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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. I spy

    Check YouTube for videos of people pulling this gag. Hilarious
  2. I spy

    Before I even click on the link I am going to have to change my drawers after I do this?
  3. Down Streaming 300ft of hose

    I have found 200 ft to be the longest length with effective draw. I notice the difference at 250 and the chem starts getting too weak.
  4. Haggard

    I am far from a bible thumper but I have yet to see any Television style "evangelist" that carries God's message in an altruistic, non self servient manner. These guys drive Bentleys while their congregations of poverty leveled, social security collecting people give away huge chunks of their incomes to the "church". These guys will get theirs.
  5. Claimspage.com

    That page is so busy I couldn't stare at it for more than a minute.
  6. Stripping IPE wood

    Shane, he uses the 100 series. Basically turns a penetrating sealer into a film. Evidently this film is tough as nails though.
  7. Stripping IPE wood

    There is a forum where a deck builder posts about TWP (layered on wet on dry several coats) and I cannot convince people why that is a bad idea. He has decks he has done in this fashion that have held up for 3 years (ipe decks mind you) I have seen no pictures and I know this is a bad idea but people here that and TWP become THE product to use on ipe. The readers have used and loved the RAD cleaning system and that was how this lead came about.
  8. Stripping IPE wood

    I'm not sure Shane. You know homeowners. They only own the property they have no idea what is usually going on with it. He was a bit ambiguous. I tried to get as much info as possible from him. I tried to convince him to not through good money after bad and hire a hack who will get 1/3 of the way in and abandon the job. The RM that that Tom tried is pretty strong stuff. I'm leaning towards it being a latex paint. Why anyone in their right mind would pay top dollar to cover it up with paint is beyond my comprehension. I'm guessing the builder fancied himself a finisher and gave the H.O bad advice.
  9. The Wall in Texas--Political topic(Pictures)

    Yo Johnny, you make capo yet?
  10. Lance Question in Regards to Downstreaming

    You can only use a dual lance for close rinsing. To get the height you need a 0 degree large orifice nozzle so you are getting the right pressure and flow.
  11. Hmmm...

    Mike, good to see you, you must be busy. Five years is a conservative estimate. That roof is probably just about shot already.
  12. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    KERRY :stupid: He misread the joke... hmmm
  13. Stripping IPE wood

    Tom, I talked to him at length today. The customer kept using the word "paint" and by the looks of it, thats what it is. I explained to him that the process for removal was going to be expensive. He seemed hell bent on the idea that a contractor was going to rip him off. You are going to need a specialty chemical. There are non caustics you can use if the paint is latex. Those products are pretty expensive. Be careful on this one, Tom. All of us that have done restoration for a few minutes have thought we could tackle a job like this only to lose our shirts in time and material cost. I charge $5 per s/f for this type of strip. You are going to have to factor in sanding and ipe cannot be spot sanded.
  14. Intro

    Jay, fill out your signature.
  15. Need advice about cleaning this

    I'm not sure what is going there but I can take a wild guess. Define your "standard 12% bleach housewash". Whats your mix and what other ingredients are in it?
  16. Chemical Tank for Downstreaming

    John, I am not saying you are wrong but its hard for me to fathom that there would be no difference in draw rate. If on one hand the venturi is trying to suck chemicals over a 6 foot tube with half of that being a vertical rise, how could that equal that same downstreamer having a force fed supply from which to draw. I am weak on the physics side of things so I guess I am just asking for an explaination of why.
  17. Wood Restoration Photo Contest

    Jim, beautiful, man. What were your impressions of the product?
  18. Chemical Tank for Downstreaming

    As long as your chemical mixes were clean (no sediment or separation) I would think it would be better to take advantage of the gravity feed.
  19. Thoughts on a post card design...

    There has to be a synergy of wording and graphic display. My belief is that you really need to research all aspects of marketing before you can take one stance or another. You have to relate what works for large, well funded campaigns versus more down to earth campaigns that for most of us are under $10k for the year. Wording is good, yes. Some keywords to remember are finite, concise and interesting. If the only thing that was important were words, a guy that lists every single service under the sun, mentions his insurance and tells about all his references would have the perfect campaign. If the only thing that were important were photos we could put our logos, a 50/50 before after pic and our phone number and we would also have the perfect campaign. Anthony to play Devil's Advocate back at you.. what if you were searching and I had five professionally done photographs of my machine from every angle including the hour meter. Not one written word about it though. Would you buy it? In a particular ad is up to you to control the pace. Get their attention. Make your pitch. Call them to action. Follow the rules finite, concise and interesting and you may have second thoughts about the effectiveness of postcard mailers or phonebook ads.
  20. Bartering services

    John, I don't think anyone would feel pressured to use your service just based upon a promotional item, but they will remember getting a gift from your company. You may shoot yourself in the foot with your philosophy. Think about this statistic and you'll know why I love 'fridge magnets. The average American household opens their refrigerator 22 times per day. As far as bartering services.. Its not for everyone. If you know your work scope and negotiate up front both parties can come out winners. If a company wants $600 to letter your rig and their building, sidewalk and windows need to be cleaned, you can complete the job with $30 worth of chemicals and 3 hours of your time. I'd say that is totally win/win.
  21. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Absolutely, Beth. The balance is tying together your draw in with your real message. A picture can do that wonderfully. At the bottom of my flyer design it says, "Go ahead flip this over to se what PressurePros can do for you" and there, of course, is the after picture of gleaming siding, spotless windows, and fresh white concrete. Without the pictures, the whole card would just be a gimmick.
  22. Bartering services

    Jon a video like that with crews following you, editing miles of clips, broadcast quality cameras etc, could run what.. $20-30k? If I could get that, pay my guys and still throw a few coin in my pocket I would jump on it in a heartbeat.
  23. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Mike, there positively is a place for your flyer. I will play with it for a spring launch.
  24. Real Estate Investing

    Bill what would you say is a time line for investing? I think it is very hard to find undervalued RE right now unless you are talking about HUD foreclosures that need major construction. I would advise steering clear of RE investment for the time being to let the market soften. There are still areas on the climb. I think in 5-6 years you will see many people buckle under ARM's and IO loans as rates rise a bit. So many people are over-leveraged I have a feeling that their will be a flood of upper tier housing hitting the market as buyers realize they bought too much house for their income level. I believe in the theory that the RE market is driven top down. When those higher priced homes start flooding the market and prices come down and/or interest rates decline people start the whole upgrade procedure and the next boom bubble begins.
  25. Renting Equipment

    Things I have wanted: Dual wand setups that flowed 10+ gpms. Extra Deckers Very large surface cleaners