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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. I just used a pad, Didnt want to try spraying on my first try. Plus it was very small deck
  2. and with wood Tux Warm honey gold. I really like that stuff. You cant see it but theres no steps on this deck. So managing the application to be able to get out was fun. Looks even better than the picture.
  3. you can see in the middle the one i replaced
  4. Floyd fans

    I dont mind the music being their stage for their veiws. its when they use their fame to espouse them. One of my favorite shows is a local alternative radio station that has 60's music on saturdays. They often run protest songs, anti war songs, etc. I love them. Dont agree with what they say, but love the songs and music. If they do a show to benefit habitat, more power to them. But when you go to a concert to hear the music, and they use that forum to bash Bush, the war in Iraq and this country in general, thats going to far!
  5. how did you get the outside?
  6. Floyd fans

    Had to comment some more after looking at that site. Why is it that the majority of people become more conservative as they age, but the 'artistic' types become more liberal. Im sure most of them started that way, and a lot of their music reflects a liberal worlview. I absolutely love Floyds music, along with Springsteen, the Dead, even the Dixie chicks music I like. But with fame they get a bigger platform and feel either the need or demand for them to speak out. I just wish they (including the hollywood types,) would understand that their music is what we like, not their often uninformed opinion. Just because they have the stage and everyone's watching them doesn't give them the license to speak out. Just play the damn music!
  7. Floyd fans

    gilmores first album was absolutely great. Waited forever for the second then kind of forgot about it. Will have to look for 2 and 3.
  8. thanks guys. This will be my first deck using Wood tux. Been looking forward to that for a while. Since I found out its only in one tintable color now, it makes it economically feasable to order in pails, (avg deck I do takes 2-3 gallons.)
  9. roofs here are nicely piched and easy to work. By far the most profitable thing I do. and I like to do them. least liked is house washing, Cant keep the chlorine off me when Im washing walls.
  10. Fuel filling

    I drilled out a quarter inch hole at top of can opposite the cap, put a large screw or a I bolt in it and it wont spill out hole unless tipped over.
  11. I love doing the handyman stuff, but only when its slow for PW ing. She small stuff brings extra revenue, but $$ arent as good per hour. The only problem is that people call me when Im very busy to do the little stuff and I have to put them off of turn them down entirely.
  12. Awsome Christmas light display

    gotta check this out, Its the most amazing light display ever! http://www.snopes.com/photos/arts/xmaslights.asp
  13. general pump surface cleaner

    I bought one from water cannon, blew the bearing 2nd week. WC sent me a new one, no problems since. the only thing I dont like is its very heavy! Seems like 10-15 lbs more than the rotoblaster, even though its only 4-5. sflsealcoating- they are easy to put in by yourself, you just need a pair of snapring pliers.
  14. Price

    I have never had anyone try to get me down on price. They either accept my estimate and they call me or I never hear from them again. Usually the ones that accept my estimate understand the amount of work that goes into it,(every one of them have moved from up North,) and hire me with out getting other estimates. The ones that get other estimates never call me back and its obviously a price issue. I have only had one person get an estimate that was higher than mine. I had the feeling they had never done a deck before and had no clue how to price it. Now that being said, ive done only 7 decks in 2 years and one multiple deck job at a condo complex. Not big business down here, but I love doing them. But with the ammount of work that goes into them, I aint about to do them for less than $1-$1.25 sf
  15. $$$

    I did close to double last year and had a very profitable year, PTL. I think I am actually going to decrease prices in certain situations to see if i can increase the work load. There are a lot of companies here and many that do a roof cleaning for almost half of what I charge. Even though I get a lot of roof cleaning jobs, Id like to get more of that work. I have already been increasing my price on concrete cleaning by small increments, and am seeing a willingness of the homowners to spend more. So we will see what the new year brings.
  16. gift baskets

    For those that do commercial work, How do you handle gifts to your property managers. Do you send baskets with just a Christmas card or do you do something more to make sure they know who sent it. I dont want to have my stuff lost in the shuffle. Isnt the whole idea for them to have another reason to remember you, not just a thank you?
  17. CHRISTmas greetings

    How many of you Send CHRISTMAS cards as opposed to generic cards? or say happy holidays instead of Merry CHRISTmas? I beleive that most people want to see a CHRISTmas card, and have CHRISTmas wishes upon them as opposed to the generic cards and greetings. The media have blown out of proportion the chance that someone may be offended, so we kowtow and do the PC thing by going overboard with the generic pablum. Next time someone says 'Happy holidays' give them a resounding 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' youll be surprised how they respond positively. Merry CHRISTmas to all of you and may you have a prosperous and Blessed new year!!
  18. Price

    Im lucky to get $1/sf here. there are too many painters willing to do it for $.45/sf The only people willing to pay that are transplants from up north. Guess there used to higher prices
  19. Have you seen this video

    The most popular ring tone in Europe. (my wife was the first to notice the frog is somewhat anatomically correct!) :lgbugeyes
  20. gotta cool car??

    I had a triumph TR 6 when I was in the army. Drove it all over the west and North west and most of Germany. Nothing like driving through the mountains with the top down. Had to sell when I had my first kid though. Too expensive to maintain. Every thing they say about British cars is true, the good and the bad
  21. General pump, 2.3 5-8 gpm. Ill try the different wand. and a shorter hose. If i try the 2-3 gpm one, will I draw 20%. The whole reason I want the injector is to get 20% draw rate. The standard 10% was usless and I stopped using it entirely.
  22. Nasty nasty grout

    http://www.thisoldgrout.com/ I have used this product which much success. Clean with a high alkaline cleaner, let sit and brush with a stiff bristle brush. steam helps after brushing. After drying, brush this stuff in with a toothbrush and wipe excess. Seals and colors at the same time. you can get any color from any manufacturers grout color chart. 20 bucks for a bottle will do a lot of grout. You can get similar product at lowes, but they only carry a few colors.
  23. yeah, tried that too. its open.
  24. Checked the injector direction, on the last one it was the wrong way. putting it right didnt help. I have 300 ft of hose hooked up now. It wont work on the soap tip or open ended.
  25. need to find 3/8 braded hose. cant seem to locate any. Northern tool doesnt have any and tractor supply store is too far to drive. any ideas?