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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. John, the 2014 PWRA Convention (250ish attendance 2013) is going to be a joint convention with the WCRA (over 600 members) at the Gaylord Opryland. We reserved space to double the trade show as well as the general sessions.

    WOW!! I did not know that. That's tremendous news to say the least. Cya in March and I can't wait to hear more about this. Very cool!

  2. We used the metal Jerry cans with the large metal spout which you can't get anymore. Now I have some skinnier metal spouts which suck. We also have the plastic gas cans with the plastic gas spout which bite.

    There's also some documentation that when some people gassed up their cars there was also static explosions. So what's the answer?

  3. One day I'd love to see a PWNA Convention and CETA Convention back to back or even together in the same hotel..... Hmmmm

    One of the best Conventions I ever attended was the Dallas PWNA/IWCA convention in 04 that had over 700 people attend including Beth/Rod from here. In size that one was awesome.

    I did hear the PWNA Convention this year was very well received as was the PWRA convention. I personally love a large audience and want to see the PWNA and PWRA hit those magical numbers(1000's) but still are as rock solid as some of the smaller attended Conventions I've been to in the past.

    2014 is going to be an exciting time for this Industry and I'm looking forward to it:)

  4. I always said Jimbo that your class should be all day. There's no one I know except for maybe Robert H. who is so informative as you are and in the parking garage cleaning your second to none when it comes to information/education.


     Maybe "Garage Professor" would have been more an appropriate title for you then "Garage Doctor" but either way the message is clear:) 

  5. Congrats to the PWNA BOD's who moved up to their new positions, the ones who stayed on and also to the new PWNA BOD's. 2014 is going to be an exciting year for the PWNA.

    To our very own TGS bb participators Jim Gamble and Nigel Griffith who continuously put themselves out there to help fellow contractors especially when it comes to "Environmental Powerwashing"-- it was exciting to hear that you two were not only nominated but also selected as BOD's. Your both an asset to the PWNA and it's members. Congrats and thank you for stepping up to the plate:)


  6. Personally I think EClean magazine http://www.ecleanmag.com/ is excellent!!

    I've been around now for a fairly long time in the pressure washing business and EClean is one of my automatic "must read" magazines to keep me ahead of the curve in my area. I enjoy the articles and also reading about people that I had the honor to meet or had some type of contact with during my "Powerwashing" career.

    So who else reads EClean and what's your thoughts on it?

  7. Very cool NY Josh...errr I mean Jersey Josh :)

    I just checked it out. I put the last show link on Powerwashcommunity bulletin board and I'll do the same with this one. Kurt Kempton who is excellent as a speaker(seen him the last few years at the NOLA event) is spot on when he says in this show that the Industry needs a show like..... The Mole & Jersey show.

    Looking forward to Ep 3.

  8. Take a close look at your unloader. See if it has a bypass part to it. It may be closed off. If it is take out that block screw and screw in a hose barb then put a hose on that to a holding tank. This way when you depress your gun the unloader will switch to allow water to go into your holding tank. From the tank the water goes back into the pump.

    In essence what your now doing with the unloader in bypass the water just keeps circulating through your pump then to unloader then to tank and back to pump over and over again so pump will not overheat. This stops when you squeeze gun where now water goes out of your wand and the pump as in bypass keeps circulating water so it never heats up to cause damage.

    That should do it:)

  9. That was a cool video...Ya'll need to talk about wood restoration :cool:

    Looks like a potential interview with one of the woody experts:)

    A great Mole & Jersey show "wood" be to see a wood panel such as Shane, the Bleach Bandit Rick Petry, Diamond Jim Foley and Beth/Rod like you see on these news channel shows where they each are seen on sections of the screen. Man that "Wood" be sweeeeeeeeet!

    If it's just one person any one of the above alone "Wood" be cool to.

  10. Excellent Video by the Michael Mole & Jersey Josh.

    I just got done watching the whole thing and I'm looking forward to their next episode. This Industry needed an Industry type show and theirs fills the slot nicely.

    As for Kevin Dubrosky I have his 600hr book which is excellent. I've seen him speak in NOLA and he sure knows what he's talking about and in this case writing about. That new book of his "The Whale Vomit Method" is one wicked title for a book but since it already was a listed best seller just goes to show ya Kevin Knows what he's talking about.

    Nice job.

  11. Looks like the PWNA Convention was a big time success. It sounds like there's alot of excitement for next years event as well.

    As for Dan Galvin, I remember meeting him at an ACR Roundtable. He was a new PWNA member when I served on their board and you just knew Dan was special. He ended up becoming an excellent PWNA president who's business paralleled his PWNA successes.

  12. John,

    Keep me posted about her. I would be unglued. I'll be praying for you all.


    Thanks Beth. My daughter got released today at noon and the doctors said she can go to dance today as well which is what she did. She had a 2pm Master class with a "dancing with the stars" choreographer which is all she talked about all week and she made it there and dance her tail off(She's a huge fan of the movie Billy Elliott.)

    My daughter has a health issue to deal with now for a few yrs(hopefully not a lifetime) but she is extremely determined to overcome.... I love my little girl so much and I can't put into words of how proud I am of her not to let this stop her..

  13. Guy-I never reported incorrect anything on the net. There is no hypothetical anything. My integrity is intact as I know Beth's is here as well. You feel the need to vindicate yourself then do it on that "other" bb. TGS is and has always been a top notch professional Industry bulletin board since the day it started in 03.

    On a more important note to me is my baby girl collapsed in school today and was just transported from one hospital to a specialist hospital which is where I am now @1 am so none of this no longer matters to me.

    Have fun with your class at NOVA.


    It's OK John, continue your foolishness, it's what you're best at......What Part Isn't True?

    All of it because your taking everything out of context.

    Threatening me with your going to show people private text, emails or maybe your even going to say you recorded our private conversations, will never work.

    If your so inclined to stoop to that classless level then just do it...or shut up already!

  15. Once again Guy since you still can't recall you moderated the drama bb for a year or even was a mod there, you weren't involved in the Vegas event but your just parroting the words of your bosses in your org and you still say you don't know what your enviro boss is going to do in MD where he doesnt belong shows pretty much once again.......your clueless.

    We already know it's your org sponsored event. My guess is your boss will probably MC as well. What your Enviro boss is doing there is an easy one. He's going to promote equipment In his enviro speech and he's going to try and sell to the people in the crowd your org's potential BMP's.

    Your MD bod boss is going to try and recruit members and probably like last year count everyone that walks thru the door as "Free" org members so they can mislead once again about their true membership(#1 reason I'm not going so you can't use my name or company falsely to count us as a member).

    So what we have here Guy:

    #1 You obviousy don't know about the Vegas event so you just Parrot your leaders deflammatory remarks.

    #2 You admitted you have no idea what your enviro boss is going to talk about which probably means you can't remember.

    #3 You still can't recal that you moderated the drama bb for a year with your stance of you didn't even know your were a mod yet you were always in the back rooms crying up a storm about one thing or another.

    Your hurting your org once again because you just can't seem to help yourself to not respond because all your doing is inflaming others such as myself. You were told by your bosses before you resigned to stop doing this because you help know one when you play cop on the net.

    Stick to what you know and stop parroting things you know nothing about.
