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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. We could singlehandedly dominate the market.. as well as hook up with some hot tamales.
  2. got chems now the mix?

    PJ I am not trying to give you a hard time. I reread your first post to make sure I wasn't hasty or misreading your capitalized use of the word Dawn™ as some type of inflection. I still get the same message. You are comparing 12% bleach to 3.75% bleach. I'm not factoring in your downstreaming just the way you said you mixed it. Even a little TSP is not going to make 3.75% perfrom like 12%. It might make 9% and 12% work similarly.
  3. I have three more decks, one is a bigger resto and the other two are standard fair. I am ready for the break too. Maybe I'll move tothe southern hemisphere where spring is just beginning ;-)
  4. Uniform ?

    It could be worse. I get painters shorts for the guys and they end above the knee. You should hear the complaints.
  5. got chems now the mix?

    Ok man, you got it all figured out then.. go with what works for you.
  6. New Competition

    There are two schools of thought about specializing. I used to be of the train of thought that you specialize and you have more value. I have since switched that notion to encompass all that is exterior maintenance. Even then I have recently expanded into interior painting. I think painting and PW'ing are well suited to each other but unfortunately, Dan, you and RCBill are the exception to doing the job properly. Most painters blast away quickly and call it a job. That may be fine on a paint prep but many painters carry that mentality into wood resto and housewashing and that hurts the industry.
  7. Thank God!!!!!!

    Probably more like do rag, *** bag and those hideous multi colored baggy pants.. and of course the string tank with the narrow cut back so your lats look bigger.
  8. Thank God!!!!!!

    It won't really double your output by any stretch unless you are benching 135. I was doing 365 naturally for a rep and a half. Did a 4 week cycle of Deca and cyp and gained about 14 lbs and added maybe 50 lbs to my bench and 90 to my squat. I'll have to scan some old pics. 5'7 215 lbs with a 32" waist.
  9. Lynden, WA. Strip job

    Anything you can do Dan is very much appreciated. Its not critical mass. Customer wanted to try Restore-A-Deck to do the above job and I told her no way it would be strong enough. I told her I would look for a contractor in her area. If you know anyone that would be interested just give me a shout.
  10. Thank God!!!!!!

    I dunno Fife.. with those shoulders we better start you off at 135. I got 405 up for a single in my heyday (little help from Vitamin S). I think 225 would do me in now. Sad.
  11. I don't know what Israel does but we spray right around the hardware and wipe it clean wih a spirits dampened rag.
  12. Thank God!!!!!!

    Ahhhh the fruits of success. Nice looking gear Jarrod.
  13. Weapons for protection

    Next time you find yourself in trouble have one of these onhand. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/2006/06/autopistol.html
  14. Dan, you might be missing part of the equation. People will buy from those they like and more importantly from those that CLOSE THE SALE. How much of a broken record do I sound like? I say this over and over again and many cannot see the forest for the trees. I'm not singling you out, Dan just making more of a gneralized statement based upon what I read/hear. My thoughts are though are that you did the other guy a favor, educated the customer, didn't close them and then the next guy has work already done. All he had to do was smile and nod and ask them when they wanted to book the job. You can be professional, you can have the nicest rig, you can be experienced, knowlegable and have the best portfolio around. Sometimes it's enough, sometimes it isn't. Without several closes, a knowlege of how to overcome objections and follow up perseverence, you can be spinning your wheels. On this board alone I would guess tens of thousands of dollars in missed opportunity and inflated marketing budget is wasted every year. Three things will make you successful in a business and are a basis for the book I am writing. 1) Creative Marketing 2) Good Sales Ability 3) Knowing your job Oops I am hijacking my own thread. Yo Mike, if thats the best their "after" pictures can get, they can keep that garbage. Call Kevin and ask him to send you a picture of a deck with Seal RX that is 25 years old.... 20..... 10..... five? Three guesses why they can't?
  15. got chems now the mix?

    The Dawn had nothing to do with your results. How could you make credible assumptons when you were comparing apples to oranges? Of course straight 12% is going to have more umph than 15% diluted 4:1. Withstanding the constant dilution ratio of the downstreamer you are comparing the strength of 12% sodium hypochlorite to 3.75% sodium hypochlorite. This is what makes your experiments worthless for you in terms of finding factual data. After the 3.75% solution of sodium hypochlorite was run through the downstreamer you might have had .5% solution hitting the wall. That is way to low to do anything unless it sat in aqueous form (wet) on the surface for a couple of hours. Try mixing two gallons of the 15% to two gallons of water. Divide this solution into three parts. Use the first part as your control. Mix the other two parts..one with Dawn and one with TSP solution. Now rpeat your experiment and make conclusions from what you see. I am looking forward to your findings.
  16. Thanks Dan, good stuff. Anyone else. What would you like on your own deck? Even if you don't do restoration?
  17. New Kid on the Block!

    Hello Tegrey (your signature filled out would be very helpful so I know you name). I will address your comment about not having time to stop and learn. That, to me, seems contradictory to your ultimate goal. As you know being as successful as you already are, success requires time and dedication. Starting by reading everything you can on his website from business and marketing topics to the forums on your chosen PW'ing vocation. This will get you 85% of the way there. It then becomes an issue of speed and efficiency. Use the right equipment and the right detergents. Don't skimp on effective chemicals and don't take shortcuts. Set up an effective marketing campaign using your existing database. Start a newsletter and let them know about your new service. Do every job carefully and properly. There is a short learning curve with most areas of PW'ing and restoration you'll get faster. Don't give away your services, always get FMV. Don't use price as part of your marketing. Sell quality and asurance. The rest is time.
  18. I am torn on this. I like customer to be very happy with the end results (ie. when I am getting paid) There sems to be a balance of fragility versus beauty that is hard to overcome. I can give a customer the most beautiful finish using products that don't hold up all that well. I can give them a finish that lasts for three years but it does not look as good as option one. I ask everyone what they seek but of course the answer is always somewhere in the middle.
  19. Newbie for Shubie

    Okay just making sure..people do some strange things. It actually looks like carpet string in the corner to the closest rail post.
  20. Newbie for Shubie

    am I tripping or is that carpet at the bottom of that staircase?
  21. Where do you hang out your shingle?

    LOL, we get both ends of the scale. Not ready to drop a few (hundred) lb's? Come on over to Cold Stone and try our Founder's Favorite with extra browinie.. mmmmmm What's that you say? A summer of 'Gotta Have It' size Mud Pie Mojo has grown your azz into its own zip code? Come on over to Curves where more women lose weight than with any other exercise program in the country. I'm just stuck trying to figure out a way to do a joint advertising venture. Jon, don't forget your retail space. Gotta know where to send my Brandon contractors for RAD contractor packs ;-) PS: I am sending you a coupon for a month's worth of ice cream. (and some Minoxidil)
  22. First residential PW job bid today

    Bartering your service for advertising, accounting, bopokeeping or something that will further your business is fine. Bartering with someone for goods against your livelihood is foolish.
  23. Where do you hang out your shingle?

    Office space is wherever I am thanks to my cell phone.. Formally PP has a commecial lot that I bought as an investment ten years ago in hopes of building an office building as the area was redeveloped. A developer that went belly up and a disenchanted city council has left me in zoning limbo and the only thing I can do is park trucks there and rent space to shade tree mechanics. I have a little trailer there where I meet the guys most mornings. It has a desk and cable for a modem. Its right next to a train stop so my guys can get the R train into work. I also have digs at Curves and Cold Stone if I need a more formal meeting palce. I'm looking for a new place with some retail space.
  24. Almost walked away

    I think she is doing what every good customer should do. Of course, I was not there to hear her tone and that can make all the difference in the world. I agree 100% with Tracy's advice on pricing. Your price is what it is. I wonder if this lady walks up to a store owner and says "I know your sign says $3.00, I was just wondering if you'd take $2.50 (some people do.. I do on bigger ticket items) As far as the job having difficulties, you priced accordingly and you should feel comfortable with that. I would say if she expressed all that interest she is obviously considering hiring you.
  25. Customers, just gotta vent.

    Priority mail = no tracking. Unfortunately Phillip got burned trying to save a little shipping $$. I did the same thing (for different reasons). I have a package of RAD floating around Canadian customs somewhere.