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Posts posted by Chappy

  1. I have recently done several gutter cleanouts, with my pressure washer. no house wash included. ended rinsing the house anyway, along with the neighbors wall, the drive, and the car. Charged enough to make it worthwhile anyway, but never again unless doing roof or house anyway. Looking at getting a gutter getter.

  2. Couple of questions.

    1.how do you apply the stain to the railings, Brush. pad or roller or can you spray with an airless sprayer. I plan on using a pump up sprayer, But I have access to an airless if it would save time. I would think there would be a lot of over spray with the airless. Deck has 82 feet of railing, with spindles 1 inch apart.

    2.Is the olympic brand a good brand? on The front deck he wants the stain to match his interior wood floors as much as possible. Olympic solid is sold at home depot and has a mahogony color that should be close. (I really hate using HD products, but dont have time to research others like I did with wood tux.)

    3. I put the samples Beth sent me on a piece of PT board that exactly matched his back deck and if he goes with me, he loves the honey gold. Funny I should get my first call on a deck just a day after I did that.

    4. lastly, does anyone care to share a contract or estimate form with me that they use strictly for decks? fax# 727-398-7718

  3. THe glue is called TILE BOND from DuPont, you can pick it up at a roofing supply company, cost 9-12 a can that will do 50 tiles. use very little. it expands a lot! I end up taking a scraper to cut off the stuff that pushes out from underneath. dries in 10 minutes so you dont have to come back. I only use it if the tiles are completely loose or sliding off. I got 2 tiles and put a quarter size dab on them to see how it works. It also doesnt have a long shelf life after its opened. 3 days I think. DONT buy the big can!! find some one that has the aerosol. be advised, It will not come off of clothing once it gets on.

  4. I too do mostly tile roofs and like Rick G, I target them. I also repair tiles as part of my service, and it helps me command a premium price. I explain in my estimate how many there are that are broken, smashed etc. and explain what I do to fix them. I almost always break 1 or 2 any way, no matter how careful I am so I keep the tile adhesive with me for every job. Along with Tile bond for the ones that have to be replaced or repositioned.

    As for Sodium Hydrox damaging the underlayment. In Florida, the underlayment is 90 weight, over tar paper, Its hard to damage this stuff, and the diluted chemical that goes on gets rinsed thouroughly. You should be able to see what is there somewhere on the roof where there is a gap in the tiles. I just dont beleive chlorine cleans as well plus as hot as it is I dont want to worry about the plants being constantly rinsed off .

    I aslo have not been able to clean a tile roof by x-jetting, they need direct pressure or the will not come clean. I know some of you find this crazy but I use a surface cleaner for all tile roofs except the full barrell tile type. Most every one in this area does. they do a fantastic job and even going back to do the valleys again by wand still takes me less time than just by wand only.

  5. If your sealing too, then I think your one time and yearly are low. Consequently, the 6 mo and monthly are too high because of the ease of cleaning afterward. Explain the sealing process and why its necessary, then a quick cleaning periodically for bird doo etc. I would go with about $100 for monthly, you wont be there 1 hour.

  6. I have used a local manufacturers product called red stuff, (not related to HD Purple stuff) Contains soduim hydroxide and sodium metasilicate. I like the way it cleans mildew and general dirt but havnt been happy with the results on heavy stains. I just got the starter kit from ARS but havnt had the chance to use them yet.

  7. I like throwing in the windows when doing awnings. Trouble with rinsing only and then squeegee off is that there is always extra water in the seams, ledges etc. I wait until Ive put away my equipment and the extra water is mostly gone, then do a full window cleaning, It only takes 1-2 minutes for a large pane and you really leave a good impression.

    Gavin, post pictures when done. I want to see how the ARS products work over the general cleaners Im using now.

  8. I went to the tax office to change registration, the lady took a look at my account and said "why are you collecting tax?" so after much questioning she unregistered my tax number. Apparently the consider PW to be 'improving real property.'

    I was always under the impression only homeowners were exempt unless you added paint. Trouble is you cant find any one person that is competant to tell you everything.

    Check with the local office at

    Arbor Shoreline Office Park

    19337 US Hwy 19N Ste 200



  9. Thanks Ken. Dont know why I havnt checked into the city.

    I did find out that all pressure washing services in fl are exempt from sales tax. I have been collecting for a year from commercial clients. I hate it when gov't gives you bad info. Im just glad I dont have to submit to the state for a refund and send back to all those customers. I wonder how many bids I lost out on because I showed the amount of tax and the others didnt.?

  10. This is funny. ( in no way does it reflect my personal beliefs.)



    Confusing Dialogue Dominates 9/11 Testimony

    The closed-door testimony of President George W. Bush and Vice-President Richard Cheney before the 9/11 commission went off the rails yesterday when Mr. Bush opened the session by asking Mr. Cheney, “Who’s on first?”

    The President, who merely wanted to know whether he or Vice-President Cheney should testify first, inadvertently opened a rhetorical Pandora’s box as the entire session devolved into a series of tangled misunderstandings and miscues.

    A transcript of the session, released by the commission later in the day, reads as follows:

    Bush: Who’s on first?

    Cheney: What?

    Bush: Not what, who.

    Cheney: Who what?

    Bush: Who’s on first?

    Cheney: That’s what you just said.

    Bush: ****?

    Cheney: What?

    Bush: ****’s on first?

    Cheney: Which ****?

    Bush: Which **** what?

    Cheney: Which dickwad?

    Bush: No!

    Cheney: Which dickwad knows what?

    Bush: Never mind.

    Cheney: Never mind which dickwad knows what?

    Bush: Which dickwad knows who’s on first.

    Cheney: What?

    Bush: Who’s on first?

    Cheney: That’s what you just said.

    Bush: (smacks forehead)

    Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney continued in a similar vein for the next forty minutes, after which the commissioners, “thoroughly drained and exhausted” according to one account, cut short the session and went home.

    In a related story, the White House announced that on June 30 Iraqi sovereignty would be transferred to Vice-President Cheney’s bank account in Switzerland.

    “The sovereignty will remain in Vice-President Cheney’s account until the security situation in Iraq improves, but the Iraqi people can come visit it whenever they want,” the White House statement read.


    Andy Borowitz moderates the panel “Politics as Entertainment” Sunday May 9 at the Tribeca Film Festival. For ticket info go to www.tribecafilmfestival.org

    The Borowitz Report
