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Posts posted by Chappy

  1. I love these threads. I learn so much.

    I only have one experience with Bakers. Gazebo and dock both stained with BGA super cedar gold/dark mix. Obviously the floor gets no sun, but notice the end of the dock. I replaced 10 boards. You can definitly see the difference. in fact Bakers specifically says not to use on new wood under 1 year old.

    the second set is my office deck with AC Semitrans Cedar. the steps and stair rails are all new wood. Again no sun hits this deck. It has a much richer look to it and you can't tell the difference in the new wood and old, with the exeption of one board by the door.

    (since my main experience is with Wood Tux, I was amazed at how well the wood absorbed the AC. even the second coat was all absorbed with no wiping off!)

    On a side note, I had the remaining Bakers in my shed. I pulled it out and tried to mix it up (about 2 years old now) and the solids had solidified completely. couldnt mix it at all. Dont know whats it it that would cause that nor have I let other stains sit that long so I dont know what to make of it.





  2. That last pic is the exact reason I can't use RS anymore. Clients would come out and offer a slight smile and dryly say, "oh. Great. Looks nice." The appearance is just too drab. In Rick's pic, a few of the vertical highlights look decent. But look at the steps. If that had been stained with TWP, it would be vibrant. No idea on A/C, not much experience with it.


    you have a strange definition of vibrant. I know my experience is limited but that is a beautiful stain.

  3. If you look at the pic of the rails out in the sun, you can tell the true color better. Because the deck is covered and my poor picture taking skills, the color looks off. The true color is more a match to daniels. It really is mountain cedar. I only used one coat, and it sucked it in so much I almost ran out.

    The customer is thrilled, thank you very much, and have already been paid.

    I will try to work on my photography skills though. My finished pics often leave a lot to be desired, but to see them personally is like looking at the Sistine Chapel ceiling!!

  4. I have been doing reminder calls at 2 years and I havn't been getting calls back for maintenace for the WT decks. Except for 2. The first dock at 2 years was faded but still in fair shape, the second was an IPE dock at 16 months. It was a little faded, but still had pretty good color retention with just a spot of about 10 sf of mildew in heavy shade area.

    I downstreamed bleach and every bit of WT came off.

    Edit: I found the pics, and I guess the color is more faded than I thought, and no oil left in it at all. But very little mildew.



  5. This deck was with the Playset in st. Pete.

    I goofed on this one.

    After stripping the playset, the deck had lots of mildew on it. I asked HO if she wanted it cleaned off. Light bleach and lightly washed, but a little of the color came off. Knowing up front it needed to be refinished, because lots of bare areas already, I was planning on writing an estimate for future maintenance restain. The Husband called me that night and said I took off most of the old stain! And that I should restain it at cost!

    Now you'd assume he knew the condition before hand, but I was left with no room to argue and agreed to re stain with the original Olympic semi. It really turned out great and I was able to at least cover my helpers labor and make a little.

    Lesson learned the hard way!



