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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Buying a lance

    I was just curious. Ive seen the lances in catalogs, and because they look so different from the wand I have, I just thought they were something special and I was missing some important tool. Chalk it up to being a newbie. thats why I come to this board. Thanks everyone. Jon C
  2. Buying a lance

    Ive seen the dual lances and extension wands. The single lances is really what Im asking about. Jon C
  3. Amazing pictures

    Great art, bet he didnt get a dime from the NEA. Only garbage gets funded by them, not truly talented artists that people want to see.
  4. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    Why do you need a rinse aid? What is the purpose. Jon C
  5. house cleaning

    Is it safe to wash soffits with pressure? Here in florida the aluminum soffits get real dirty. mold/mildew etc. is it ok to use pressure on them? I dont want to get too much water through the holes and promote rot to the wood edging if it doesnt drain well enough. I was doing my own the other day and its amazing the amount of dirt that gets behind them and keeps dripping out. Jon Chapman
  6. house cleaning

    thanks guys, just what I needed. Jon Chapman
  7. Your Favorite House Wash Brew

    Why do you need a rinse aid?
  8. estimating Sheet

    dale, send me one pleaze Jchapman@gumbusters.com Thanks Jon Chapman Chapman Property services
  9. Service agreements (contracts)

    Robert, there is a contract on delco's BBS at dcs1.com. I just started using it, but I really like the way it looks. Search their site. Jon CHapman CHapman Property Services.
  10. estimating Sheet

    Dale, Being brand new to the business, this is the kind of thing that can really help me. Email at jschapman60@yahoo.com. really appreciated Jon Chapman Chapman Property Services