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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. Who is going to PWNA throwdown in October?

    ::waving my magic wand:: POOF.. you are now qualified to clean kitchen exhaust.
  2. Gorgeous mountain deck

    Great ass, Neil, do you work out? LOL. Nice job on the deck. I knew you were going to K-A full time. You are off to a good start. Give me a ring and let me know your thoughts on the Wood Tux... what you like, what you would improve upon etc. I would like to compare notes. Same goes for you Roger G.
  3. deck+housewash

    Very nice. I imagine that was about a $1500 payday
  4. I'm curious...

    There is a very high demand everywhere. I started in this business doing kitchen exhaust cleaning. Sales are done by cold calling and are probably the easiest sales you will ever do in your life. These restaurants need their exhaust cleaned. If they have a fire they are out of business for months. Many of their existing customer base will never return. You basically walk in and let them know why you are the company to do it. I will tell you, the job is dirty and nasty. The hours are terrible and it will definitely interfere with your family life if you plan on doing the work.
  5. moldy basement

    When a house is sold, the realtor needs to disclose any issues like lead paint, mold, aged roof etc. If the potential homeowner hears there was a mold issue they are likely to hire a remediation expert to come in and take readings. Just getting rid of the mold that is seen is a band aid. Where there is smoke there is usually fire and where there is mold growth in a residence, there is usally more. Often walls need to be opened, ambient readings need to be made and safe levels (not sure what the acceptable ppm is) have to be achieved before a property is ready for sale. Let's say you go in as "the expert" and upon inspection a certified and licensed mold remediation guy comes in and says not only are the levels still unacceptable but the last guy who sprayed water all over the place caused the problem to get worse. Guess whose liability insurance is going to come into play? Its just not worth it, in my opinion. There are so many jobs out there that don't carry this type of risk. In addition, you need to check your insurance. You may not even be covered to step inside a house and perform work. For some reason my insurance says "basement waterproofing" which covers a bunch of areas. I'd hate for you to try and make a few hundred bucks to find out that the burden of a real expert in this area will end up costing you thousands. In business your goal should always be to minimize risk. I think you are missing that very important criteria chasing this job. I think you should move on..just friendly advice.
  6. cool link for house prices

    Awesome... It was not right on my house because it didn't account for the double lot and acreage but the closeup picture was detailed!
  7. Help Name New Company

    Terry, I think Jason must have outbid me on those. He is the Trump of the Caribbean and a very avid fan of corny Sci-Fi . The last time I was at his house he opened the door in a StormTrooper outfit. :trooper: How can you compete with someone that dedicated?
  8. PWWSS (Power Washing Wives Support System) Forum?

    Women belong at home barefoot and pregnant. The only way to get them more involved is to bombard these pages with ads for beauty products and cooking supplies. Let's see if that gets some response.
  9. Help with Pictures

    I sympathise with you, Jeff. If I had some extra good ones I would let you use them. I have a ton of pictures and as I have been informed, many of them are just not web worthy. I take pics from too many different angles or the damn thing moves and the after shot looks worse than the before.
  10. PWWSS (Power Washing Wives Support System) Forum?

    I think we are the only ones that got it?
  11. Help Name New Company

    a pH balanced Peg Leg is a happy one.
  12. PWWSS (Power Washing Wives Support System) Forum?

    LMFAO! :sinister: :sinister: :sinister: :sinister: :lolsign: wooooooooooooooooosh, was that a plane?
  13. Help Name New Company

    Jim he is going to need that parrot for the uniforms
  14. Australian Timber Oil

    You changed the product characterisitcs to now behave like a film former. In high humidity it could take a month to cure. The customer really talked you into a bad maneuver. I suppose you could wet a stain pad or lambswool pad with spirits and go over it. Be careful of footprints.
  15. Help Name New Company

    I bid 5g's on a bronze mold of Leonard Nimoy's hand. LOL And you know how I had to vote.. too good of an opportunity to pass up.
  16. Help Name New Company

    Grease Pirates of the Caribbean - taking the grease and leaving the shine - Variations on the byline: - we leave behind a treasure - kitchen exhaust cleaning worth its weight in gold - making kitchen exhaust cleaning a true treasure You already came up with the name. I think it lends itself well to familiarity, just a bit of cleverness and an endless expansion of marketing campaigns. Those bylines are just quick ones I came up with on the fly, but you can see that with some thought you can come up with something catchy.
  17. moldy basement

    I would be worried where all the water is going to go. Even if the basement is nothing but cinderblock and cement floor with a drain, you will end up with standing water and very high amounts of humidity. This of course will exacerbate the very problem you are trying to fix. If there is any type of wood or drywall up, forget it, it will get wet and you could end up paying dearly. If this were me I would price it high or walk. Technically they should have a mold remediation company come in, someone that is qualified to write off on the spore levels present throughout the home. There are disclosure and liability issues I would not want to get involved with. I think you are asking for trouble on this one.
  18. HD-80....pain in the you know what

    Add me to the "uh-oh" list as well. My first bright idea was to apply the chemical using a backpack sprayer. I still have the scarring on the small of my back.
  19. TGS shirts - interested?

    And in a crisis.. well, I was just thinking of the thread on bathroom emergencies. Sorry Beth I couldn't resist. Did Enviroclean order his dozen yet? He wants them split half and half with Chewbacca and Hans Solo shirts.
  20. PWWSS (Power Washing Wives Support System) Forum?

    This post seems to have lost weight. :confused: :zipit:
  21. moldy basement

    I would not bring a pressure washer into someone's basement. You'll do more damage than good. Price it as applying bleach (I would add a scent to mask the smell a bit) and brushing.
  22. old brick help!

    I deal with a guy up here in PA. Your best bet is to call them. I think any of the above would be effective. On older, porous brick I like the GSR. Always wet your substrate before applying an acid. Start weak and apply twice. Brushing also helps.
  23. old brick help!

    Eaco, in my opinion, has the best masonry restoration chemicals. I haven't used the Ef-fortless but have had excellent results with GSR and NMD-80
  24. Another productive 3 hour day

    I cancelled our afternoon jobs. It is unbelievable trying to work in this heat. I was getting chills and one of my guys called me and told me they were both laying under a tree and that they were cold (ie one step away from heat exhaustion or stroke) Its not worth going to the hospital over a housewash. The customers were very sympathetic and agreed that we should reschedule. It was 95 at ten am with no clouds, no breze and a dew point of 80. How do you guys in the south handle this? Anyone else wuss out like me and call it a day early?
  25. PWWSS (Power Washing Wives Support System) Forum?

    Same boat as Scott. I have tried to show Christine some things on here to get her interested (she is the vice president of the company after all) but she just makes a face and says.. "Why does he call himself Seymore if his name is Shane"? LOL Like a doe in the headlights. (Shane I told her why and she cracked up)