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Everything posted by redinbaugh

  1. Who cares what your employees have to say?

    A good book to add to your business education collection is called VERBAL JUDO. Personally it has helped me comunicate better with customers and i was able to up my sales.It also helped with the comunication with girlfriend and co workers. The book sounds like a self help dr phil type thing but its not.Its author is involved intensley with law enforcement milatery and businessman alike. www.verbaljudo.com
  2. At 18 I left Ca and went to Alaska with 3 duffel bags and a ice chest full of food in the back of my 76 chevy.Worked in the oilfield for 6 years.Got laid off and moved back to Ca.Joined the labor force in the ever growing construction trade.Tried to apply for a contractors license....what a joke that is.Started a cement resurfacing bus. I was working on easter sunday when a man approched me with some equip.for sale. powerwashing equip.I talked briefly about what he did. I did some research and looked at his previous tax forms and the rest is history.
  3. See anything wrong with this picture?

    It's a poven fact that a fall from 6 ft is the minimum distance needed for an adults death. Cause of death could be broken bones(neck)or depending on your weight,terminal velocity could explode your organs. Gravity bad Safety harness good. redinbaugh
  4. Almost a hard lesson learned

    fluke makes a nifty little electrical tester that is easy to use with your gloves on.It's 5 in long and about the size of a marker. When you touch an outlet or even a wire that is energized the tip lights up red. No small switches or wires to poke in. FLUKE volt alert 1AC-A www.fluke.com http://www.fluke.com/products/home.asp?SID=2&AGID=3&PID=3394
  5. The best way to advertise your new service

    Derek, I will second what joel says. Go to the job meet the boss. Show up early. Real early. Even if you have to go to the job site the previous day and ask one of the workers what time they start.If you are on site before the crew or the forman you will definatly get their attention and possible earn their respect. Show up ready to work.Hard hat,steel toe boots with your gloves on your hands. This techniqe has never failed me. If you show up at any of our projects that way, I'll hire you. Contractors are always looking for quality hands. You may end up gitting more than a clean up job out of it. I can train someone to hammer a nail. I still cannot train them to be punctual. The bottom line is if you show up like this a few times,the word of mouth will travel faster than any marketing plan.
  6. Rewards/Kickbacks?

    I have a friend I went to school with that works for his dads fire & burglary prevention company,I give him $100 for every ansel system instalation customer he refers to my company for scheduled cleaning that turns into a yearly contract
  7. Cleaning Copper

    Hi folks, Im new to the field. I purchased a existing pressure washing company with 15 yrs worth of local exposure and experience.I am enjoying reading about everyones expertiese and suggestions.I have a suggestion for copper cleanning.It'c cheap easy and i discovered it by accident. OK here is the big secret, CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP! Seriously. Try it out at home on your pots and pans with copper bottoms.Not only will the experiment help determin set times,it will earn brownie points with the little lady.I could always use help in that department.However,i would need to venture to another site.