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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. Aluminum Siding

    Lots of algae = lots of oxidized paint. You could two step it by using an acid followed by a more caustic housewash with bleach. Be sure to rinse slowly and evenly holding your wand the same distance from the surface at all times. I wouldn't go over 600 psi.
  2. Chimneys are always included. A customer would have to step up to the Platinum level for a housewash to have all the rest included. I might throw in a small stoop or a few steps. I try to sell all of this up front.
  3. Interesting lowballer info

    Many people define lowballing as the act of charging less than your competition. That's not an accurate definition. Lowballing is charging less than the fair market price. The difference between those two definitions is enormous. I took this excerpt from the article. It's an interesting perspective, one with which I do not totally disagree. I notice so many guys get stuck on what they think might be fair pricing instead of being a business person and exploring what their market will bare. For the record I don't worry about what my competition is doing. Through careful financial planning coupled with expanding and repetitive marketing I doubt anyone can shake my tree, so to speak. What I do think about is raising the bar of public perception and having a business that will remain increasingly profitable.
  4. Artillery Fungus Related Questions

    :lolsign: I agree.. some damn fine detective work, PD
  5. Vinyl siding would be the lowest price I would charge on a housewash (unless like Phillip mentioned it is the blue crap).. 20+ year old stucco or very oxidized aluminum siding would be the most expensive.
  6. Favorite House was Mixtures

    The nozzle you would need would probably be a number 25 orifice.
  7. Smoke. What do you use??

    a little potassium hydroxide in your housewash mix.
  8. Favorite House was Mixtures

    You can get much higher using a downstreamer than you can using an X-Jet. On a 5.5 gpm machine using 00300 nozzle and a 6 ft wand I have no problem getting 50 ft.
  9. American Idol

    What's the guy's name that looks like George Clooney on crack and goes Wooooo! every two seconds? He wasn't bad. The last dude was hands down the best.
  10. American Idol

    Is American Idol that show with that Simon guy?
  11. When I trained a salesman for Tweeter our protocol relied heavily on FAB statements. Feature, Advantage, Benefit. These have more recently been shortened to F-B statements. Sometimes it helps to look at what people consider benefits and backtrack. Some big ones are time and money. Many salesman confuse the money benefit with having to lower price. How about trying this? Feature: PressurePros, Inc uses the highest quality, contractor-grade wood sealants. Benefit: You save money by not having to have your deck redone every single year. (time) Feature: PressurePros, Inc sets itself apart with promptness, attention to detail and customer service. Benefit: You won't have to sit at home and wait for us to arrive or worry that the job will not be done correctly. This is a great post.
  12. Electrical in-line dangers

    One time I was rinsing a side (with the X-Jet) and didn't notice the inside of the wire was loose and frayed. It swayed and though the wire didn't make contact with the aluminum cap, the water must have created a short. It popped very loudly and sent a shower of sparks down. That was one newbie mistake I will never repeat.
  13. oxy clean

    or you could tell them to use Restore-A-Deck (wink)
  14. We have a Dancing Celebrity!

    You know that construction worker you see by the side of the road pounding his feet on the pavement trying to keep warm...that's about how well I can dance. Too cool.. Congrats Balazs!
  15. oxy clean

    Too many fillers, not strong enough for professional use. Junk for the money.
  16. Oil Prices

    How are oil prices affecting you? Has your heating bill gone up dramatically? It's been a mild winter here in the Mid Atlantic the difference has been offset. I just read that UPS spent $2,300,000,000.00 on gas last year. Their costs went up a billion dollars due to fuel costs. I can't even fathom that.
  17. Flyers

    Glad to see you are still hanging in there, Glock. Check out Keiths site to see some examples. www.kbkgraphics.com
  18. Compare and Contrast

    I have used a couple of Delco products (a housewash and hood degreaser) and have been unimpressed. I have heard good things about some of their masonry degreasers. For the most part, strippers and brighteners all have the same make up. The only products I have seen with actual result differences and unique composition are ESI's wood care chems.
  19. Power Wash Management Guidelines

    17 Woodbine Rd Havertown, PA 19032 Thank you... I'll mail you out whatever you want for postage if you put up your mailing addy
  20. Brand New Energy

    I believe God puts people in our lives when we most need them.
  21. I beleive the spreadsheet came from Reed.
  22. Power Wash Management Guidelines

    sign me up.. is this digitized, Carlos? pressurepros@mail.com
  23. Networking

    Phil, a small side note: If the yellow pages got your ad wrong (meaning they do not have a signed proof of how your ad was to appear or the ad does not match the proof) you do not owe them a penny.
  24. House Paint Prep

    also...TSP is the best chem for paint prep.
  25. Low ballers making an impact.

    Phillip, I would not sweat it. There is no way one could compare a splash and dash, throw-some-bleach-on-it job to something one of us would perform. This guy is now in a conundrum. If he has lowered his prices by 50% he now has to do twice as many jobs as last year to make the same money. As anyone with half of a marketing brain realizes, doubling your volume, especially when established takes a good amount of advertising$$. Is he paying half as much you are for his ad? Doubling volume also takes increased man power$$..increased gas$$..increased wear and tear on equipment$$. This rocket scientist decided that working twice as hard as he did last year to make LESS money was a good thing. You should thank God you have idiots like this competing against you.