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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. Check and make sure your listing is correct. You can email me any changes you would like or list them here. If you would like to get listed you have to fill out this form so I can make a listing for you. (this link is for the form to get listed) http://www.deckcleaner.shoppingcartsplus.com/contractorlistingform.html[/url] (this link is for the Contractor Directory page on my website so you can proof read your listing). http://www.restore-a-deck.com/cleaningcontractors.html
  2. Here they are.. your listings

    Barry, You have to send them to customerservice@restore-a-deck.com
  3. Here they are.. your listings

    The newest entries are up. Plenty of open space unless you are already too busy and don't need work. Again please proof read your entry to make sure it is the way you want it. Belly up Fife, Foley and others. Free exposure is free exposure plus the listing will help your Google rating. PS: I received a couple of entries from guys i didn't know. If you could send me some pictures of your work and a few references from your area. I want to keep this a high quality listing
  4. mineral spirits on asphalt

    Excellent. Glad you didn't have to take the nasty route. God always comes through for me too.
  5. m-5 pics before and after

    Ron, I drilled it out, gold plated it and soaked it in a hydrolytic bath for a week. I now get 250 ft with no overspray. Top that!
  6. Am I that overpriced?

    I don't do roofs so I don't know of that is high or not. Your problem in this situation was doing the sale over the phone. If you want to sell high priced jobs you have to be in front of the customer selling yourself. All she had was a voice on the phone and she based her decision on price. Also remember, she didn't think it really neded to be done. She just may have been shocked and will find that is what everyone charges. Be sure to follow up with her (in both written and with a call next week)
  7. m-5 pics before and after

    Tom, do a search on X-Jet on this forum. While you are at it, research "dwonstreaming". The advantage of the X-jet is being able to apply high ratio of chemicals without over diluting. On vinyl siding this is completley unneccesary in my opinion and a waste of chemical but on stucco or dryvit, the X-Jet is a life saver.
  8. Who & how

    Jeff, I was reading more into your post than just seeking a bookeeper. If you are just seeking a bookeeper Stan's advice is perfect. In addition, look for seminars on Time/Power management and effective employee management. Charles Hobbs offers an excellent seminar on Time Power management. I live by my Daytimer. Attend seminars on personal motivation, sales and marketing techniques for contractors and it will not hurt to take a few business course at the local CC. I have logged hundreds of classroom and seminar hours and every minute of them have helped me become a better businessman. There is a seminar coming to Myrtle Beach November 11th. Read about it here. http://www.skillpath.com/seminfo.html/z/29572/SE/os9019/st/MMPPD/OVKEY/seminar/OVMTC/standard/OVRAW/seminars
  9. Bathroom break????

    Close door on truck. grab empty jar, do your thing. Number two can get a little nasty and I try to make sure everyone has gone before they leave for the day. Emergency has struck and those 5 gallon empty's go into the dumpster. yuck. Is poop a caustic or an acid?
  10. Sealmaxx

    I've been warning homeowners about this stuff for two years. It plays right into people's desires as do most scams. "Mrs Johnson, I'll bet your tired of paying to have your deck redone year after year. Pay me a little more up front and I can guarantee you you won't have to touch your deck for 25 years" Who wouldn't jump on that? Another black eye for the industry.
  11. Who & how

    This is good information towards my franchise goal. Thank you for being candid. I expect there ar many guys out there that stay successful in spite of themselves but operating without strict budgeting, organized paper work, refined marketing and a business plan will hinder your growth. Go to a business management company and let them know your budget. Have someone organize your systems, teach you time management and setup your software. be as honest as you always are and they will set you up with a system you can live with and implement. Even if they only stay with you for a couple of weeks I think the lessons will last you a life time. If you fail to get a hold of this now, three years from now you will be doing twice as much work and only making half as much as you should be.
  12. A good quality cleaner and pH balancing system (wink, nudge)
  13. Here they are.. your listings

    I was in there editing some things. Let me know if you still have issues with it. I may have posted wrong link. Try again here: http://www.deckcleaner.shoppingcartsplus.com/contractorlistingform.html
  14. Sap coming from knots

    The reason I asked those questions is that you really cannot do that. The original oil has cured and all you are going to end up with is a film forming top coat which will stay shiny for probably a week and then eventually begin to peel. You will have to strip what you already laid down for the work to last more than six months.
  15. Are you a BBB member?

    Are you a member of the Better Business Bureau? I had a customer send an inquiry to the local chapter and they in turn called to solicit me for membership. If you have benefited from BBB membership in any way, please elaborate in the thread. Thanks.
  16. Here they are.. your listings

    Bill, I don't expect anyone that actively does wood restoration to provide a link back.
  17. Sap coming from knots

    Are you planning on recoating the entire deck? Did you use oil based or water borne?
  18. I have a bunch of entry decks for a condo association I am restoring. I'm sealing one tommorrow. Some of these unit have alternate entryways but the majority like tommorrow's are the only way in and out of about 10 units. The problem is, how am I going to seal these things without people ruining the finish? The only way I can foresee is doing them half and half but that presents a problem of having a nice visible dry line down the middle of the floor. Any ideas?
  19. m-5 pics before and after

    Well, its pertinent to a newbie who may be led to believe that an M5 will shoot 45 feet in the air. Not trying to bust your ballz.
  20. m-5 pics before and after

    Russ, looks great. Are you sure that is 45ft in the air. The scale of the truck creates an illusion making it look more like 35 ft.
  21. TGS shirts - interested?

    When someone votes yes they should be diverted directly to a payment page. Close that sale! :sinister:
  22. Mildew Free Vinyl Siding

    LOL, too funny
  23. housewash without bleach

    Sodium hydroxide, sodium metasilicate and butyl cellusolve. Or you could buy something made to clean concrete like F-18 Max from PressureTek.
  24. Its white hot

    I love the look of a homeowner when they open that sliding door and they see this guy in a respirator that smells like mineral spirits with sweat dripping off his nose and a T-shirt plastered to his body. They always sort of look around wondering what happened to the clean cut guy that sold them the job. I have had a bunch of them ask, "Is the boss around?" I must look like a psycho LOL
  25. Its white hot

    4 hours feels like ten.