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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. Customer is looking for a twice annual cleaning of their composite deck. I don't do the city. Contact me if interested.
  2. When to say "NO"!

    Yeah that's about an hour each way.. little bit further than I'd like to travel but if he is paying you, I know he can afford me.. ;-) I have an office day tomorrow. I'll give you a ring. PS: RS on an ipe deck sitting under a house that needs a percarb clean. Yeah no chance I'll mess that up. :eek:
  3. When to say "NO"!

    :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Rick, when I first read your post and saw the picture I was like.. What the hell is Petry ranting about.. then I looked at the wood and yes, my inner woody saw the beauty of the au natural. If cleaning and oiling that wood borders on moral turpitude for you, I can pick up the project in mid October.
  4. When to say "NO"!

    Give him my number, Rick. I have no such moral discourse. LOL.
  5. house wax

    I agree with you. We do ours after the rinse.
  6. Cedar Deck Cleaning

    Craig flat at about 2000 rpm. Keep it moving as it can burnish wood quickly.
  7. I remember sitting at the bar with Jake up in New York and he showed me a chart he had in his wallet and if memory serves me, your numbers are correct Tony. Most of my decks are extremely dry having been coated with some color of waterborne garbage. I have yet to find a floor that looks complete with one coat of anything, even the Armstrong semi trans.
  8. I agree that yellow transoxide pigment is very potent. That was always one of the issues I had with Wood Tux HG. Wayyyy to much pigment. Made everything look either yellow or orange. I'm gonna up the blending colors and see what happens. I don't have any of the natural in stock. Is that a pigmented product?
  9. Tony, Now I am getting like you. I have been playing with some blends to get a nice tone. I'm trying to tame down that yellow of the cedar semi trans. Did a project last week with a 1/4 blend of the redwood toner added to the CST. I did another one with the same ratio using the Rustic brown and CST. Its difficult because the color that is laid down and the cured color two weeks later are completely different in many cases.
  10. Staining my deck

    looks good, Rick. You know its funny how every area is different. I get crucified if there is even a hint of too much red. I think people don't know what a good looking red is versus that orange or pink that is sold at the box stores.
  11. No. It makes more mess than it is worth. Ipe will check and crack to a small extent whether you do it or not.
  12. Again there really is no average. We can dump 600 gallons of water on a deck that would be normal size for us. Get some type of buffer. My rule of thumb is is to have 10 gallons of backup water for every gallon a machine flows. (eg 4 gpm machine= 40 gallon buffer)
  13. Staining my deck

    No I think he was trying to address my post which was quoting Jamie P. There is a Jamie in this thread. This is Tom Baker the owner of Baker's Gray Away.
  14. Staining my deck

    I was under the impression this is Tom Baker?
  15. What about the white spots from the bleach?
  16. Oh Yeah, that is going to leave stains. They will probably show up as dark spots. Dyes and pigments don't mix with or mask each other.
  17. You should be able to sand it out Adrian.
  18. 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite

    pool supply.
  19. Gallons per minute

    How much pressure do you need? I have a 10 gpm pump on 13 horse Honda.
  20. Staining my deck

    For selfish reasons I'd rather see a TWP/Bakers and Armstrong shootout. I think it would be more apples to apples.
  21. Staining my deck

    I think he meant the RS, Rick.
  22. Staining my deck

    Dan, go back and look at your decks. This is what they look like after a few weeks and the product settles in. This is A/C semi trans cedar. I think most contractors underapply stain. I was on this deck. The rails were sprayed to the point of dripping and it was all backbrushed and another coat was applied. I purposely went back to take this picture to see if the extra coat made a difference. This was tore up pressure treated wood that was left untreated for 6 years. You gotta be good at prepping ;) PS: The semi solid would not be much deeper in tone. I'll get you a pic of a little landing we did with it. It looks just like this. It is rock solid protected, there is plenty of pigment in there.
  23. Staining my deck

    Adrian, I know Baker's is actually a TWP formula. I think they just add pigment and spirits to it. I never heard the brothers thing. Where did you hear that?
  24. Staining my deck

    You know its weird, Rick. Shane's pictures were either doctored, his camera was strange, the wood in Texas is different that the wood here, or those pictures were the 3rd or 4th maintenance treatment. I have never had the experience with Baker's being opaque. That pic above is two fairly heavy applications of Bakers Super Cedar dark mixed 50/50 with Super Cedar applied hours apart.