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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. What would you do?

    Shane, with both sections it runs 26'x16'. With privacy fence, planter box and misc fascia, steps, rails, spindles, and some railroad ties you can't see..wood sf is about 900. He has some CWF on there that believe it or not is still beading in spots. There's lap marks all over the place, streaks carved in the wood from somee guy hiting it with a gazillion psi. It's a mess. I'm taking it down to bare. I'm a little concerned about knots in the cedar popping out on me even though I stay at about 300 psi on soft woods. I'm also concerned about the color variations between the new and old boards using a semi. If I replace the decking with 5/4 Western Red Cedar, he is probably looking in the ballpark of $4000 for the whole job. To build a new deck around here in same material would cost him about 12k.
  2. Company Shirts

    We use dark blue polo shirts with my logo embroidered on the front breast. Silk screened on the back is "the new standard". Kinda corny I know, but I have been standing in line at fast food places and have had people ask me to turn around or ask me "standard in what?" I haven't actually to my knowlege gained any jobs from those conversations but they got my business card, so who knows. Sometimes the biggest jobs are landed in the oddest ways.
  3. Mars and Venus

    Women's Prayer Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man who's not a creep. One who's handsome, smart and strong. One who loves to listen long. One who thinks before he speaks. Says he'll call, and won't wait weeks. I pray that he is gainfully employed. When I spend his cash, he won't be annoyed. Pulls out my chair and opens my door. Massages my back and begs to do more. Oh, send me a man who'll make love to my mind, Knows what to answer to "How big is my behind?" I pray that this man will love me to no end, And never attempt to hit on my friend. Amen. Man's Prayer I pray for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge ***** who owns a liquor store and a boat. Amen
  4. Stain Colors

    People in my region shy away from any type of reddish tint. It seems to be the first thing people ask me.. It's not going to be red is it? Around here its definitely more the honey tone to warmer, deeper browns that get requested.
  5. Limonene

    Agreed rinsing is key, but as a side note.. I use the Emulsifier Plus from E-spec and its fairly caustic. The first time I mixed it (the directions given are for a concentrate which is then further diluted to a soultion) It hit the widows and left wicked haze. The day was windy, it was extremely sunny and there was no way to keep up. Needless to say I spent longer making sure my mix was right the next time. I know this isn't limonene specifically, but just my exp. with another e-spec chem.
  6. Bored waiting for the weather to break

    Try this flash game: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/homerun.html I can get him about 90 meters then he falls on his face.
  7. Tony, is that a bad thing? Is the 100 series a single coat only? I just got off the phone with a guy named John from DeckMasters in Missouri. As a test three years ago he put down five coats of TWP on his own deck. He said to this day, no peeling or flaking. Walking acrossed his deck when it's wet must be a treat, but I think a furniture like appearance on the rails, spindles or fascia might make an interesting contrast against a more flat sealer for the floor. I have customers asking me to do this, that's why I ask. I have read that you use TWP often so I figure you must be the best to ask for advice on this one.
  8. Do any of you guys use a cleaning contract with your residential business? I have a lady that is insistent on getting a certain price. It comes out to about 50% of what I would usually charge, but I want the job because her home has high visibility in an excellent neighborhood (one that I have not worked yet). I'd like to propose a longer term maintenance contract with her so I can give her the price and recoup the loss over a longer term. Have any of you tried it, what is the feasibility of actually locking someone into a contract?
  9. Residential Maintenance Cleaning Contracts

    ::laughing::: The entire property is being cleaned, but the haggling point is the deck. I would like to lock her in to having PressurePros come back yearly to clean everything. I was wondering if anyone has an example of maintenance contracts they use. One advantage to the homeowner is locking in a lower price as a hedge against cost increases. Not only that, the value of a business is based upon its contracted clientele.
  10. With all due respect, Crown, I got the answers I was looking for. Thank you and the very best of luck in the business.
  11. Article on a chemical fire

    Wow, 4 million dollars in hospital care and barely escaped with his life. I'd hate to be the parties mentioned in that lawsuit. Beth, is the EFC-38 flammable? I have it sitting out in my shed
  12. I'm going to be the bad seed here...I'm sorry, I find inconsistencies that I cannot keep to myself. With such a successful, well funded company as the one you described here are the issues I have concern over: If your name is well established as a contractor, why would you need to come in at pricing that isn't even in the ball park then claim you are going to raise later? You should know from being in business that you cannot dramatically raise prices without reaching a point of diminishing return and destroying your customer base, not to mention your reputation. Which leads me to question number two..Where did you come up with your pricing tier? I don't know any contractors, large or small, that do any type of work for $20 an hour..especially ones that are used to handling government contracts. If you are addicted to the forums as your wife has mentioned, surely you would have read posts on the right rig and how to price your work, right? You describe what sounds like a very succesful mid size company. I know your expenses are considerably higher than mine. If you have found a way to carry liability, workman's comp, support mutliple employee payroll, taxes, chemicals and machinery expense and still make a profit at $20 per hour, I would like to hear more about your business plan because mine sucks.
  13. You're right, Mike. I didn't mean to really imply that was his intention but the word has a taboo to it. If the guy is here asking questions then he obviously wants to right himself and become a real contractor. I took that sentence out of my post. Thanks for pointing that out.
  14. Hey Dan, welcome to the forum. I'm not the type of person that puts fine sugary coatings on things so people can digest better. I'm also not a bad guy in person so I don't want you to think I am picking on you in any way. You have come here for feedback and I will give you some. I commend you for wanting to better your business and coming here to put yourself out in the open. I am surprised you haven't lost interest in the whole endeavor by now as you can't be making any profit. Do you carry insurance, use chemicals and pay Uncle Sam? Again, not picking on you, but you need to understand my passion is to build this industry and change it's public image. I'm going to assume that you had that machine lying around the house and wanted to see if you liked the profession. Well, it seems you got hooked just like we all did so now it's time to get serious and become a true contractor. If you are as dedicated as you say you are, and you are familiar with the forums then obtaining information about trailers, axles, rigs, chemicals, proper insurance and pricing should be easy for you using the search engine located on this and other similar boards. READ READ and READ more. Everyone here, including myself when able, would be happy to answer any specific questions you cannot locate.
  15. Turbo Nozzles

    I use mine on decks and fences (with hot water, no chemicals). People tell me it cuts down them having to have barbecues. Noone wants to walk on their deck after I get done with it.
  16. A True Story - Poor Kitty

    "My sister-in law is from Oklahoma and has a slight accent. She has cats and when she lived in the south she would take them to the groomers and have what is called a Line Cut. To her a line cut is when all of the fur hanging down below the cat's tummy is taken off (because it gets matted or snarled). When she moved to Chicago with my brother, one of the cats fur got all tangled up during the move so she took it in for a line cut. She was quite surprised when she heard the price as it was twice as much as it was down south. She confirmed with the groomer that he understood what a line cut was and he said "yes, I know what a LION cut is." It seems her accent came out sounding like LION not LINE and this is how her cat was returned to her. She cried for a week...but not as much as the cat." Click Here to see the photos That's one p****d off kitty.
  17. A True Story - Poor Kitty

    Thank you for the much better, more detailed explaination. You're the guy who always says "I know how he does that" at magic shows aren't you, OTP?
  18. Guns vs. Doctors

    C'mon Ryan, I know (I hope) you're joking. I don't know about Hampton, GA but I will give you a tour through North Philadelphia where your sidearm will do little but offer challenge to those that are sure they are faster and more accurate with a gun. They are certainly going to be more ruthless and relentless, I can assure you that. With your last statement are you saying you would be okay with someone shooting your son if they saw him throw at an egg at a passing car? YOU may be responsible with a gun but I find most people I meet unstable. I worry as it is that some clown might hop out his car and shoot me because he percieves that I cut him off.
  19. Guns vs. Doctors

    With all due respect to the poster (I know you didn't write that, A.D.Q) that is ridiculous. A gun may be in human contact two times per year on average. A doctor makes human contact professionally 2000 times per year and the people he sees are already high risk. Guns are made to injure, maim or kill..Now where's my Armalube? My Walther stainless is looking a little dull.
  20. How far off was I? (removing peeled paint)

    Ohhh.. Coating the entire thing with TSP and using higher pressure I would think about .35 a square would be reasonable. Again without seeing it, it's hard to say. I would say you could easily do the whole job in three hours, but I am not seeing how bad the flaking is on the rail and how hard it would be to reach the outer rail. Some of the other guys here that do paint prep on a more regular basis may have more accurate info for you.
  21. Bag Of Money In A Dumpster Area!

    If twenty grand was in a dumpster wouldn't it have had dubious origins to begin with? I never carry a bag of cash with me when I take out the trash. I'd keep it. If I found it outside of a business or lying on a curb I would turn it in. I would first check it to see if it came from a business (receipts, deposit slip etc)
  22. How far off was I? (removing peeled paint)

    Nathan, it's hard to say without seeing it. I would guess between $1000 and $1400 would be in the ball park.
  23. Bag Of Money In A Dumpster Area!

    Robert, you just made my mouth water like I was looking at Britney S naked in front of me. We are sick pups that way I suppose. Sounds like a rockin setup. Could you build that rig for 20g's?
  24. Reality shows

    I'm a closet reality show watcher. I badmouth them in public but at night you can see the glow coming from my office as I huddle over the little 13" TV wondering whom is next to be eliminated.
  25. I get my insurance through Joe Walters Agency here in PA. I have to change my policy. For those of you that choose to answer.. Whom do you use? How much liability do you carry for residential? What is the cost per year? Thanks in advance