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John T

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Everything posted by John T

  1. The Blue Book

    Thats right. This Person has an ad in there.
  2. The Blue Book

    Hey Glock40, Say hello to Me,Smith & Wesson.lol OK bad cop joke and I never really liked my Smith&Wesson 9 mil. anyway. IF I had a choice I would take a Sigssauer 9 over a my Smith and the Glock which is known to jam up. So where were we??Oh yea the BlueBook. A contractor in my area uses the Bluebook and he likes it. He landed a $6000 job from it which more then pays his cost for the year which I think he stated that it cost around $1400 yr to advertise there. I could be wrong about the $1400. It is something that may be worth looking into.
  3. Another Landa Setup on Ebay

    Can you believe the price this guy is asking for this unit. He wants almost $10,000 for this setup and he's claiming it cost $14,000 new. Yea right. At most this set-up is lets see maybe around $6500 for the powerwasher, $1200 for the water jet, $300 for the water tank, $1400 for the trailer and $500 for the hose reels with the hoses and other items. These are all high end guesses so the total comes out to be $9900 if purchased new and I'm asking $2500 for a similiar Landa, Big guy surface cleaner and two hose reels stacked. Go figure....... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4577719514&indexURL=0&photoDisplayType=2#ebayphotohosting
  4. Another Landa Setup on Ebay

    I actually met a Tornabene on a cruise years ago that was from Chicago. It turns out that we weren't related at least not that we knew of. I also remember him and his girlfriend smoking gonga in Jamaica and I was on that cruise with my old partner. Maybe he is a relative:)
  5. Thats exactly what I do which is why I stick with Benjamin Moore and Cabots.
  6. Minimum Charge

    I read the post that started this thread and I thought it was saying just a flat deck 10'x10' with no rails or steps. If it does have rails and steps then PressurePro is correct. Charge them higher but not to high where you have no chance of getting it. Since in this case I already drove out to the site I would look to nail down this job and I would charge around $300-$350. Probably my richest customer who just passed away at 96 and was worth in excess of a billion dollars and here he was also famous. With all his money he lived in a small condo end unit and he had a small deck which I serviced every other year. This deck had no rails or steps. It did have a bench on it. I also did charge around $275 to do it...Oh yea his name?? IF anyone knows of the store "PC Richards and Son" he is the son who owned them all and help them expand from one store to around 50 and he owned them all...MR. AJ Richards. http://www.pcrichard.com/CGI-BIN/LANSAWEB?WEBEVENT+L0A71A93642155072832427B+PCR+ENG
  7. Minimum Charge

    I live in an area where everything is high in price but no one would pay the above price in my area for a deck that small. I would do a small job like this and charge a notch higher per hour then I would a larger job. I would schedule it in between other jobs. When someone charges the above price for a deck of that size and no rails etc. meaning its just a flat tiny deck then they are telling the potential customer to take a hike.
  8. HAppy Birthday Rod!!!

    Happy Bthday Rod!! So how are you going to spend your day?? Dancing with Beth the dancing queen or watch a good movie at home with a bag of microwavable popcorn and a glass of Vino...
  9. I heard that Oven Easy off spray is the best way to remove the lettering glue that is left on a surface after the letters are taken off. In this picture here you can see the where the letters where and also the big rectangle on the back of the truck that is there from a big sign that was removed. What is the best way to remove this residue?? Thanks
  10. Thanks Scott. I'll do a little sample on my truck to see which works best. Kind of like when I do a sample spot on a potential powerwashing job.
  11. PWNA Members Invited To Bid

    I'm just horsing around with Scott. PWNA is trying...and still has along way to go. I can say that things are looking up.
  12. PWNA Members Invited To Bid

    Nope it reads like its supposed to. Where trying very hard to offer what PWNA members want most....which is benefits in one form or another. So who's your daddy:cool:
  13. PWNA Members Invited To Bid

    Just another benefit for PWNA members. There's another bigger one in the works. My $195 PWNA membership is going a long way for me......
  14. Support this bb.

    Go to Delco's bb www.dcs1.com and show your support for Beth and Rod with there fabulous bb. They get bad mouthed by a one Mitchell Hunt titled "The Grime Scene" and he is way out of line.....So show your support by supporting those who support you as does Beth and Rod and post in that thread. We need to stick together and support eachother if we ever want to get to that "Next Level" whatever that may be.
  15. I just purchased this Box truck today for less then that buy it now function. I'm going to put everything and then some from that gooseneck trailer into this box truck. Should be an interesting site. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1,1&item=4571238343&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7539728248&rd=1&rd=1 Anyone looking for a Gooseneck trailer in about a month this trailer by itself I'm going to sell. It has to be worth around $6000+ in that condition and it being coated to protect it from the weather. I'll probably sell it for a bargain basement around$4000. Stay tuned on that one.
  16. I want to clean bldg's. I want the ability to put a boat load of chemicals on a bldg. and clean it off with some serious power..as in GPM's. Hey Scott your trailer pobably gets better gas mileage then mine:) Mine will probably be -2 or -3 mpg where yours will get at most -1 mpg. Smart move considering the way gas is costing these days. Just think...Bill Gates(Microsoft) started out of his garage..or was that Steve Jobs(Apple Computers)..or was that Flimmy(Scott)??
  17. A not so normal Sunday

    Cujo/Pam/Scott and the rest of you guys/gals that do things that really matter God is smiling down on you. Cujo--That is a great story that you and yours shared. Thank you. I'm going to see if we can get that story out to a larger scale such as a Cleaner Times.
  18. Can someone clarify this for me. I'm reading this vehicle rating chart and it looks to me that this Vehicle can hold 14,000lbs.
  19. New Truck

    Yea bigtime(Just playing with ya Mike). Diesel rules Gas Drools(My girls love saying "Girls Rule boys drool")
  20. New Truck

    Gas for the family Cars and Diesel for the Work trucks. Diesel's can pull and get decent mpg but Gas when pulling real weight just blows a hole in you wallet kind of like a chick. Diesel trucks have great potential..gas trucks go in the shop then are sold......... Seriously if you don't ever plan on pulling a ton and don't mind having car payments forever then gas is fine. Uh oh here come the gas guys who have alot of.......GAS:lgbounces I still say raise your prices to compensate the Gas crunch. The 20 dollars raised for the job will help pay that gas bill. Its still about the sales...as it most of the times is.
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com/2004-Silver-Eagle-Pressure-Washer_W0QQitemZ7539728248QQcategoryZ46536QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem This is my response from *** bb. This is the website where I believe that rig was purchased http://www.silvereaglemanufacturing.com/tandem_axle.htm I would love to have a set-up like that. The possibilities with a set-up like that is endless. I was just talking to a contractor at our local Powerwashing disributors shop (www.indequipment.com which is where I had a roundtable at this past year) who has a rig set-up that produces 15gpm with his Diesel Powerwasher. He also has a sprayer set-up similiar to what is shown here. He cleans mostly by himself and he stated that with the high GPM's and the high output sprayer he can clean amazingly fast. He just cleaned a large apartment complex in my area for $15,000..in two days by himself!!! If I gross $15,000 in a month from Powerwashing I'm happy and he made that in 2 days. IF you think thats alot of $$$$ you should check out Water tower cleaning.I had my worker go to a bidding process to represent a PWNA company that was bidding on cleaning a few water towers in my area. I was asked to bid this but I passed it on to a PWNA member who specializes in this field. For at most 3 weeks worth of Powerwashing these water towers the 10 bids went like this. The two lowest Bids where $36,000 and the highest was $200,000. The lowest two where kicked out as was the few highest. The winning bidder was around $75,000...for 3 weeks of work with a crew of no more then 4 workers. The end result with the PWNA guy was that he got 2 days of cleaning also and his gross was $14,000 between him and his worker. Not bad for two days of Powerwashing...................
  22. Would you want a rig like this??

    Jon, I may be willing to part with my bucket truck since I'm eyeballing a larger one with more torque. Could you be interested?? I paid $10,000 for this truck and I had new springs put in it along with a couple of U joints for the drive shaft. I also had the clutch replaced. The truck is an 89 diesel which weighs aprox 9400lbs which is under that magic 10,000lbs where you can park it in your driveway. The engine runs great as does the lift which only has around 1600hrs on it. There's also a built in Generator and an aircompressor hookups on the lift and in the compartments.
  23. 2 gun powerwashers.

    John, How much do they want for a new rig?? Give me untill about Tuesday the latest to post current pictures of my Rig. If your interested I might be able to sell it to you for $3500 which in this price it will also be delivered since the guy who works for me may be heading that way before he goes to Oklahoma to pick up my new rig.
  24. Would you want a rig like this??

    My diesel truck is pulling about 15mpg on average. This truck has Injectors that where added into it to give it an additional 100hp so now its rated at 375 hp. Also there's a shift kit that was also installed so it shifts extra smooth when its carrying a load. I bet I won't lose anymore then 2mpg with the trailer in tow. Lastly that trailer with everything on it weighs 5000lbs. Its the water tanks when full will make it weigh so much more which is the reason why I wanted a goosneck trailer in the first place. I will post alot more info later. As for now I'm going to my Union Party with the wife and kids. Its the first one where I'm the president...LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!