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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. How do YOU clean..?

    I think HD-80 is overkill but it really depends on how much mold there is and how much time I'd want to spend on it. EFC-38 is perfect for this job. 8 oz of powder/gallon in warm water. I'll wear the back pack sprayer and treat it while my helper sets up hoses and prepares the Citrallic. I'd let dwell 20-25 minutes on that fence walking around to make sure the fence stayed wet with chemical.. 65010 nozzle to rinse.
  2. gift baskets

    I agree with Jeff about the gift certificates for a restaurant. It should be something personal and memorable. Gift baskets are nice but cliched and often you don't get your money's worth if you buy the pre bought ones. Ron, I'm not sure giving a present to a prospective customer would have the desired effect. It might make them feel embarassed and obligated.. two feelings that may cause a customer to shy away from you.
  3. neutralize

    I find that leaving the oxalic un-rinsed dries the wood out and decreases my sqaure foot coverage with sealer. I used to leave it but I like the results better with rinsing.
  4. House washing in the cold

    Here are some kids mixing chlorine and alcohol in a soda bottle. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/bottlebomb.html I think you have your answer.
  5. House washing in the cold

    Anyone that has done kitchen exhaust cleaning in the north has had the pleasure of making snow via a pressure washer. Here is my formula. Fire up your burner for a 40-60 degree rise. Yes, hot water will freeze faster than cold water in most circumstances, it's called the Mpemba effect. In this experiment you also need to reduce your flow via the unloader (not recommended for smaller machines without a plumbed bypass line) Run your highest pressure and voila, instant snow.
  6. Are small engines run under high compression? I was under the assumption that as long as there was no detonation (pinging or knocking) it was okay to use regular grade gasoline. I'll make the switch next season.
  7. House washing in the cold

    Be extremely careful mixing chemicals. You can end up with anything from poisonous gas to something extremely casutic that will etch windows or warp siding.
  8. Have you seen this video

    That would definitely suck. You're right that one is hilarious.
  9. CHRISTmas greetings

    Personally, I think it's a shame that we get closer and closer to abandoning morals and accountability. At the same time, if I did not celebrate Christmas, and my faith did not believe in Jesus Christ I wouldn't want somebody spewing "Merry Christmas" at me every ten seconds any more than I would want them smiling and saying "Satan is King". Even if both were said with a smile and good intentions. In this country it seems like the minority rules. I can't figure that one out.
  10. Where do you guys/gals vacation?

    I am looking for suggestions for a week's vacation (outside of the US mainland). I don't want to do a cruise, something more intimate. Where have you been that has been extraordinary? Did you use a travel agent or certain web service like Travelocity? What are some tips or things you would look for in a resort? We are leaning towards Hawaii but are open to suggestions! --Ken
  11. Where do you guys/gals vacation?

    Thanks guys, I am going to check out your sugestions now. So far this seems to be on par with what we are looking for if we don't go to Hawaii (Jon everyone has said exactly what you said, Maui is the place to go).. anyone have any feedback? http://www.turksandcaicosclub.com/PhotoGallery.html
  12. Before Pics

    That looks horrible. Homeowners are a funny breed sometime. Steve what are we looking at on the "clean" half? I see semi emulsified oil, unnatural coloring and it's very hard to tell what is going on. What stripper and pressure did you need to remove the Behr?
  13. Price

    The question is a bit ambiguous as measuring techniques vary. If you are talking just floor measurements and there are no add-ons like benches or trellisses we get about $2.35 per sf in the Philly region.
  14. Bravo, Felix. I guess when it comes to the practice of price undercutting, it strikes a nerve with all of us that do put our hearts and souls into our businesses every waking hour. I wish I could help you with financing options. I am very creative when it comes to raising capital for investment. If you'd like we could put our thoughts together and see what we can come up with for you. You seem like a genuine, straight shooter whom can accept and understands guidance. If there is anything I can do to help along your journey, let me know.
  15. With that psi and horsepower I am guessing the gpm is three or lower which I doubt most professionals consider commercial gear. It sounds like you are buying it from a homeowner? There is a brand new machine on ebay that is 4 gpm and runs for $500. (it looks like a barbecue grill and is probably a POS) Felix I'm sorry for picking on you and I'm gonna open my mouth and insert my foot right into it but with a name like Discount Pressure Washing (in Florida no less) you may not want to spend too much on a machine. My first piece of advice, if it's not too late is to think of a new name to DBA.
  16. stained or not?

    I do properties in Ocean City that require a weathered wood look, so you very well could have sealer on it. I use Cabot's Seacoast Gray. Below is a pic of our place. There could also be a clear on it that provided no UV protection and it grayed naturally. You can do a water test but you have to test a bunch of places especially the verticals. If it seems that water penetrates in a bunch of spots, clean it with EFC-38. If threre is any sealer left in the wood, the EFC will emulsify it.
  17. I have two Sleepy's that need attention. (1) The one located in King of Prussia, PA is cleaning one wall. Water is on premises. Total job time should be about an hour. $150.00 (2) The second location is in Springfield, PA. Cleaning awning/overhang. Will require specialty cleaner which you supply. 40'x6' This job you must tote water supply. $250.00 Requirements: EIN# and 250k liability. I need both jobs done before 11/20/05
  18. Commercial - King of Prussia PA +

    Good to go. The management company was lenient. We got to both jobs. This management company is out of New York and handles malls and a bunch of large retailers all the way out past Harrisburg. I will happily farm anything out towards Lancaster and west your way if you are interested.
  19. End of the year

    I just did my percentages of where new customer work came from in '05 and here was my breakdown. Phone book: 48% Direct Mail: 24% Referals: 18% (includes what I call "nosy neighbor syndrome") Newspaper ad (contractor section): 10% Always ask where people got your name so you can track your advertisement. We did 168 residential jobs this season increasing advertising budget by about 40%. We did 88 residential jobs in 2004.
  20. Introduction

    Welcome to both of you. Florida is one of those markets that's a bit saturated but you can set yourself apart and still be successful. Jon, the Lowes machine will work fine but as always you get what you pay for. It will get you by but you obviously won't get much customer service from Lowes. That decision is ultimately yours. Good luck to you both.
  21. Beth and Rod?

    Has anyone else been experiencing a ton of probs with this board over the past few days?
  22. Caustic (butyl/sodium hydroxide/potassium hydroxide/sodium metasilicate or some blend of the above) to remove most of the oil and carbon. For the rust stains, Oxalic acid is the safest, cheapest and effective treatment. You may have to put several coats of the oxalic down. Acid is the only thing that removes rust. Safe Restore is also excellent but the cost makes it prohibitive on jobs like this.
  23. New House?

    Steve nailed it when he talked about the recurring cost of large home ownership. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't know, I'm just speaking from experience. A large mortgage + ridiculous heating/ a/c bills, and taxes + lean times equal Chapter 11. I bought my house on the cusp of a boom like you are doing now and ten years later when I sold it, it had appreciated $15,000. That's after I put $40,000 in renovations and repairs plus $145,000 into the mortgage. Spending $185,000 to get back roughly $40k is not my idea of a good investment. This was because I was ready to buy my first home at the end of a real estate boom when interest rates were already on the rise. My feeling is this.. and it was mentioned above in part. There is going to be a secondary boom when every over extended family feels the crunch of above average inflation over the next couple of years and has to downsize to make ends meet. The market is going to get flooded with mid price ($500-800k) houses and since supply and demand is still king, the larger house market is going to have some nice deals. I am on the decks of some of these multi million dollar properties and the ones that have newer owners have next to nothing in the way of furniture. Most people live beyond their means and pay the price for it. There is a huge difference between being 'income' rich and being 'balance sheet' rich. I lived and learned that one unfortunately. Jeff, I love that design. I wish you the best with it.
  24. new to wood cleaning

    From the horse's mouth: http://www.wrcla.org/finishingcedar/cleaners-restorers/decks.asp There are times when bleach has a place just like all the different chemicals and tools we use. There are other times when it shouldn't be used IMO. Check out the above.
  25. Strange encrustation

    A little hot water will clean that right up.