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Chris Tharpe

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Posts posted by Chris Tharpe

  1. get some bleach and in about 5 gallons of water add one gallon of bleach to it and then run that through the machine it will surely fix that if the algae is the problem. I don't see that being an issue however if so the previous will definatly fix it. Also I would recommend running the pump for a while after wards to ensure you got all the bleach out of the pump head because it is corrosive.

  2. For the past year I've used the customers water straight into my pressure washer pulling it around the house. I'm upgrading my equipment and getting a water tank with hose reels to do a faster job. I would like to know a good plumbing set up. I haven't bought the reels or the tank yet but was looking at the 3/8" steel eagle reels and stacking them.

    What size of hose do you use coming out of reel going to the tank and do you use a certain bulkhead fitting, ball valve or fitting?

    I would appreciate any help and if the reels I am about to purchase are good reels.

    Thanks, Mark

    We use a mix of reel brands but the common denomonator in them is at least a 1/2 inch manifold meaning. Out of trial and error I use the while pool hose 1' inside diameter and take a fitting that goes from 1/2 inch mpt to 3/4 fpt and place these on the swivel and reel outlet. Then from there Watts makes a 1' barb that has 3/4 threads and we thread them into there. Parker also sells a brass version of this if needed. From there we have a 1' bulkhead of two depending on the trailer setup at the top of the tank connected with the white pool hose. Works well and keeps up with 8gpm machines off of one hose on most supplies around here.

    The rule of thumb especially if running 8gpm or more off of one trailer is to have as little restriction as possible from the tank to the faucet. Therefore running 3/4 manifold reels or 1' if you really want to spend the cash

  3. I see the following :D

    Matt Norman, Kory Finley, Chris Chappell, one of my lovely dinner partners, Celeste...Chris Tharpe, Tony Szabo, Jay Burr, (Okay, I cheated on that one.) Pete Marentay, Brenda, Of Course, The Ronimator...Florida Scott, Mike Bynum and his wife,

    Looked for Tony, and did not see him, and I cannot imagine how I could have missed him.

    I see Trevor Steele, Mrs. Byrum, Mike Cooke, the guy from Cleaner Times, Celeste and Ron **********.


    I see Trevor,Celeste G.,Ron M,Jim C.,Mike C.,Pat K,Nicole,William P.,Roger,Rick,Tony **************.,Chris C.,Jeff E.,Doug H.,Danny B.,Jay B.,Tony S.,Jarrod,
    Just in that still shot I see Trevor Steele, Mrs. Byrum, Mike Cooke, the guy from Cleaner Times and uck - me.

  4. were moving to r1 hose this year from r2. Had a little chat about it and since have given one rig a shot with r1. We run 300 ft of hose generally in a single section with an extra on the truck. This year were going to have 2 150 sections of hose on the reels and have several spares on hand as well. Time spent changing over 300ft of hose and recoiling it is time wasted if it blew as with 150ft the time is cut into half

  5. It took me about 12k at startup but that was to do car lots. Tough business and only grossed about 40k off of it last year. Next week we will crack the 200k mark for this fiscal year.

    One thing I will make a huge point to make sure new guys think about it. I agree totally with PICK 1 OR 2 AREAS OF THE BUSINESS AND SPECIALIZE IN IT, meaning don't do vent hoods and wash houses. Stick to items that will make your service harder to use two different guys. If you want to go the restaurant route, do hoods and flatwork. Or strictly residential and market it very well. I chose building washes and flatwork. No residential what-so-ever. I am not such a big believer at this point in advertising. I have a dominate site in the state and was fairly cheap and I am still dwelling on the yellow pages this year but making it really clear NO RESIDENTIAL SERVICES OFFERED UNLESS HOA. That doesn't mean that advertising would not help grow my business but I am not so sure I would land many restaurants by TV & Radio advertising. I will start a mailing campaign as well as leaving fliers all over these restaurants.

    The last point I would like to make is that the extreme growth came from hard work and lots of great individuals that were willing to share their knowledge with others. I am extremely thankful for the guys that have spoken with me in the past and shared their experiences and knowledge with me.

    Thank You to all the BBS'
