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Everything posted by apple

  1. And a pressure washing video from last spring.
  2. This is a great thread. We are about to solve our driving problem by packing up and leaving our hometown and moving to our service area. Ive lived in this small town since I was 3 years old im not itching to get out personaly but business wise it excites me to think of what we can accomplish with an extra 40 hours a month. Not to mention the saved fuel/wear and tear costs of driving that much. I could see one rig doing 35k IF I can get them busy enough... Or if we can eventually really get in doing resi commercial work. Tony, its been to hot lately for big lunches but I make sure I make up for it when I get home.
  3. Tony How many crews do you think it will take to make it worth while? Thats something that Ive been curious about. Whats the magic number 2,3,4? Through 6 months this year we are averaging 16k a month. Weve done good and made money but it could be better. We live an hour from our service area. Thats 2 hours a day 10 hours a week driving to and from work. Thats a fact that Im facing and its something that Im going to do something about. Being a young company we also spend an outrageous amount advertising. Having said that..... If I had an extra 2 hours to work in the day and good customer base in place I think me and a helper could average 25k a month. I feel like more than that would be tough.
  4. Here are pictures of two roofs weve cleaned this summer up in Little Rock.
  5. Barter Company

    Ive had them call me a few times. I might be missing something but I want paid. Unless my chemical company or another major supplier was interested in it I wouldnt see any benefit and even then Id just as soon me pay them and they pay me.
  6. Angry Homeowner

    Some people are just mad that their life sucks. Its not you fault.
  7. Kroger Stores

    Thanks Thad. Mike, some guys on these boards dont like newbies coming in and demanding answers without putting in some time and effort for it first...... Get used to it and try not to take it personal. They just dont know us. Douglas is right knowing our own costs BUT that doesnt mean I wouldnt mind knowing what theyve been going for! Not like theyre going to dish out a few hundred bucks an hour but you never know something till you learn it.
  8. Kroger Stores

    MrClean If I knew I would tell you. Ive got to do the same bid for the stores here. Bottom line is theyll have to pay what I want to make or I wont do it..... but I would like to have an idea of what theyve been going for. If anyone knows anything about it Id appreciate the help. Pm or email if you want. Thanks!
  9. Prize!!! Surface Cleaner Give-Away!!!

    Me too!
  10. How much sleep do you get?

    Not enough!
  11. Which machine

    Hey off topic but I have to say JC you avatar sucks lol YouTube - LSU vs Arkansas - Miracle on Markham II
  12. Who uses the "Ladder Saver"

    I hadnt thought of that. I had been using a rollover with a high pressure nozzle to stop the soap. Since I went to a larger machine Ive been using a 2540(i believe) and a airhose quickconnect to wash with. Been walking to trailer to shut off soap which isnt that big a deal because on most jobs I either have a helper soaping with the old machine or I can have him run back to switch to soap. I dont know how Id like having the ball valve on all day though.
  13. Kbk???????

    He did a lot of stuff for me during January and February. He was supposed to do more but I havent heard from him since mid march. He did my site which still needed some changes made. I wound up finding someone locally to tweak it. Its kind of left me wondering too.... I called the other day and his voice mail didnt even say kbk.
  14. A few thoughts..... First I think we have more than enough govt regulation. I think its straight bs wanting licensing to protect homeowners. If Joe Blow wants to hire some hackjob to pressure wash his house, If he cant tell the difference in an actual company and some dude with a pwer washer in the back of his chevy chevette, If Joe doesnt have the sense to take things other than price into consideration when making a hire then JOE DESERVES WHAT HE GETS.
  15. I just fill in pre printed estimate sheets for residential. IMO I dont think it would make a lot of difference. I do commercial estimates at home on the computer and fax, email, or drop off.
  16. How much did it cost you to start?

    Awesome thread. I paid 1k for a 14 foot utility trailer, 4gpm hot whitco, and a 525 leg tank. Also spent close to another grand on my silver noodle, overpriced soap from local distributer, newspaper ads and other small stuff. Made my own site for 200 bucks and Brought in 40k in 5 months of last year. The hot water on the whitco stayed broken most of last year and I realized I didnt even need hot for what Im doing so I bought an 8gpm cold unit and reworked the trailer. Maybe another 5 grand in it. Also had a new site done by everyones favorite designer. I really want to find that niche that people talk of. Right now Im doing 90% residential and I know thats not the longterm answer. Ive really been pursuing apartment complexes and have landed the first large on that ive targeted. My problem now is im so busy that i hardly have the time left to go sell. I would really like to make my niche large soft washing projects with a touch of roof or concrete cleaning. The good thing right now is that im booked for a month. I cant find words for how awesome that is. I wouldnt have dreamt it last year. I know ive got to keep after it though or it wont stay that way long. Postcard mailings are working great along with brochures and a few other things. I really feel like i put a very professional look foward when I meet a customer and it makes one heck of a difference.
  17. Kool deck ????

    I appreciate the help. Thank yall.
  18. Kool deck ????

    Thanks Celeste I went ahead and went by there this afternoon. Did a test spot with a strong house wash mix then ran the classic across is and rinsed. It wasnt too bad. Came clean easier than regular concrete. Putting the mix down and letting it dwell for a little longer would probably even help more.
  19. Kool deck ????

    Hey Everyone I have a hotel wanting their sidewalks cleaned. I believe that this is kool deck. Im leary of putting the surface cleaner on this and Im hoping to put a good mix down and gently rinse it.... Am I dreaming? Has anyone else dealt with stains like these? It looks like trash bags or something else has leaked from the maids carts. I plan to go by and wash a test spot this week but Im wondering how big of a pita im in for.... Thanks for any pointers