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Everything posted by PressurePros

  1. I know there are some good deck guys out in those parts. Anyone need some work?
  2. St Louis, MO Deck Job

    Okay, Don, I will forward your info over to the customer this morning. I don't hav all the details but I know she just had a guy do this deck and it came out terrible.
  3. collecting deposits?

    Most of the larger companies look at it this way, they aren't going anywhere. They can't pick up their building and run away. But a contractor on the other hand can take a deposit and run. Most will not lay out a dime unless they know you have a solid reputation. It doesn't hurt to ask for a good faith deposit, all they can say is no. Make sure you have everything covered with tight contracts. Ask jeff how he handles this.
  4. Chemical injection question

    That is actually a great question. I know you can force feed a downstreamer to increase its flow. I don't know enough about the physics to know how far you can go with that.
  5. Thad, may I use those pictures for my portfolio? People just don't get it.
  6. Last weeks job

    Looks great Don. Be watchful when using a roller, over application is easy with some sealers
  7. Licensed, Insured AND Worker's Comp?

    There was absolutely no malice or ill intent meant to be borne from the question. I was merely asking the obvious. You are reading too much into words that have no emotional intent. Since you have clarified your position I understand more clearly. I agree with Jon, please take on the challenge. We need active spokespeople who are less sizzle and more fauna. If you have the time and resources you should put all the damn yokels out of business. I'd appreciate you understanding that this message board and many others are filled with idea people. Some come and stay, most come and go. What you have discussed here has ben approached before. Your task may be no smaller than stopping the floods of illegals that pour over the border every day or akin to the cargo ships loaded with cocaine laden fire extinguishers. it just doesn't seem to end. This lofty goal you speak of, with no background of whom you are and what interest in our industry you represent sends my "spidy sense" tingling. Its nothing against you.
  8. Hardwood Floor Restorations

    Has anyone ever used the "no sanding" type of refinishing companies?
  9. I'll post pictures of my office and basement that I redid but I ned some credit on my picture allowance. I'm outta space :-(
  10. My new brochure and flyer - take a look!

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so that's another feather in your cap, Keith. Now help me with this damn website. <groan>
  11. Sales Tax?

    Doug, I have charged sales tax on (and reported) the entire bill of goods when I do NJ work (maybe three jobs per year) The reason for that is, my products were purchased online and were not encumbered with any sales tax. If this is an incorrect policy for NJ, I will discontinue that. My logic is that I was selling a marked up product to an NJ user therefore NJ wanted their share on the sale.
  12. Licensed, Insured AND Worker's Comp?

    George, here is what it comes down to. If you know all of the components for successful selling, that would make you a successful real estate agent. Why would you trade that in for a business where you cannot compete and cannot make any money? Buy a retail franchise and run a store. Will you then complain that Walmart buys their products from China? How about a little Mom and Pop Hardware store? Oops, forget that, Home Depot is nearby. EVERY small business owner feels that their playing field is unfair. Its the nature of the beast. You know what else is nature of the beast? Those small guys go out of business quickly. Anyone who takes shortcuts in business usually fails. And for every clown out there, there are three more behind him. I'll leave it at that. I know I won't change your mind.
  13. Licensed, Insured AND Worker's Comp?

    Politics are politics. It is obvious how much passion they breed even in a post that seems benign. My issue with politics is this. Come over to my house on Sunday I will grill you steak and lobster and we will discuss politics and affecting change. Come Monday morning my crews will be busy, I will be negotiating more deals, expanding my customer base and thinking of ways that I missed that I can make more money. If, on the other hand you wanna be Rosa Parks and lobby on Capitol Hill or spend all morning in your Congressman's office, I have respect for you. Someone has to do it. It just won't be me. Guess that makes me a capitalistic, republican pig.... Oink.
  14. Interesting point about Add-on services...

    Three all in one packages that have different things they include like gutter scrubing and driveways. Bets of all worlds. Upcharge for more service yet still don't bog a customer down with a la carte services.
  15. First Time Home Buying Financing

    I have debated buying property and pursuing it as income via flip or rental. I think our business lends itself well to this type of venture as many of us that experience winter have quite a few months of very slow time. My first house was a fixer upper and here is what I learned. No matter what you think repairs will cost, double the figure. What looks like patch and repair often turns into tearing out drywall, finding rotting framing, termites, on going water issues etc. I budgeted $10k for my kitchen and after finding inadequate plumbing and electrical, tearing up and replacing walls and floors, a few upgrades on countertops and fixtures my figure approached $22k. It helps to have a background in carpentry. This is where another "must have" comes into play. Hire an experienced building inspector. Well worth the fee. With the above mentioned surprises comes the hassle of crews running around for long periods of time. This dissaray when you are trying to live there is emotionally taxing. I spent a year living in a half constructed home and by the end I vowed to never to do it again. You live and learn. Buy your property in an area that will warrant the cost of renovation. Buying a house for $100k in a neighborhood that goes for $130 may not be the bargain it appears to be. When you negotiate the price, don't be emotionally attached. Have a willingness to walk away from the deal. Realtors are in business to sell homes, many times they will sway you into making a bad deal or offering too much money. Always make your first offer what you would think is ridiculously low. Accompany it with "good faith" down payment. My second home was selling for $228k. I offered $150k along with $5,000 good faith and a willingness to go to settlement right away. The owners had already bought another home and were very motivated. I got the house for $175. Fifty thousand below asking price. The day I moved in I had a nice cash equity to make loans for remodel. The best thing you can do is to do what you are doing here. Research. Set yourself up with a good team of inspectors, RE agents and attornies. Listen to their advice. Use your skills in carpentry and be realistic as to what you can handle on your own while you are in school and trying to run a business. That's a pretty full plate no matter what your age or energy level.
  16. Licensed, Insured AND Worker's Comp?

    Aloha, I respect your opinion and marketplace but what do you do when given that approach (leave it in the door) That would not be a demographic I would target. My opinion on the topic more in depth here http://forums.thegrimescene.com/showthread.php?p=68490#post68490
  17. Sales Tax?

    Jason, depends on the state. PA does not allow tax on services like ours. NJ requires it.
  18. Licensed, Insured AND Worker's Comp?

    George, thank you for some good insight and a well constructed post. I don't neccessarily agree with your contention points though. If a customer formulates his decision making based upon price, you have failed as a salesman. One can argue and divert attention from this fact as much as they would like, but it still remains that you left doubt on the table and the customer skipped to the bottom line. If one focuses on the large issues of illegals and low ballers and tries to tackle them from the top down, they will fail. If, on the other hand, a contractor spends his time and energy working on marketing, refining sales technique and educating his customer base person by person he will be successful in accomplishing postive change. I understand Florida's whole circumstance of gypsy contractors, illegals and low ballers has perpetuated a market of very wary, very tight fisted customers. I run into them every day here as well, Florida does not have that market cornered. Energy should be spent on positive return. In my opinion, calling government agencies yields little more than lip service and much too little ROI for the time spent. Negative campaigns yield negative results over the long haul. Your investigator amy ahve feigned "the utmost interest" in your reporting until the reality of the 100 priority tasks her boss has given retake precedence and your "file" gets lost in the paper work shuffle. Cynical? Perhaps. Still waiting for results to prove me wrong.
  19. ipe deck

    Need a woody near Armonk, NY.
  20. First Time Home Buying Financing

    Positively, no questions asked, silly if you don't, bring a lawyer to settlemet that knows real estate law. He will save you more than his fee in extra costs that are thrown in at settlement by refuting them.
  21. Retainer Contracts

    Great thinking outside the box. Unfortunately with the amount of competition out there willing to work for donuts, getting takers on this type of agreement will be a very difficult sell. It's hard enough getting commercial accounts to pay for work already performed in under 45 days let alone having them pay consistently for work not even performed. We are in a business of fly by nighters and those fly by nighters offer pie in the sky performance and pricing and then go out of business in three months. Property managers and HOA's are well aware of this. The fact that you are a newer company would make this sale next to impossible. I suggest you cut your personal costs as much as is possible, stay very strict to a budget and if you are in a climate subject to cold temps think about winter work.
  22. DIY'er Disasters

    Here is a restoration I am about to begin tommorrow or Friday. Customer built this "gate". I am rebuilding both gates (one on each end) to something that a looks a little more functional. This one is not even attached you have to move it to the side to walk off deck. The other one is at least held on with hinges made for am interior cabinet door. Notice the 6"x6" decorative post caps running along the handrail. LOL. The entire handrail is getting replaced as well.
  23. House washes slow?!!?

    The first two weeks of July are VERY slow. it's normal. All retail is down as well (unless you are beach front)
  24. Wood help please

    very well, thank you, Dan. I appreciate the kind words.
  25. Ready Seal on Cedar.

    Orrrrrr, if you don't want to spend $500 I could tell you where you can get turbine driven electric HVLP sprayers for about $90 (and the answer is not Home Depot). I have used them with paraffinic oil sealers (Baker's Grey Away), Wood Tux, and Cabot's solids without ever changing a tip. Very little overspray, no excess atomization and no hose to clean out (only air runs through the hose)