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Chris Tharpe

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Posts posted by Chris Tharpe

  1. We have been burning the grass up like a drag strip at this one property. Its really hard to keep from it when the hydrants won't flow enough to use a garden hose and hose sprayer to water the land with. Its one of those soft-wash only jobs where the customer made it mandatory and the surface is aggregrate thats requiring about 4-6% sh on the wall to get it clean. I hate it for them but they were warned

  2. if your still in high school or college for that matter I will state this one more time for you as coming from experience. Don't purchase alot of equipment that looks nice just to have nice stuff. If your actually using it she will look like a french brothel's lady underarm in a few weeks hopefully so looks are not near important. Get functional, and don't go into lots of debt to get the equipment. If I purchase one machine I expect that unit to produce 200k for me. I put rigs together for less than 8k most of the time and are fully functional with better equipment then your looking at. If I had 12k in a unit It better make me 275 or more a year to be worth the extra expense. Forget financing the truck as well, get a beater and pay cash for the new one in a few months after you get going

  3. I would urge you to call Bob at pressuretek.com, or Russ at Southside-equipment.com, Paul at Envirospec.com, and other vendors of this board to get more bang for your buck. If you can handle a drill, have a hand to put a tank on a trailer and if you have a welder you'll even be better off but the welding is not a necessity. I think you can come up with a much better product than the powerline units for far less $$$ and since your not already operating then you can spend that extra time to put it together.

    At the least go to the local pawn shops and get a 4 gallon per minute cold water machine, get yourself a ds nozzle and a couple hundred ft of hose and get to washing some houses or something like that to begin generating some income

  4. Red goodyear hose from home depot but I have been using some of the Black hose that is sold at walmart 5/8 in 100ft sections for 32 or 38.00. This stuff rolls up well, holds up well (remove the ends and replace with good ones from Parker made of thick brass not that thin crap the box stores sell) and you should be fine unless your running into water issues then go with the 3/4

  5. sounds like Mildew and 12% sodium hypochlorite applied 50/50 should take care of it and if not it will loosed it up quite a bit for you to put a wand on it and come off easily. If this block is near grass then you will have to water constantly in the areas your applying the 50/50 mix to hopefully keep from killing any grass or plants.

  6. Well someone else did in fact buy it. Oh well

    I did have a question though. On the SLX model, it states it puts out 9.9GPM at 2000 or 2500 PSI. I am assuming the PSI can be turned up to a higher PSI with lower GPM??? Or does the PSI for this unit not matter too much since the water that comes out is 200 degrees??

    This is probably a dumb question

    Psi is only going to attain max pressure or lower and the same as GPM. you can always lower the pressure and gpm but never increase it much more than the pump is rated for

  7. If the battery is on your PW trailer and you just to happen to have another battery on that machine, just run the two in a series and you won't have to worry about charging it every. If she gets low just fire up the machine and bypass the water long enough to charge up the batteries. this may not be the best avice however it works and its something we do with our's
