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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. I forget the height of it. It's around 6'3"...somewhere about that and this Cyclone can be used for many different types of large flatwork cleaning jobs such as parking garages. It's a complete closed loop system and "Supposedly" can run 8 hrs continuously before you have to drain all the dirty water out of it and refill it with fresh water.

    I tried this machine in Vegas and it worked pretty good and if it can do all they claim it can, for some it maybe worth the Investment but it sure ain't cheap-- aprox $125,000

  2. It seems I never really get away from the physical end of my business. My wife runs all of the office end. We have Employee's but yet I always find myself doing physical labor--- its probably what I do best anyway. Every day I tinker and fix equipment. The picture below is more my speed as far as doing the actual cleanings. I also do once in awhile go out at night to do some commercial flatwork myself because of scheduling conflicts.

    So how about you 50+ in age business people out there. What's your "Physical end" of your business are you doing such as cleanings etc.

  3. I guess I was looking at this all wrong then. I thought I had to plumb to different lines for the unloader. One into the unloader and one out of it to keep the loop flowing and the pump cool internally.

    It's pretty easy to set up Joel. 1 hose from the bypass side of the unloader to the feed tank & you'll be good to go.

  4. What do you guys/gals think about doing a contest every now and then to give away used equipment? I just did this twice on Mike's bb(of course I still have to mail out the used equipment to the winners there).

    Instead of having this stuff sit on our shelves maybe we can give some of this stuff away here to someone who may have a use for these things.

    What do you guys think here? Do you find it sleazy to give away used things to our fellow contractors?

  5. For years I never did and I had all kinds of problems not doing that. From leaves falling into the stacks to continuous rain pouring in their I had many problems with past burners so now we cover them when not in use. The drawback is a couple of times the guys used the burners and realize a few minutes later the stack covers were still on--my luck.. But they still get covered all the time when not in use.

    Do you guys have stack caps for your burners?

  6. You better believe I did. My guys were watching from afar and said I looked like Zorro with the blower. I was reaching behind myself with the other hand to feel my way while watching this pitbulls teeth. It was funny after my heart stopped going 300 miles a minute.

    So how does a dodging pit bull compare to an actual bull coming at you full speed ahead to gore the heck out of ya?? This Question Rob by far is the only question you and you only can answer in this Industry. Your by far the bravest guy I know who can deal with something like this without a firearm at your side.

  7. Hey Amy-- responded to your post on another bb.

    Good to see that you reached out to this bulletin board as well which has been top of the line professional for the longest that I know of in the Powerwashing Industry when it comes to Powerwashing bulletin boards.

    www.thegrimescene.com has been around 10 yrs now and this bulletin board has raised the bar tremendously thru-out the Powerwashing Industry since its inception.

  8. LOL the fifth is what got us...Cant wait for the next event to be held so I can go straighten some guys out...

    Lol..Don't waste your time. The truth always comes out. Guys who try to get recognition by attacking peoples character because they can't back themselves up with anything noteworthy will bite them in the azz in the end. They get NOWHERE!!

    You should be at the PWRA Convention. I wish I could be there because its going to be a dynamite of a show for newbies and Guys with 20+yrs in this Industry.....

    Maybe will catch their 2nd one next year:)

  9. I removed this post. I just got a phone call from a good friend in this Industry who advised me to remove it. Thought it would help guys out in this Industry to be careful but apparently now I have the usual 3-4 guys directing people to this post for the sole reason to attack my character. I did this to show I make mistakes and I'm sorry to the ones who could learn from my mistakes.

    I am not perfect like these few like to tell others they are.

    Lesson learned which is the reason I love TGS. I still learn from bb's like this all the time.
