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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Who has Worker's Comp?

    im going through hell trying to get it. Payroll is too low. Up on roofs, out on docks and you know how someone might get hurt on a dock! Most agents wont even call me back. I finally got my guys on a payroll service, but I want it for myself too.
  2. Wow. Thatas huge. Down here that would go for about $975 complete.
  3. Almost finished and BAM!!!!

    Dude, Why would you let your truck jump in front of that nice lady? Cones only help so much. At least you can rent a uHaul Pick up and put your stuff in while the truck is fixed. But try finding a rental to tow your trailer with if you had one.
  4. brick patio question

    Bleach it heavily, like 5-6% then rinswe with the wand at 1500-2000psi or even less. Let the bleach do most of the work first. That way you won't move too much out of the joints
  5. 2010 Deck Pricing

    Im not getting many calls this year for decks, and when I do I'm getting killed on price. I've been at 1.50 for quite some time, and I refuse to drop. Too much work involved. But I'm getting beat with $1.00 or even less. Mostly painters with no other work.
  6. It is good reading. Thanks Beth. Ive only sanded one deck and used a square Buff. I think thats and orbital. Didn't cut very well and wasn't thrilled at the results. Have wanted to find a deck that needed some serious sanding but none of the bad ones Ive found would bite on extra price. In fact the ones I see are usually so bad that sanding would make so little difference in the finished product, that I don't even try to upsell. People just let their decks go to hell here. Way too many DIYers and painters with acrylics.
  7. Thats a good Idea Lance. I'll have to try that.
  8. I gave my web designer some sites that I liked. I told him what I liked about them. I have looked through my site and have actually seen some content that was either copied or very similar, but I cant place where I saw it at. I do have my own pictures though. So if anyone is looking at my site and they see some of their wording, please let me know. That being said, There is standard wording that gets thrown around in the industry and sometime you may have copied with out even knowing it.
  9. you'll need to remove the screen. Plan on replacing with new. Its difficult to put old screen back up.
  10. Floor Sander strip

    what kind of stripper cream, Jim?
  11. Sealnlock will be present at ACR products Roundtable

    If you havnt used Seal N Lock yet, Youll be impressed at the demo. This stuff is great and I use it exclusively now.
  12. my first youtube video

    at least this is the first one that i didnt delete right after posting. Hopefully I'll remember all the steps and be able to do it again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47wxgMbUWoY
  13. my first youtube video

    Thanks Beth, I tried that but it just showed the link. Must be doing it wrong. Jerimiah,Logo by Modern Web Services PM me and I'll give you the info
  14. Check out my wood video

    Hopefully this is a better one. http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/aSGuest36928-314243-pro-pressure-clean-deck-sealing-tampa-pinellas-others-misc-ppt-powerpoint/
  15. Everyone should see this....

    The source being Obama of course, not the liberal anchors. And when the source is wrong? PolitiFact | Why Alito shook his head: Obama exaggerates impact of Supreme Court ruling on foreign companies Quite frankly this does have to do with unions. For too long Unions could get away with almost all political advocacy the felt like, which was a lot, regardless of the feelings of the members that paid dues. Now business can fight back.
  16. Allison Super Skids

    Why dont you call Paul Kassander directly and ask him to give you some names of people who have purchased them?
  17. I dont the OSHA rules for PPE cover chicken S..t coming off the fan, only when it hits the fan.
  18. Everyone should see this....

    You mean to tell me that we dont already pay for the billions that corporations put into the election coffers now? Or the higher prices we pay because of union dues that go directly to advocacy of politicians, most of which are liberal and the vast majority of whom I vehemently dissagree with. Corporations already give billions but now they can say things directly. Olberman is very good at what he does and that liberal rhetoric. the comparison with Dredd Scott is sheer nonsense that only the extreme left believes. McCain feingold was a disasterously unconstitional law that is only now being rectified. Thank you John Roberts and the common sense conservative constitutionalists on the court.
  19. Special Delivery!

    Its almost like they've owned florida for the last couple million years. I THink those gators know how we feel when the D..nYankees come down.
  20. Ah our lovely government :(

    Thank God, No i didnt serve in war time. I hate the justice system we have in this country, but it's better than any where else. I dont like the rules of engagement the troops have to follow. They are stupid sometimes, but they have to be followed. Every soldier is briefed and briefed again on those rules, but there are gray areas. However, if the facts presented are true, The leutenant acted as a vigilante. No matter the circumstances, that cant be done. I really do feel for parents with children serving there. Pray hard.
  21. Ah our lovely government :(

    O-2 hoping for new trial in detainee death - Military News, News From Iraq & Afghanistan - Military Times Michael Behenna JAG LAW Blog There are lots of links like this with pretty much the same facts. I going to go out on a limb here and you can throw things at me if you wish, but... The US militaryholds its members to higher standard. Thats what sets us apart from the enemy. Officers ecpecially so. A military courts martial is not a show trial, regardless of whats portrayed in movies. Officers conduct the trial and take their positions very seriously. Yes there can be politics involved. But the MAJORITY of our officers are intelligent, good men and would not throw another officer in jail with out good cause. Since I served I can say this in good consience. If the facts presented are true, he deserved to be prosecuted. If there is other evidenct that should have been presented, he deserves an appeal. If you pray, pray for justice. Justice means the guilty dont go free and the innocent do.