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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. solid stain clean for stucco and asphalt

    Hot water should still do the trick.
  2. Everything should be back brushed to even out tone, eliminate drips and work the product in. A/C can be a little opaque on the surface of spindles if overapplied and not brushed in. I agree trying to back brush lattice is an effort in futility. Let it sit and anythiung that is not absorped or that is puddled up can be pushed in or picked up with a dry brush. Using a wet brush on lattice just makes the problem worse.
  3. solid stain clean for stucco and asphalt

    Was it an oil based or water borne solid? The latter should come off fairly easy with pressure washing once its dry.. especially if you have a hot water machine.
  4. Dan I was at a house on Sunday.. an HVAC guy. He had a setup in his garage with what looked like 3/4" piping with pressure guages, lever shut off valves, coupled hoses on spring reels. I had the ten gpm machine running full bore and our tank didn't budge an inch. Average municpal flow around here is 6-8 gpm.
  5. My naughty competition....

    Dan, semi funny story for you. I was driving around with Christine the other day. Of course as we go I am assessing trucks, vans, anything that rolled and could be used by a contractor. Sitting on one street was a nasty beater van.. maybe late seventies Dodge. I made a comment in the nature of "look at that P-O-S". Chrissy assessed it and saw it was a painter's van and said "oh, all painters vans look like that."
  6. Pricing on Teak furniture

    Good post, Rod! Funny this thread is here. I have an ipe deck we are washing today that has about 20 pieces of teak furniture on it. No staining on this job, as people abandoning staining hard woods seems to be on the rise. I charged from $10 (for a small 2' high four leg table) to $35 for the main table. Again, that's just cleaning.
  7. How popular is your website?

    Dan, conversion is when someone either fills out a form or lets me know they found me via the web.
  8. How popular is your website?

    PressurePros gets about 600 uniques per month. The key is my conversion rate which averages about 25%. Restore-A-Deck gets about 12,000 with 30,000 page views per month. Historic conversion rate was about 3%
  9. 2009 business?

    Hey Sam, we do some work in West Chester, malvern but its not often so I haven't heard the company name but there are probably plenty of commercial companies that are ten times the size of mine I have never heard of either.
  10. ptdion, check out the *****. They are an industry organization for power washers and that is where you can get the guidelines.
  11. 2009 business?

    We average about 8,000 s/f per week. Maybe 8-11 decks.
  12. 2009 business?

    This is a stripping week for us northeast woodies, it seems.
  13. What Happen Here??

    You ran from that deck job on your other post. ;) Sorry, I had to break your stones a little.
  14. what would you do????

    Sam.. what is the difference if you have it in stock or not? You still had to pay for stain for this deck at some point. Whether you bought it three months ago and have it in stock or you buy it today makes no difference. Its still a direct expense. You will use much more Ready Seal than A/C on this deck so the cost factor there is also the same.
  15. 2009 business?

    John and I are in the northeast. Our season didn't really start until 4 weeks ago.
  16. Housewash recipe

    Chris I pick up whatever good brand (Turtle, Meguires, etc) is on sale for the month at Auto Zone. 20 oz per pail if you want a good wax effect.
  17. 2009 business?

    I haven't sent out a single postcard or run one ad this entire year. My website, previous years marketing (magnets, brochures, newsletters etc) and referrals are all coming together.
  18. 2009 business?

    Extremely busy.
  19. All in all you did fairly well getting it off of there. I think it would stain acceptably. Not sure whats going on with the black. Looks like some type of bleed.
  20. Yes, post pictures. It should not be black. To get that set looking right, everything has to come of and the wood has to be buffed/defurred. You will never be able to touch up spots. You may be able to go over it with a product like Armstrong in a dark color.
  21. Anita, yes, you do get what you pay for unfortunately. I'm sorry to hear about your dilemma with your playset. I'll be honest with you, my sympathy only runs so far if you hired this cheapest contractor. In your case you may have just have hired whomever came along in good faith. I don't know. You may just need to strip it again. Often multiple layers of a penetrating stain turn it into a film former. It takes patience, but it does come off. You do have to use a pressure washer in most cases. Hopefully a wood care company will step up and take care of this for you.
  22. TWP Cedartone

    That's a lot of deck.. good complexity and height. you stained that by yourself in one day? Kudos, brother. I doubt I could have done it.
  23. American Idol - How Did YOU Vote ?

    Chris, i think it may be the position of the subs. I must be getting something happening (reflection/resonance) at about 80 hz (I have the subs crossed down at 60.. I think the slope of the Vellies is 18dB/octave) The baby grands go pretty deep for the driver size. I have them actively crossed at a high pass of 20 hz. I've played 15 cycle tones. the sub is hammering away and you feel a little queasy but you hear nothing.