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Everything posted by welder

  1. Ok I searched, Who is Peter Glen?
  2. So who is Peter Glen? Ahhh let me do a search,
  3. Harry Potter

    Ya all are finks, I had to go see megabrain or whatever with a bunch of 6 and 7 year olds. 3D in the front row, I still have a headache! Daughters B Day present. what can a Dad do?
  4. Harry Potter

    I like the books better than the movies.
  5. Great Sticker!

    Bwaaa ha ha ha ahhaaaa............
  6. USS Cole

    Yea,,, well,,, I won't forget!
  7. Barber Shop

    Joke of the week George Bush and Barack Obama somehow ended up at the same barber shop. As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken. The barbers were even afraid to start a conversation, for fear it would turn to politics. As the barbers finished their shaves, the one who had Obama in his chair reached for the aftershave. Obama was quick to stop him saying, 'No thanks, my wife Michelle will smell that and think I've been in a whorehouse.' The second barber turned to Bush and said, 'How about you sir ?' Bush replied, 'Go ahead; my wife doesn't know what the inside of a whorehouse smells like.'
  8. Ditto, I think the old man needs his glasses too, speed reading with NO glasses really messes things up.
  9. Ending the work week.

    Yea, but it is only flat on one side, so that's all you have to fix. jk Bummer
  10. New Kitchen.

    Now that the pictures are gonem This is from memory. With every thing tore out like that, If you wanted to get rid of those track lights and put in recessed lighting, now is the time. Chrome is cool but.... recessed is it. You have a lot of backer boards up for your new cabinets, (horizontal 2x4s) but did you write down the dimensions so after the sheet rock is up you know where they are at? There was more, but I am out of time. Sorry you moved the thread, I wondered if I had any takers on the 2-1 bet. LOLOL JK. Good luck and keep some pics happening if you have time.
  11. hello Carlos

    Hello Carlos, Nice to see you visiting here today. Say Hi!
  12. Christmas List!!!!

    A decent digital camera. My old kodack sucks, and I take pictures of every job. That will be my gift to myself after the holidays are over. Kids first.
  13. Look, Fenner, this is how poor my customers are

    every one is out playing in the snow, don't ya know?
  14. Not since Atari.... 360 live !!!!

    I remember Atari. It was the game I couldn,t afford when I was younger. Umm much younger.
  15. Look, Fenner, this is how poor my customers are

    Interesting thread. Giving pro's and con's on a couple different issues.
  16. Things are looking up for the economy

    That was pretty funny, all those so called professional academics getting busted for suppressing opposing proof about global warming. I know, Al Gore put them up to it!
  17. Hawk pics

    Those are cool pics. I have seen them, (we call them Coopers hawks) go after my wifes chickens. Our rooster does his job well though. Here is a neat link to NYC's most famous of all Red Tails Pale Male - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  18. A local HVAC supply house will have a odor neutralizer for fuel oil. This is a very common issue with oil burner techs. And no, hd or lowes does not carry it.
  19. I grew up in reno beach but my dad had a junk yard and a used car lot on state line rd for 60 yrs. Chucks State Line Auto. On Telegraph and stateline rd

  20. Do you do any work down in Toledo? It's my home town
