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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. Hey Tom-- in 2007 I just finished my term as the PWNA treasurer. I was in Memphis if thats the Convention your referring to. The above names you mentioned are all excellent people who inmost part I learned a ton from as well.

    My question to you and I'm being honest and hopefully you don't take this the wrong way, but what's holding you back to get to that next level? Why is it you want to have a mentor at this stage of the game to work with them? Are you sure you want to be your own boss and not just work for someone else like most of the population does? Nothing wrong with that of course.

    What I would suggest for you is to redo your business plan. Try to join some groups such as the www.PWNA.org and re introduce yourself and look to network network network.

    Answer this because I really want to know more about your determination. What's holding you back the most to be Successful on your own?

    Sorry in advance if you think I'm being to blunt but it's the way I roll to help if I can.

  2. I feel ya, bud. I used to be pretty cut. I was level 3 combatives certified and a level 1 trainer in the Army. I used to run in the (A) group and could easily do 10 miles before I started to get tired..and this was in Colorado where Oxygen doesn't exist!


    Then I was injured.


    I was ran over stateside. Right after getting back from Iraq. Some punk kid trying to leave the scene of a crime decided I was in his way. It chipped my Femur, broke my ankle, tore up my knee, displaced two disks in my back, gave me concusion, bruised ribs...etc etc.


    It took 6 months of physical therapy to be able to walk on my own. The Army put me on 18 different medications including 2 types of Morphine (MS IR and MS Contin) and percosets...yes...at the same time. It took a long time to kick those addictions on my own.


    Spent all that time basically living on my couch. My muscle mass quickly started to melt away and then I started gaining fat. Shortly after I got out of the Army, the VA put me on a blood pressure medicine..to help with nightmares..I don't have a blood pressure problem. Well, one night shortly after I started the meds, I woke up and went to go downstairs. My BP was messed up. I got dizzy and fell down the stairs rebreaking my ankle.


    Well, I'm almost healed up. Just got through my last surgery and am on my way back to being healthy. I have been working on cardio and as soon as I get the all clear from the doc and PT to run...run I shall. I miss it so bad.


    My goal is to cut 20 LBS and then build back 10-15 in muscle. I have already signed up for the Tough Mudder challenge in Andover, NY in July. You Should sign up. It's going to be great!


    Good luck to you. I hope you can stick with it. Don't over do it. Start slow and build on that.

    That's an amazing and also inspiring story Ryan. Thanks for that. Now I'm even more motivated.

  3. The org's do get RFP's and companies/people sometimes go thru the org's to look for a contractor for a specific job. That's how I got the trex decks to be serviced after they lost that class action lawsuit. Trex came to the PWNA where I made aprox $15,000 in a week and some other PWNA members made as much as a $100,000 in just a couple of months.

    But from my perspective a solid bb like TGS over the years was probably more influential to the masses then an org was on a consistent bases.

    Heck look today-- there are some leaders selling on the bb's to saturate cedar shakes with bleach and pretty much do nothing else to the wood so now you see numerous newbies doing just that cause they were influenced to do so from the bb's.(this is what I call a negative mass influence that can happened on a bb's as well)

  4. The subject of the thread. BB vs ORG. I feel like a monkey screwing a football trying to figure out what everyone is talking about.

    LOL.. thats some funny Monkey/Football analogy..lol

    Basically it's what the title says. There are some examples of this which is what Alexy is stating about the GP site. I think for years TGS was as if not more influential then the org's were to the "masses".

    I have another good thread starter that can resonate from this thread with a similar topic but it would read along these lines: Orgs with their own bulletin boards, what is more influential between the 2. That would be interesting because there are many groups who think a bb is counter productive where other groups think the exact opposite.

  5. Hey Ryan-- Good to cya back.

    I always loved winter because of the winter sports I played as a kid. Today I think winter sucks. My body aches when it gets cold out especially my knees. My goal is to get to the gym starting next Monday. Very cool you have a goal to do that running event. That's the way to do it is to set a goal like that. Best of luck.


    What did you do last year that worked, and what are you doing this year to make it even better?



    Had our website revamped last year which worked well.

    This year were in the process of hiring someone to keep an eye on our website for SEO purposes. Hiring another person to keep our name high up on the searches engines thru his system(trial period with low cost startup). Trying other marketing methods along with what we do year in and year out. Might also streamline a little more like I did last year---Basically cutting the fat some.

  7. Time for me to step away from the bulletin boards on a daily bases. Being around as long as I have on these sights and making a slew of good friends there really isn't much more I can contribute on the net.

    I always believed in helping each other out when we could on the net which was always easier for me because I don't have the time to talk much on the phone.

    As for my future plans I may take one more run at a PWNA BOD slot down the road(20% chance) and I also may help out some guys with some future events within this industry.

    After seeing now how well these bb's run and the great job the Mods do on them and the frequency the membership post, it brings satisfaction knowing how far we have come since the days when hardly anyone post in the late 90's.

    I may still post once in awhile but my goal is to fade away and move on.

    Happy holidays and may your New Year be a healthy/happy and a prosperous one.
