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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. I was living in a crappy little apartment on Franklin street in Fort wayne, Indiana. My girlfriend and I had just gotten up and flipped on the morning news. We watched as they went to a breaking story out of NYC, where a plane had "accidently" crashed into one of the WTC towers.


    I remember talking to her about how hard it would be to accidently hit one of those, as you can see them for miles in the air on a clear day.


    Then the second plane hit.


    I stood up and grabbed my phone. My girlfriend could see in my face that something was wrong. She started asking why I was so concerned. I replied "this is the beginning of WW3. This isn't an accident, we are under attack. We will not see peace again for a long time." I just knew in my gut.


    I finished dialing and reached my Plt. Sgt. I said "hey Sgt., are you watching the news?" He said no. I told him to turn it on. He watched for a few minutes and told me to grab my gear and get to the armory.


    We all sat on standby, waiting for the orders, but they didn't come. My unit deployed to Iraq in 03, but I had since gotten out. I was a single father with custody of two kids.


    After I got married, I re-enlisted active duty. I did my time in Kirkuk and Mosul, Iraq. I loved my job. An injury put me out. Got ran over and messed me up pretty bad. I would go back over there in a heartbeat, because those people HATE us and they will not stop until they have won or been wiped out.





    11B, SGT.

    1-67 CAB

    2 BCT, 4 ID  WARHORSE!

    You guys are are hero's. Thank you for your service and protecting our freedoms and thank you, thank you thank you for our Military killing the main guy who orchestrated these attacks.

  2. Today is 9-11-13. A day of remembrance to never forget what happened happened 12 yrs ago and to also remember all the brave Fireman, Police officers, other emergency personnel and the civilians who lost their lives that day during the process of saving many others.

    I was at my favorite bagel place when the first strike of the Twin Towers happened and then at the Dodge dealer to pick up my truck that was being serviced when I saw on their TV the second strike to the Twin Towers here.

    This images how can we ever forget? We can't. I'm also posting this to the minute the first strike happened.

    Where were you this day 12 yrs ago when you first heard about the attacks on 9-11-01?

  3. Like I told you- I need the largest file size you can send me so I can blow this up into a huge poster to hang in my office and remind myself how incredibly important and influential I am and that the entire pressure washing industry hangs on my every word.    



    Didn't you invent Powerwashing? Create Roundtables before King Arthur did? Did you know everyone refers to you as a Meglamaniac? Ooops wait that's not you that's....err never mind. It's just a waste of breath.

  4. Good post John. Robert has done so much for this industry. He is a stand up guy. And his knowledge and expertise of our industry is unbelievable.

    Right on Rob!! When your at the top people will always be gunning for ya for whatever reasons and Robert is at the top. Wait to you see the Video Roberts releasing that was taken at our Vegas Event..

    Robert being so thorough so Contractors can get the feeling that they were there, he had this part filmed with 3 of his cameras set up at different angles.

    From what I understand he did the same thing at the Houston event a couple of years ago so people can learn from what people like SGT. Walsh had to say.

    Roberts always been ahead of his time.

  5. Today is a great day. Got an email from Jake Clark that he's doing ok with those tremendous fires that are all around his shop. We booked a garage to be cleaned in 2 weeks and my guys are n the process of staining a house(Only 3rd house staining job we did this year--yay).

    The weather here is absolutely beautiful.

    On top of all this, it's great to talk to some guys who support one another. We work things thru together.

    Reflecting on today-- it's a beautiful day.

    So how has your days been?

  6. I'm getting old.. Change is harder for me to adjust to. Since Beth changed TGS you can see that it's got more advancements in place. My problem is I'm having a hard time getting use to the change.

    On the brighter side--- The more I come here the more I'm getting use to this.

    How are you other guys making out with TGS's change?

  7. We just booked another garage for the weekend of Sept 20th. This one is going to be another sludge disaster. If time permits in there I'll snap a few pictures.

    A job like this I learned from Robert on how to contain sludge and how to seperate it from the wash water so it's easier for disposal compared to how we use to do it. Time is money and Robert saved us hours and hours on these type jobs.

    Robert is a good guy who believes in helping others. Main reason why he founded Delco bb and multiple organizations within this Industry.

    The thousands of people you helped out over the years says volumes as to who you are--THANKS ROBERT!!

  8. I have my inlaws hanging out at my house for the weekend and Sunday my family and some friends are coming by to hang out by my pool. The water is cranked up to 88 degrees so we can just float around and drink beer in the floating cooler I have in the pool..

    By the time this weekend is over I should look like a bloated float:)

    So what's your plans for this weekend(hopefully you don't have to work)?

  9. OK, the official numbers are in:

    224 contractors representing 132 unique companies were at the 2013 Pressure Washing Convention.

    WOW.. Amazing!! First PWRA Convention and you guys crushed it with a Grand Slam Home Run:)

    Those are the biggest numbers for an Industry Powerwashing contractor event in almost a decade.

    You said you were going to get some large number for this Convention Thad and you guys sure did... Nice Job!!!!

  10. Of course the very next day one of the guys couldn't come in. I think I need to work more just so Im ready to work when the time comes. Friday wore me out.

    Lol.. If I work 10 minutes with my guys I'm worn out..lol

    I need at this stage of the game to be able to work at my own speed which is sloowwwwww but cautious which is why I excel now at fixing my machines...at my own speed.

  11. With the PWRA Convention coming to a close its good to see a bunch of people trying to help each other within this Industry that's not politically motivated. Its not about who's right, who's wrong and who the hate mongers are just to try and drag others down because they have nothing to back up their own claims. No No No... none of that garbage/baggage.

    Its about helping each other within this Industry and when you deal with nothing but positive things for your business like I do with mine, its all good. Learning/Education/Networking is Key. A newbie or an Oldtimer like myself(52 and 18+yrs owning a Powerwashing business) always can learn something at these Conventions/Events.

    This is just food for thought towards your business. Stay away from the political posturing and head towards like minded Individuals who want to help each other first and foremost because we are all one when you think about it. Where in this Industry together and the PWRA has just shown from what I'm being told that it was all about helping one another---- And Zero political anything.

    Great job guys/gals:)

  12. Since the PWRA's first Convention is coming to a close lets hear some "Thoughts" on how it went.

    Off the bat and knowing from experience, I bet to start off April Dodson, Kurt Kempton & Thad's sessions were the "Bomb":)

    Let's hear some honest opinions on what you thought and who stuck out in your mind that you can take for your business to do even better---Like getting to that "Next" level.
