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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. But it's only 7:40 Jarrod. One man should be able to setup, clean 100 trucks, stop for a late breakfast and be back by 9:30 ;-)
  2. Hands On Wood Demo For Free

    Tony, I doubt I would make it out there, but I'd be happy to donate something.
  3. Steeples

    The mold might have been IN the paint. In which case a repaint would have been all you could have done. If you did manage to get the one side clean and that wasn't the case then what other alternative would there to using an articulating lift?
  4. Steeples

    For an extra $350 you could have rented an articulating boom but I can see why you would have not done that. It almost doesn't sem worth it at first glance. Do you always use an extension wand for heights? Though you don't post often you have been a member of this site for awhile so I am assuming you own an X-jet. I would think standing on a ridgeline you could have X-Jetted enough chem up there to get it 85-90% clean. It looks painted. What is the steeple made of?
  5. JARROD THANK YOU FOR YOU UNBIASED AND NEUTRAL RETORT LOL. The fact remains this would not work for 99.9% of the people reading this. You need a ton of work, more than one employee, multiple vehicles and very tight procedure. PS: Your guy called me. I have to find out who is serving Philly. Thanks for the follow up!
  6. Pita Msds

    Dan, The issue you are forgetting is this.. Bob carries insurance for Simple Cherry and shares your liability. You start mixing chemicals and you not only have no insurance or backup you will also be suspect to a court/jury. I disagree about a civil court not determining right or wrong. One side will win. Let's say I am a judge/mediator/juror listening to a civil case. This lady says she was injured by a contractors cleaner. Now you step up, with no manufacturer to back you up, and start talking about how you mix that chemical and that chemical. I would glaze over and you would be guilty. Is that fair? No, but its how people think.
  7. Hands On Wood Demo For Free

    Tony, that would be a great and generous contribution.
  8. Pita Msds

    Using 12% hypochlorite, sodium metasilicate, sodium hydroxide and TSP all in raw form would be my definition of a home brew.
  9. Low rent

    I'd ask for a big deposit too unless its a HUD funded job.
  10. Pita Msds

    Of course she is trying to build a case. Whether or not she can win is of course, another story. Don't be surprised if the next call is for your liability certificate (if the PM doesn't already have it) Another things comes to mind (Dan). Homemade brews have no MSDS and if Jeff used one he would be screwed.
  11. Dreg's List

    Here is a post from Craig's List. It started off fine but the middle pictures started pegging my W-T-F meter. This guy probably should have left a couple pictures off. Restore your Deck,Fence,Brick Walkways,And Concrete (See Pics)
  12. Another WTW Job

    Jarrod would have had the whole thing done in three hours by himself. Sorry, J, I couldn't resist.
  13. I hear ya Jarod. I'm still on the fence. Your scenario holds true in a perfect world but your numbers are not jiving with mine. I'll use the analysis I have done to make it more real world for me. A) I can send out two guys to do three decks per day. They come back the next day and they stain those three. Working six day weeks with agreable weather, we get done nine decks per week. Labor cost: $1600 B) Sending out one man crews is going to drop efficiency. By my calculations, in the realm of 35%. So now each one man crew can do two decks per day. But, even with the lost individual production rate, splitting the workers apart yields 12 completed decks for the week. To keep employees motivated for being a one man show I up their PPH by 30%. Labor cost: $2800 Other expenses will rise but to keep this simple for now we'll just use gross billing and labor expense. -Scenario A grosses $7650 and "nets" $6,050 -Scenario B grosses $10,200 and "nets" $7,400 So the company is gonna make an extra $1350 per week. Sounds good I'll take it. But lets look at numbers to be sure. Now lets go back and factor expenses I had to buy another truck and machine. Lets say I cheap out and set something up for $6000 -Logo'd and all machinery to strip and seal decks. Thats $6000 I have to make to break even. Amortized and factored over its life with mainteance call it ($100) per week. Additional marketing is going to cost me ($320) per week and I will have to make 6 extra sales calls every week. Lets call it 6 hours at $30 per hour ($180). Total of extra expenses: $600 per week. So the bottom line comes down to the company making an extra $750 per week. Still sounds like a winner. Benefits: 1) I can afford to pay a higher wage and hopefully find better employees. 2) The increased usage of products betters my buying power with suppliers 3) The more customers in my database the more referrals and repeat work I get. 4) I think employees would be better of strapping on an i-pod and left to do their thing. Some negatives I foresee: - I have to expand my working area increasing travel expense - More equipment means more to break down and/or maintain - Safety is compromised - I may be underestimating loss of efficiency - Face morale issues isolating employees on jobsite. There is more but I will let someone else jump in.
  14. Another WTW Job

    Are those cedar posts 10x10's? They are stunning.
  15. Larry, that avatar made milk come out of my nose.
  16. Dreg's List

    I think Chaz's outlook will be ulimately successful for both himself and the industry. By adhering and committing to a level of excelence with his own business he will positively contribute to the uindustry as whole. Its true there is nothing we can do about guys like this one from Craigs List. In reality we need them to establish scale. If everyone performed the same level of work and outputted the same quality we would then truly have to sell on price and image. So you Dreg's Listers, painters (not you Dan) and landscapers with 4000 psi machines, perform your vandalism. Wear your flip flops. You make my life both difficult and easy but I love ya for it.
  17. Dreg's List

    Its a great can. Now he has to go back and get himself a gas cap for his tank. My observation of the "night time" pics is that jobs regularly take him from sun-up til sundown. Look at the pics of him doing concrete. I calculate his flatwork production rate at about 150 sf/hr. I'll bet for whomoever he did that job featured in the last few pics, they loved the striping and wand marks left after the concrete dried. On one hand, I love guys like this.. makes all of our jobs look that much better. But on the other hand, these types of results are what make people start to dictate what they think a job is worth. These pics show homeowner grade results. Anybody with a single DIY bone in their body can get the same outcome. How much should people pay for that. Painters and Landscapers, stick to what you do best! It ain't powerwashing.
  18. Dreg's List

    I'm gonna lift that picture of him standing on that saw horse with the piece of siding underneath him and put it on my "10 Reason To Hire A Professional Pressure Washing Company" What's with the WD-40?
  19. Rick, We'll hit the Westgate Pub. We'll take the little women to Le Bec Fin on a Friday night after we start making money.
  20. Yeah but Rick, Jeff also hit it on the head. We are old. We are fat. etc etc etc . We NEED helpers or risk coronaries. I think what Jarrod is saying is why are we nice bosses and doubling payroll so a guy can have someone to with whom he can chat? I think there should be two guys but then again, if I have one guy and its a tough job he is not going to want to fart around like he might if he had the cushion. Jarrod, I totally see where you are going (and a part of me agres with it) Stop peeling eggs and write out your thoughts. I want to play devil's advocate.
  21. I hear and obey. LOL. Lookin forward to it.
  22. Does Everyone Use Chemicals?

    You are very lucky. There was a roof cleaner that was thrown 100 ft off a roof (I think he was killed) by mixing an acid with chlorine. Please learn your chemicals and look for a post entitled "chemical reactivity worksheet". The guy mentioned above was using a pump up sprayer and he blew a whole the size of a large meteor crater into the roof he was working on.
  23. When I was on a crew it was so I could stop, meet with neighbors, make calls, check messages, not have to setup and break down. My thoughts this year are having two guys for safety, appearance and efficiency. One stains, one backbrushes. One sprays sealer, one cleans up and watches overspray. I'm gonna throw a two gun setup together for my box truck so two guys can be spraying. But even before then I will still send out two man wash crews.. Jarrod, just by talking to you and knowing your physical conditioning I know you are a beast. Not every employee is going to be that motivated. If I have guys out washing three decks in one day, they need to be able to switch off and take breaks. My feeling is that we work around power lines, at heights etc. One man having an accident with no homeowner around can go from injury to fatality. Is it worth it? By the same token, my payroll expenses are going to break $125K this year so I am open minded for suggestions.
  24. How would you clean/remove this...

    I can guarantee you you made the problem worse with heat and 4000 psi. You need acid. There are scecialty chemicals made by EacoChem and Aldon that will work.
  25. Psychopaths on the Internet

    It has been brought to my attention that again a certain lonely person with way too much time on his hands and is banned from every board but *** is over there slandering my name via IP address. I am not going to reply to it. Everyone that has encountered this person has had problems. He is obviously a disturbed individual. I am posting this here to preclude phone calls, PM's emails etc. I am aware of whats going on. Anyone that knows me should be certain that I would not ever interact with an insignificant nuisance such as this person represents himself to be. There is legal action pending regarding squatting at pressureprosinc.com. That is what I assumed has spawned this. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.