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Posts posted by Chappy

  1. A while back some one asked about pine needles in screens. I had a chance to do one that had a needle sticking through just about every single hole! I used my roto max to clean it after scraping off the acumulation from the top. I worked like a charm. The needles just fly out. I kept the tip at least a foot away from the screen to avoid damage.

    I couldnt believe the weight of this pile hadnt broken through on its own.

    I used an extension wand for above the pool. Man are my neck and shoulders tired.

  2. After 19 years here, I still cant figure why people talk about florida as paradise.

    Its flat,(Putting it in the worst catagory for a mountain boy), Muggy for 9 months of the year. covered in crocodiles,(which does keep the poodle population under control though,) mosquitos are outnumbered only by the roaches, and sharks in every good swimming or surfing area, and the highest population of blue hairs in the country.

    And of course the hurricanes.

    Boy do I miss the mountains of NC right now. Shouldnt have married a native floridian. Que sera.

  3. We just got a lot of small limbs blown around, the whole thing just missed us to the north. Charlie missed to the south.

    My kids were asking how God answered prayers. and of course my response was that he kept us safe and no damage. But of course my chimes in,"what about those people with just as much faith that were wiped out, or died?" tough theological question, huh?

    Another one on the way too.

  4. I ran across a guy recently that did that, He was out cleaning a Bennigans type place. had a trailer with a low pressure chem setup, and a set of hooks that he set the blinds on, sprayed chem,(dk what kind.) added a squirt of goof off to heavy stains, then rinsed. then hung on another set of hooks to dry. Another guy was busy, taking down and reinstalling while he cleaned. looked pretty efficient. I think he said he got an avg of $6.00 per blind.

    some of those restaurant blinds can be pretty big so probably have to have 2 people to take down and install. But this was his only business, so from what I gathered he did pretty well.

    Oh yeah, I believe it was a franchise. You could probably come up with the chems, on a triall and error basis. probably a non-butyl degreaser with a surfectant would work. and get a welder to set up some hangers on your trailor.

    Good luck. hope this helps

  5. Hey jesse,

    You should call when you get down. Love to meet you for a beer or three and good cigar in Ybor.

    Gotta tell you though, niether Ybor city or the parades (night or family) are a place you want to bring kids to.) Great place to party if your young and like the club scene though.

    There are some good cafes and cigar outlets there for a more quite lunch or dinner setting.

  6. ive lived in tampa bay for about 19 years now. never got hit by a hurricane, just grazed. this one was serious and was supposed to hit us dead on. highest ever level of evacuation. spent all morning friday helping neighbors board up and get ready.

    lots of people wnet to Orlando to ride it out, and guess what? went right over Orlando. we ended up with about 1/2 inch of rain and no wind.

    Its funny, but a lot of people are dissapointed that it didnt hit us. But after seeing the pictures of Punta Gorda, they realize these things really arent a joke. I feel for the people who got hit.

    thanks for your thoughs guys.

    But you know, as bad as hurricanes are, they rarely do as much damage as tornadoes or floods in the midwest or earthquakes in CA
