 decks side by side. I think it was an acrylic sealer on them. Some of the decks absolutely would not be stripped, except with a paint stripper. ended up just rough sanding the acrylic and using a solid stain. Ive used flood on several docks and decks, but too soon to tell what the long term is. supposedly, just sand any area that is peeling and reapply another coat. One homeowner wanted this done to his self done dock. It looked terrible, and 2 more coats didnt help much. Im sure it wasnt prepped or applied right in the first place. But I wasnt about to try to strip it and start from scratch. Thats when I looked into wood tux again. just used the tints and they work great. customize it to any darkness, red or brown. then you dont have to order pails for small jobs that will only use 2-3 gallons.
  5. How well does wood tux work in salt water environments. You can see from the pic that this dock takes a serious beating. this stain is only 2 years old. Dont know what brand but its a semi trans. Plus this bench. How can you identify Teak?
  6. this spa enclosure is with the dock in the other post. i think its Teak on bottom. at least i beleive thats what spa boxes are made of anyway. But around the windows and roof its different wood. Lots of rot around windows. How do I tell what kind of wood. what is best to stain with. like the dock it takes a wicked beating, being right on the watter. I guess I would need to mask the windows with plastic so to avoid etching with stripper. Plan on efc 38 and wood tux if thats reccomended here.
  7. what to use

    Had a real hard time stripping this. especially on the shade side. had to sand a lot of leftover stuff after it dried. Tinted wood tux ver dark red and sprayed, padded by windows and wiped off drips with a wet towell. Here are afters.
  8. Need help from citracleen experts

    I have to say that unless the house is really, really bad, citracleen isnt necessary. just an added expense. Ive done some pretty bad houses with just some dawn added to my pool shock. just use a stronger ratio of pool shock and the x-jet and go to town. I dont use the downstreamer since I run 2-300ft of hose and it wont draw at all.
  9. well I guess Im not. Ive had a heck of a time loading pics lately. No matter how small I shrink them, it says the file size is too large. Will try later.
  10. couple of after pics. used wood wux on both the dock and chairs. Chairs had to be sanded to get rid of the pealing urathane.
  11. Drought conditions

    wonder what they do in Arizona, Phoenix has been with out rain for over 2 months now.
  12. We have a Dancing Celebrity!

    Id like to watch his footwork when he has his surface cleaner going! Too Cool!
  13. Steps with rails, risers and stringers: Whats a stringer??
  14. Any one down here going to PWNA, want to split expenses to drive up? Give me a call. 727-432-2501
  15. Racks SS

    Im constantly amazed at the corrosion on everything metalic in my enclosed trailer. even when i havnt had any spills, it seems just the air is corrosive, from filling the chlorine tank.
  16. Spare parts

    the last time my heater died on me, the mechanic told me how to cross wires or bypass individual switches, (pressure, high temp, etc.,) to trouble shoot. its really come in handy. after 3 pressure switches, i finally switched to a flow switch. new high temp switch, and thermostat. Glad this came up. time to order some spares. they never go bad until the middle of a big job that you absolutely have to have hot water.
  17. No such thing as a "free" lunch

    Got my first issue of cleaner times and was reading the article about free estimates. his formula was interesting. Hadnt really thought about it much until today. I used 1.5 hours and $7 in gas. Now I dont want to go through the trouble to use that formula to figure out the cost to me, but I dont think the public in this area would accept a charge for estimates, and if I didnt go, that chance to sell him would have been lost. I could have given a price over the phone and been pretty close, but I like the face to face. in a competetive environment you gotta give, even if it affects the bottom line, or you wont get.
  18. Why PWing?

    i like playing in chlorine:lgsideway Thats really the only part I actually hate about it. The rest I love. Good, honest, hard work. Set your own hours. Deal with those you want to deal with. Ability to build business on your reputation by providing top notch service. Plus I was pretty well unemployable. Ever notice how bosses hate to be told their ideas are stupid? Now I can tell me that my ideas are stupid and I wont fire myself. Not until i find a good helper anyway.
  19. what to use

    heres the roof. I cant get the full pic to load for the whole enclosure
  20. africa

    Where you going in Africa? I grew up Ethiopia. Never hunted but have many stories of close up and personal encounters with wild game. Have fun and dont forget the extra film!!!
  21. some one said diesels need more maintenance. Why? For those who have them, are they really worth the extra money.
  22. Promotional Video for my website

    I just bought video editing software a couple weeks ago, I was thinking of using it for something like this. Will be a while though, since I havnt done a website yet. they have music in the software that can be dubbed, but Im not sure you really need it. The visual effect is enough and is quite frankly fantastic. Nice job ken.
  23. if a board has to be replaced in the flooring, should it be done before the deck is cleaned or stripped or after.?