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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. We have a standing offer to go to Fripp Island again thru family http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fripp_Island,_South_Carolina I am the kind of guy when I offer something to someone such as come over to my house anytime and stay for a couple of days... I really mean it and people have. This is the second time I got this offer to stay at Fripp Island for a week for free which I did about 2 years ago all because the wife ask me to come down with my family when we were drinking some good Vino----Guess what.... we went and I paid for all the meals and extra activities we and them did.

    The offer is here again.. Might do it.. They want us to come again because their retired school teacher and Engineer who have no kids and they love to entertain at their very large house there....

    What to do what to do.... I just love good people who offer like I would do the same... will see..

    I do need some type of vacation to clear my mind:)

  2. Amsterdam= Sept.

    When I was in the Navy one of our port stops was supposed to be Amsterdam but then the Marines were blown up in the barracks while asleep in Beirut Lebanon in 1983 that changed everything for us then.

    Man oh man did us guys love talking about Amsterdam before this tragedy went down. We were all single and that was the place to go to then. "Window Shopping" was the big talk then and very reasonable as well...and legal:)

  3. Hey Al with a picture like that and Craig Harrision floating around, this would be a good time for a nice article about F9 and the amazing results contractors are getting using this product. One of the places you can contact is the Cleaner Times magazine http://www.cleanertimes.com/content.cfm?articleID=168

    If Beth see's this she might have some idea's with this as well on who to contact. Time to get this F9 front and center of it's not there already.

    Just Sayin:)

  4. I know my girls would be all for this. It's way to early to pick anyone since no potential candidates have made any major announcement that they're planning on running yet.

    From what I've been hearing is that Hillary Clinton is going to be the favorite for the 2016 presidency if she runs.

    Personally I am far from a Hillary fan. On the female side of things, Condoleezza Rice I have a ton more respect for but she won't run.

    Heck Hillary probably would've beat Obama the first time if John Edwards didn't pull so many democratic votes from her.

    The 2016 election is going to be a fun one to watch since this country seems to be stick in the mud the last few yrs.

    So what do you guys/gals think for 2016?

  5. I disagree. Look at DC. Look at Chicago. There is no freedom of gun ownership there. You cannot carry a gun there. You have a limit on the number of guns that can be owned. What type of guns. That, my friends, is taking away people's freedom slowly and it doesn't start by just banning or taking them away at one time. They do it slowly and methodically so no one causes that big of a stink because it's just something little. A little over time becomes big. Does anyone else find it odd that the highest crime and murder rates are the population with the strictest gun laws?

    That's a fair debate to make but also consider those tend to be the lower income area's and guns or no guns crime runs rampant in lower income congested area's.

  6. I'm no data expert but I understand how polls tend to work... Example. You take a 1000 people for example in a certain area and poll them the margin of error could be let's say 3-5% either way. If you were to take a poll that consisted of everyone in this country(never going to happen because we can't even get people off their fannies to vote) your margin of error would be 0%.

    Collecting data is interesting I would think if your a numbers person or are on a fact finding mission. Predictions can come out of data that in many cases could be extremely important.

  7. The poll numbers disgust me; they are not bull crap. By your own statement I would surmise that you find them to be inaccurate, while I do not. Allison explained it quite well, as did I. The numbers support the hypothesis suggesting that racial points of view are dramatically different regarding the outcome of this case, because of social, educational and economic backgrounds. The reason the numbers disgust me, is that discrimination disgusts me. I grew up with it, a victim of it, surrounded by it. I am perhaps overly sensitive to it. I do my very best to not let it into my life. Having said that, it saddens me greatly to see hatred in our society, displayed by any person or persons towards another person or persons. I look at the poll number and I remember my history lessons. I remember the Civil War. I remember the Civil Rights Acts. I remember other times too, some from history and some from my personal life. I look at those numbers as they are, a reflection of raw human emotion touched by personal experience, knowing that each person who answered that poll had a frame of reference that in that moment touched them emotionally with the result being their polling vote. To me, the numbers are not just numbers, they are an outcry, a scream of pain and anguish, a statement that many will choose to ignore because they are ....just numbers. And sadly, that these numbers are ignored, discounted and cast off as "BS" is disgusting.


    Very well stated Beth and same goes with Allisons and Guys for that Matter. Where all entitled to our Opinions in this country and we can express it because we do have the "Freedom of Speech" here.

    I'll tell you one of the very few things about the Law which I always liked. We by far have the best Criminal Justice system in the world. Far from Perfect but at least everyone in most cases has a fair shot to defend themselves. What I like is the proof of evidence we have that makes things go to a certain level. For example--I'll I need to arrest someone was "Probable cause". That's it. Now the level goes much higher to Convict someone Criminally which falls under "Beyond a reasonable doubt". I love that one. Its as close to fact that any court system in the world has. Rose color lenses, How people are brought up and everything else gets removed because we all have our personal preferences and bias's. So this is why I love facts. To convict someone here its has to be just about fact and if it is indeed fact and there are no extraordinary circumstances involved such as self defense etc. then the charges stick.

    Once again this goes back to the Zimmerman trial which was polarizing for sure. I get it that the African American Population has a bad taste in their mouths because almost all of them dealt with bigotry somewhere in there life. So I get that. Its terrible. Heck if My daughters were born in some of these Muslim countries they would be considered "Second class citizens" so they would most definitely have inner turmoil like many African Americans feel they have here.

    But in the court of Law you have to remove that from your mind. You have to go by the facts of what happened. Maybe Zimmerman got over because Trayvon died. Could very well be. The dead can't defend themselves(In most cases but sometimes there are circumstances the dead person did that indeed defended them---whole other story).

    So in conclusion this whole story is tragic but a Jury of our peers came back with a verdict. Stinging to some but rightful to others. What I think this verdict does show is how divided we are as a country and your Poll article above shows that.

  8. I disagree, and if it were me I wouldn't. What has GZ got to apologize for? Defending himself? In some cases saying you're "Sorry" means you have taken personal responsibility for a situation and can be an admission of guilt.

    Again GZ will have to hide in fear for the rest of his life because he defended himself......If anyone is owed an apology.....It's him.

    If Trayvon's parents were standing in the same room with you, you couldn't say to them that "I am sorry that you lost your son"? That doesn't make you wrong at all. Its just the decent thing to do. I think Zimmerman did what he had to do and it is "Unfortunate" that someone was killed in here. Where is your compassion to his parents? You have kids so you know its killing them.

    That's the difference between you and I Guy. I could look someone in the eye and tell them I am sorry this ended up this way but I did my job as Zimmerman did his and the Jury agreed with him on that.

  9. Yes I am saying some of those things. We get ourselves involved in places we don't belong. I was in Lebanon back in my NAVY days and watched from my ship first hand how these religious fanatics over there were just bombing each other back and forth. You can see it clearly at night.

    Where exhausting ourselves to the limits and driving the value of our dollar down the toilet and chasing away all of the jobs here because we get taxed to death.

    America has an enemy that they should look at and try to solve it. Their enemy is themselves which is "We the People".

    We should try to right the ship here and screw the middle east because it's in there bloodline to combine Religion and politics and that will forever be a deadly mix.

    Our real problems are right here.

    As for the Media- there trust levels also went down the toilet. Where talking "political news media". These media outlets have agenda's and it's not to tell the truth. It's to push their messages to the masses. That's not what their job should be. So yes I do hold blame on some of the political reporting media.

    I am glad I grew up in the era I did and I feel sorry for my girls because today everything is much different and I wouldn't say its for the better either.

  10. In was trying to make a point that really can't be made. Your ethnicity can't be changed no matter if your born in America or not. If your born here your nationality is automatically "American". I'm sick & tired of people using race against other people when where all "Americans".

    There's so much bicchen and complaining about this country that it has came to the point that you can burn the American Flag and it's OK because of the "Freedom of Speech here". Total lunacy.

    Where a country that is fraying at the edges is what it seems like. Any little thing we have to argue about it.

    There's so much separation.

    You go to a foreign country and the people living there tend to talk so highly about their country and over here all we seem to talk about is what's wrong with our country.

    So in reality I guess I can't make the point I was trying to make because it doesn't make sense. I just wish some people would be more patriotic to their homeland and stop acting like this country is going to invade our freedoms, take away our rights, and on and on and on and on.

    By far America is the best place to live and maybe people should start looking at that instead of looking for all the negativity all the time.

    Simply put--- Our Media Sucks!!

  11. How about that. I'm part Irish nationality, Sicilian(I'll break your legs nationality) part Spain Spanish where my 98 yr old sweetheart of a grandmother still works out 6 days a week and part Mexican. My Grandfather rest his soul went to Columbia University and he was always known to be extremely intelligent..

    So what does that make me besides a mutt that likes to bite..lol

    How about an America as in nationality. What, is there a time frame that this country needs to go thru for us to earn this right?

    Bull! We should have this right now. 300 yrs of world dominance it's time we make some rules for ourselves instead of worrying about other countries on this planet.

    Our moral is disgustingly low. It time where called American first as a nationality.

    What do you guys think? Do we deserve this right?

  12. Guy,

    Reading my post again, I probably did not express my point well. No, I certainly feel no guilt or need to apologize to anyone for history before my birth. That would be inane.

    As a racial group in the U.S., statistically, I would think there is little debate that "Whites" are born with a "leg up" in this society compared to "Blacks", "Hispanics", and "American Indians". Much of this advantage was expressed so well by Allison, "but we are not starting from an equal playing field. History, socioeconomics, cultural issues all come into play."

    What I was trying to explore in my own mind and express was to put the shoe on the other foot. How would I react and feel about the Zimmerman case if I had been born a statistically average Black in America?

    Rick I got what your saying when you wrote it. Sometimes I look at things like that because to get a more subjective view you have to look at what the other guys story is or in this case was. Some of us are fortunate enough to be born with a silver spoon in their mouths where others are born from an ethnic group that has been trounced on for years.

    I don't thing we owe anyone anything. I do believe that Mr Zimmerman would indeed apologize to Trayvon's parents if the chance ever comes because no one is happy about killing someone else's child and 17 is pretty much at the last phase of being a child. Saying your sorry just shows you feel bad about something that doesn't necessarily make you wrong. Also saying your sorry doesn't make you wrong.

    So sometimes you have to dig deep unto the psyche of the other person to see what made them tick. I truly believe that.

    I got a great thread starter just having this conversation right before I go to sleep just. We just got in from Powerwashing. Never know when these ideas can come out but when they do I just have to put it down on paper....errrr I pad.

  13. I use to advertise myself as "Owner Operated". Some people loved that. Who wouldn't?? Years later I realized money made is more important but I still didn't want to sell my soul and sell garbage to anyone. So my guys are top notch. Better then I was.

    So what is the goal besides making decent money? Does owner operator really rule when it comes to some work?

    I'll give a little personal secret of mine. When it comes to what I consider wood restoration which to me is art... I would rather hire "Owner Operator" cause I want the "ARTIST".

    Besides that what do you guys think?

  14. I'm going to try this again since you (Rick) basically shared a lot of what I wrote -- and lost -- last night. We claim we all have equal rights, but we are not starting from an equal playing field. History, socioeconomics, cultural issues all come into play. And to ignore these things is not being realistic. However, to exploit them with every opportunity -- crying "racism" at every turn -- is not the answer either. The people who so desperately want end racism are too often going about it wrong, in turn driving deeper wedge between the races. In the words of Nelson Mandela, "If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner."

    Allison thank your for sharing that. Deep down inside I was hoping you would add a little more time even though you lost the post(That really sucks). This week If I can remember I'll take a picture of when I was on the cover of the Post here in 88-89. I happened to be probably at the right place at the right time and didn't do anything different then anyone else would do. I had a direct run in with Al Sharpton previously and this one lucky night I happened to be there when Al Sharpton along with his two other cronies all got locked up in one shot.

    The one I use to know was Roy Innis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Innis who is of African American back round and was a big dude and a sweet guy in a nice way man. Nelson Mandela would have imbraced him if they haven't done so already.

    The Al Sharptons of the world Spew hate and they get away with it. Where is the equality? Al talks a mean game and is once again very charismatic. He can control a room in any conversation.... but like Roy Innis wanted to do to him on an Old "Morton Downey" show and flipped Al Sharpton right over on his chair in a heated discussion..... What I believe is every now and then maybe some people could use a reality check and give them a good beating when there hurting others.(Again old world thinking and politically incorrect).

    What I liked was that American kid who got cained in Singapore back when, when he decided it was funny to gouge scratch marks into people's cars. Fear is a learning tool and to be perfectly honest and you know me as to not be to religious but the one thing I love about religion is this--it puts the fear of God into people to do the right thing to others or else. That's the one thing I can honestly admit that I do love about religion. It keeps people on the straight an arrow----hopefully.

  15. For better or worse everything changes. It always does. Amendments get amended(Probably wrong term--didn't major in English) attached to them.

    Our forefathers basically supported slavery even though a few of our forefathers were off the charts amazing.

    Heck Homosexual marriage is legal here in NY now. My religion says its wrong and even though I get repulsed by it my daughter has gay guy friends at our house all the time(She's big time into theatre).

    So sometimes you have to think.. who are we to not let someone be happy if its not hurting anyone else?

    Politics is complicated and truth be told--- there never is an absolute answer-- IMO.

  16. I stayed up until 1:30 last night writing out a well crafted, deeply thought out response to this. Then when I went to post I realized I was no longer logged in to TGS and I lost the whole thing

    Man do I hate when that happens! Sometimes in the heat of the moment I try to type out everything I just lost when that happens. Generally though I just say #%*^ and move on.

    On this unfortunate incident since the race card was not brought up in court it should not be brought up as having any type of factor because it wasn't. People just want to blame something when there really was nothing according to what our laws are.

    Just think if Zimmerman was an actual Police officer and this happened. This whole thing would have been turned into big time Police Brutality. There's no winning this IMO... And sadly to say I'm betting Zimmerman feels terrible how that night ended up and there is no way to console Trayvon Martins parents who's son is dead. Tragic story for sure but I do believe the jury got it right and I hope where not going to have to pay with our tax dollars if the Feds now decide to charge Zimmerman. This case should be closed.

  17. I don't think Peter King is going anywhere in a presidental campain.

    He's off the charts great here. His elections by far are always won by major landslides here even in the democratic area's. Peter is such a great guy he boxed a 32 yr old guy here a few months ago for charity who was a 1/3rd his age.

    The ethics committee in DC went nuts because they said Peter King was showing favoritism doing that. Totally ridiculous political garbage.

    Also Peter King gave it to the house speaker John Boehner which caused them to ASAP get 50 billion dollars of relief money here for the mass destruction hurricane Sandy brought to 1000's of people here.

    I can go on.. But your right. Peter King won't win a national election even though his career has been nothing short of spectacular. He's no spring chicken anymore either @ 69 but don't tell him that... He's liable to knock you out..lol
