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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. A note on Customer Service

    The reason I ask the question is I was having a conversation with another business junky (cough Jon Fife cough) and he also mentioned that anytime he makes a post pertaining to business it doesn't get read much. I'm just so tired of reading about sealers, chemicals, roofs, etc. Its just me, having one of those days.
  2. A note on Customer Service

    Does anyone read these threads or is "how much TSP should I add to bleach?" the more interesting topic. Just curious.
  3. Homeowner Perspective - a must read

    BUMP.. another one that should be reread. This still stands as my favorite post of all time. SELL BENEFITS.
  4. how to clean office trailer ?

    Some pics and/or further description of the trailer would go a long way towards picking the right cleaner. Kev, I personally have cleaned at least 150+ houses/buildings/gutters and probably another 200 decks made of exotic hardwoods, soft species, composite and vinyl. I have been called out on over 600 estimates and have been doing residential work/advisng DIY'ers for four years on residential work. I humbly submit that I am beyond theory and draw more upon experience.
  5. What does it take???

    One thing left off for unique vendors is product quality. BUT... that will only get you so far. Shipping costs don't concern me. Order enough to make the shipping cost averaged out over more units. Its pennies. Delivering what you promise is number one in my book. That encompasses communication, product availability and expedited shipping.
  6. how to clean office trailer ?

    Kev, congrats on the new bambino! Now I'm gonna bust your chops. Would you mind showing me some pics of a similar project where you used TSP and it solved the issue? A gutter cleaned with TSP would go a long ways towards convincing me. As always the right tool for the job. TSP may not be that tool. I haven't been washing houses for centuries or even decades but I have seen the problem of which Jim is speaking and I'm guessing, so has Scott. I mean c'mon man, you are fairly new to doing exterior cleaning work right? I'm not trying to offend you in any way. You are one of the people I would go to when inquiring about chem theory. But as we know, theory and application do not always jive as we expect them to. A butyl based cleaner, designed for cleaning gutters and in proper dilution will take care of the problem with minimal work.
  7. how to clean office trailer ?

    Gotta go with Scott on this one. TSP in too high of a concentration and it doesn't take much) leaves film on glass. A butyl based cleaner is also the way I would go. I've tried F-13 and it is also a good cleaner. Chem theory takes a back door to real world experience and Scott nailed it with mentioning electrostatic bonding and probably needing brushing.
  8. If only everything in the field went that smoothly, huh?
  9. Tom, my system utilizes dual lance wands. The spray is controlled and extends 3 feet beyond the nozzle end. You just back up so that only the end of the stream is hitting the rails. Its still very "wet" at the end of that spray so wood gets wet quickly and the aded benefit is that there is no fog that can carry and settle where we don't want it to.
  10. Black Spots on Wood Decks

    Is there some kind of new mold strain floating around? I just posted a thread the other day about a similar situation. Ready Seal supposedly doesn't feed mold (more rhetoric) but the pollen that lands on top certainly does.
  11. Who Does Fleet Work in Philly area?

    I blew off looking at this thing last week. I had too many resi's to estimate. I'll contact everyone whom replied with a message or pm by the end of the week
  12. I have a customer (RAD) asking me what these spots are. I have a couple ideas but I wanted to get a conference of opinions. The facts as they have been told to me. Bleach at 6% will not take them away. These spots are spreading. Look at the pics. What do you think?
  13. well one way or the other RAD step-1 or Step-2 will take care of it. Thank you everyone for your input.
  14. Goof Off

    Any type of solvent is not a good idea. Mineral spirits are made with petroleum and can leave shadows. You best bet is a butyl based cleaner for cleaning up overspray or drips.
  15. Porch Pergola equals PITA

    Thats what they told me at BB and I bought the reader but the problem is, the photos are in the flash memory. I didn't want to unscrew the camera to ruin it (even though a 5 MP HP isn't worth a helluva lot) Can I remove the flsh memory or should I just wait for the cable to arrive? (Kev, sorry about the thread hijack)
  16. I haven't tried anything Shane cuz the customer is 800 miles away. When she was describing the problem I was thinking tannin bleed but now I am not sure.
  17. Here is an excerpt from my message board: "We had a new red cedar deck built in April at our home in southern CT. We have recently learned that we should have sealed it within 2-3 weeks, but we did not know this and were waiting for warmer weather. About 3 weeks ago we had three days of rain and then small gray/black spots began appearing on the floor of the deck. They have since started to move up the railings. Nothing we have tried so far will remove them except intense power washing which will damage the wood. We have tried Wolmans deck brite oxygen activated cleaner in high concentrations and even that will not kill whatever these spots are. As a last resort we even tried bleach. It did nothing. The rain line where the water splashes off the roof has no spots. The rest of the deck is covered. If this is mildew shouldn't the bleach kill it? Will your product remove these spots? Thanks for your assistance."
  18. Quick Connects

    Change them out. The tolerances on the cheaply made ones (if thats what you have) are lousy and every 4th or 5th one is a real PITA.
  19. Porch Pergola equals PITA

    Nope, tried it.. best buy said the cable is proprietary. I jst found an online sight dcables.com that has them.
  20. Porch Pergola equals PITA

    I have no idea where the cable is. I had it last year. Tore apart my office looking for it.. nada.
  21. Porch Pergola equals PITA

    I'll have to go back and take a picture of the finished product. I don't think I have taken more than one set of pics this year and that was an ipe deck which is sitting in my camera's flash memory with no way to transfer it to my compter (unless youcan advise me) HP camera.
  22. Porch Pergola equals PITA

    Kevin, they are out there. I cringe when I see them and I bid them very high (most times more than the remainder of the deck. Did one last week that had thick vines encircling every path. We had to strip and stain the deck without disturbing them.
  23. A short clip on Posting.

    I tried to find the link the other day to post on another board.. this one is dead?