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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. and the dock. same color but it looks way different.
  2. Who has Worker's Comp?

    Sure there is. No employees. using temp labor when needed and covered by their agency. Workers comp desnt cover owner of corp. in Florida. (per agent.) And Im sure there are others. I have lost commercial work due to not having WC. But the ammount was minimal. Most do not even ask, (only HOA boards.) If I were to purchace WC, but it did not cover me as the owner, and I am a one man operation, I would be wasting money. The homeowner would still not be protected if I was hurt on their property.
  3. Llc

    You should really talk to an accountant about it, but as Celeste said, it benefits greatly at tax time. Keep all business expenses seperate. But there are of course lots of 'crossover expenses' that can be put on company expenses. Then at tax time all gains or losses go to personal 1040. You will have to decide on which way to file though. The IRS gives you the choice. As an subchapter S or as a corporation. The obvious choice is a subchapter S, as thats where the benefits above come in.
  4. Do you have Harry Potter fans in your house?

    my son (12) is rabid fan. Got the book yesterday. Stayed up half the night reading. almost half way through already.
  5. Fat Snake.

    Just monday one of my guys was trying to put a baby cottonmouth into a gatoraid bottle, He was wrapped tight around the hose, and striking at the lip of the bottle. Needless to say he wasnt going to go in. So I grabbed a peice of metal, put it on his head and grabbed him around the neck. Nice little sucker. Was happy to put him back where he belonged. Snakes dont bother me at all. But show me a spider and the willies will start immediatly.
  6. Mt. Rushmore

    Karcher sells enough pressure washers to donate the labor too iff they wanted to. CHeap little $40 jobs that people snap up at HD for $180 to refinish their decks with!
  7. who makes this product, is it flood?
  8. extraordinarily stupid people

  9. Healthy Power Washing

    Im really ticked off about that aleve thing, I practically live on advil. But between that, the coffee, and spicy foods, the stomachs about had it. Used to try to stay in shape but this work is about all I can handle. At 45 Im seriously thinking of hiring some help. Of all the years I lifted weights, Ive never had the muscles Ive got now! I can work photo shop but I cant find a picture of the hulk that I can put my head on. Cant get the tint right.
  10. Setting up a new rig

    I was wondering the same thing. doesnt look like the reels and accessories will be enough to counter ballance.
  11. Powerwashers dream come true!

    Tropican field
  12. x-jet do I need one?

    the xjet m-5 is by far the most valuable piece of equipment I own. buy one. you wont regret it.
  13. What has REED SMITH been up to?

    Scott, I was just looking at the washington monument on tv the other day and commented to my wife about how much it needed a good cleaning. Go knock it out, brother.
  14. I use a float valve that I got from local PW supplier. Heres a picture
  15. Check out this link. look at the bottom of page for mounting brackets. you may be able to make a cart out ot the quick reel stacker. http://www.pressure-washer-parts.com/rq_4000.asp
  16. I use a float valve that I got from local PW supplier. Heres a picture
  17. Chemical Applications

    It really depends on what your cleaning and what your chemical is. Do an area as a test to see what strength you need and dwell time. if you rinse too soon, you can go over the area again. Dont let the chem dry out though. rinse after enough dwell time but before chem dries out. sometimes that means misting more chem on before your ready to rinse. but most of all just go out and learn while your doing. Good luck.
  18. Tennis Ball ?

    Ive used a tennis ball since i started. Drilled a hole through and tied a lanyard to the ball. then looped it with a slip knot that I wear around my wrist. My hands Kill me when I dont have it with me! I just got a third hand and used it less than 30 minutes before chucking it back in the trailer. just wont stay in properly, especially in the surface cleaner.
  19. Newscrews in GA are such dorks!

    Sounds like the hurricane coverage we get in florida. Every station has some poor shlub on the beach pointing to the waves and then they show a blowing palm tree. "we'll be back in 3 min with more breaking coverage here at sandy beach." Then they show him leaning bravely into the wind as they cut back to the anchor man. Makes you thankful hurricane season is only 5 months long.
  20. Troops' clothing

    Iv been out of the army for 20 years now. still have foot problems from those damn combat boots. At least before I got out they started allowing PT in soft shoes. Used to have to run in boots!
  21. Frustrated - Venting

    lou, if youll go with used, check out the bargain trader. I see 1 or 2 in there every time I look.
  22. This is from a deck I just finished. I cleaned and brightened, waited till it was bone dry,(no rain, little dew for a week.) Sealed with DeckScapes oil based toner-redwood. Sprayed and back brushed everything. Looked great when done. This picture was taken several days later. No rain but heavy dew in mornings. Its obviously where water sat and dried. It looks horrible. will this go away?
  23. heres what happened with this deck. I ended up putting it off for a couple of weeks due to the holidays and the weather. I went to check on it again and guess what? no spots! The stain cured itself out. Only two problems to deal with. The areass where I let it run on the verticles. also the area where I had cleaned it with efc38 was lighter than the rest of the deck. So I lightly sanded the runs, cleaned the entire deck with a light mix of efc 38 and went over with a light coat of stain. It turned out great! however if I had let it alone while it cured for a couple of weeks I would have saved a lot of time. Any way, alls well that ends well. She paid me and gave me more work to do.
  24. Home improvement projects and the Honey - Do list...

    thank god hes not wearing plumbers shorts. Just moved into a new house. besides paint changes there is very little to do. Haleleujah! Im sure the honey will make a list soon though. Their just that way. Right beth? There is a local hadyman with the name "Honey Do" Motto- "What honey cant do I can!"