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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. Pricing a vinyl home?

    You win Jeff ;-)
  2. Pricing a vinyl home?

    Then again a strong salesperson may have sold him at $495. (and have them call back every year because while you may be higher than everyone around, the customer knows they make one call, they know their house will shine, they don't have to be home, and nothing will be damaged. THAT is what is called value)
  3. Thats a fuggin disgrace. In the words of Everett Abrams.. VANDAL! I find it odd that dude left his machine there. This looks like a DIY project gone dreadfully wrong.
  4. Contract in Word Doc

    Muskrat Love, Fax: 610-471-0999 Thanks.
  5. Travis, no problems here. Never clogs. About 75 psi.
  6. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    I am gonna go out on a limb here and call this what it is.. weakly disguised SPAM. The guy's promoting his website and we took the bait.
  7. Anyone a member of BNI??

    BNI is an excelent networking ooportunity. My strong advice: Don't miss meetings. Its well worth the hour per week. You wil network with other contractors, real estate agents, mortgage brokers and assorted local businesses. The first meeting is free.
  8. Ipe Cleaning Issue?

    Rick, it is the resin. It locks like a vice, especially if overapplied.
  9. Ipe Cleaning Issue?

    If its patchy you are best to use a percarb cleaner to emulsify whats on there and start fresh.
  10. staining deck with an airless

    Its a staining wand for the deckster/deckster clone. Sunbrite sells one and I think ACR sells one as well. It has a thumb wheel you can use to lower pressure/flow.
  11. staining deck with an airless

    Scott, Have you tried using an adjustable wand and lowering your pressure a bit? I don't like airless sprayers. Too much "fog"
  12. staining deck with an airless

    Dan, welcome aboard :-)
  13. Bidding this job- what do you think?

    Doug, three dollars per LF would be an absolute lowball pimple on the azz of true restoration for a stone building. I say this because this is specialty restoration versus run-of-the-mill pressure washing. (lifts, dangerous acids, potential masonry burning, landscape worries, ground coordination for implemnting OSHA standards, additional insurance etc). $10 per LF might be more in the ballpark. Clear, please do much more research before you dive into this one. Your potential for scarring that building or creating efflorescence issues is through the roof based upon your post.
  14. 270 Gallon Water Totes worth

    Craigslist = other people's crisis becomes your gold mine. I wanted a big screen for my basement but didn't want to spend $2500. On Tuesday I picked up a 1 year old 57" widescreen Hitachi High Def for $450. The person was moving cross country and did not want to pay the moving fee.
  15. First woodtux job

    Beth, Are you using different pails of WT than the rest of us? ;-)
  16. First woodtux job

    Anyone that thinks WodTux separates has never used Baker's. You can count on a half inch of "goop" at the bottom of every pail.
  17. Pricing a vinyl home?

    ::sigh::: its like bashing my head against the wall sometimes. Greg, $450 on the housewash here.. not $800. Upsell possibilities on a property that size.. Can run up to and over $800. Everyone sems to get caught in the minutia. The point is "raise your prices" Greg, you guys do housewashes? I thought you were strictly woody?
  18. Pressure washing riggs ?

    Jeff, how far into Delco do you come for windows? I always get asked about window srvice..maybe I can toss you some work. Do you do commercial as well?
  19. Latex Deck Stain

    Peak, go for it. Its better to get this out of your system early on. Since you have no rails and more time than income, this will give you an idea how to bid jobs like this later on. Read the HD-80 thread posted above. That's the only stripper I would even attempt to use. Factor in sanding.
  20. Why am I using WTW?

    Jim, PLEASE get over yourself. You can stan a deck. Wonderful. Ummm, news flash? It isn't rocket science. Do you know numbers? Do you know business? You're a technician, bud. That's wonderful if it works for you. Most businesspeople don't aspire to be a technician. Your health is shot. You complain about the weather crippling your earning ability yet still you cling to the idea that you are some kind of guru. You must have some kind of intense jealousy streak that prompts you to make childish posts like the one above. I have no idea of your motivation. Stick to your arena of throwing bleach and Ready Seal on a deck. If it makes you a couple dollars every year we are all happy for you. I am hardly a novice in anything business. I have owned businesses since I was a teenager. Let it go, man. Once again.. deck restoration is not rocket science. You can do this for the next twenty years and you still won't get it. Your ego is gonna put you in an early grave. Dan, this has nothing to do with how many decks you have done, whether you prefer to do maintenance or add new customers or whatever. It is about understanding margins, dollars and business. Once again for Jim.. I maintain every deck and every customer I have earned from day one. I cannot infuse knowlege into anyone that does not understand their numbers. If you want a detailed analysis I can do that for you, Dan. I would need your numbers, your costs and all related expenses and I will put together a forecast model for you. The cost will be about $500 as it will take considerable time to do a proper analysis. Jim, I can do the same for you. Consider it, you may then realize that your thinking has kept you as the novice with respect to earnings. Perhaps then you can break free of the bondage of self and start making money.
  21. Why am I using WTW?

    Dan, it would take a long, detailed, drawn out post explaining diminishing return, customer acquisition cost, maintenance profit margins, finite timelines of work completion. I just know it doesn't work for my model.
  22. Why am I using WTW?

    For your deck, there is no reason. Customer decks.. from my cost analysis coming more often than once every two years is not cost effective and/or profitable.
  23. Scott Millen - a new daddy

    From another forum (posted by Scott): Alright, the new guy has joined the firm: At 1838 CDT, yesterday, the second of August, my firstborn son was delivered in Methodist Hospital, Omaha, NE. Mom and the new heir are doing fine, and resting. Dad and the dog are exhausted, and fairly certain we are out of our depth! We named him Joseph Paul in honor of my father and grandfather, and their fathers before them, of old. He is a gorgeous boy, and further proof that I managed to marry far above myself. I have done many things in my life, for good and ill...Joseph is easily the greatest thing I've ever done. My wife and God couldn't have possibly given me a better gift in this life. Thank you for all the help and support you have lent here and elsewhere. My son would have a far less successful father were it not for you fine people. It is my honor to count so many of you among my friends. Pics will come soon, I promise! ___________________________________________________ Scott, just want to be the first to congratulate you bro. Many exciting years in front of you. Enjoy your blessing!
  24. Can a BBS be an industry leader?

    Carlos, what are your thoughts on, and definition of, leadership? This may be a cynical standpoint but when grouped and organized into hierchy, groups are highly subject to corruption and personalized agendas. My feeling is that individual leaders will always rise to the top. I have a pretty good idea of whom on these boards is capable of leadership (ie whom I would follow). Do I feel that a message board can be an industry leader? That would depend upon its ownership and again the definition of what constitutes a "leader". I don't think a BBS can, in and of itself, be a leader but its owners may be the type that can move forward with a unified goal of advancing an industry. A BBS may at best be a gathering place of present and future leaders.