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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. We still do on emergency cases. Also I still buy from him my strippers and brighteners for wood restoration work. I've been using this local distributor for 18+yrs now and there's always a couple times of year I have to stop in there to get something. Once in awhile I'll stop in just to buy them lunch if I'm in the area. There also the only distributors I ever tip because there the only ones who still at times work on my equipment if I just can't get something to work right which is less often now then in the past.

    So how about you? Do you still deal with your local distributors at all?

    How about some of you newer guys. Did you ever deal with your local distributor or is everything the Internet for you?

    Looking forward to reading your responses.

  2. Great pet stories. Where out here now powerwashing this village walkways & I read these post wishing my dogs were hanging out with me in my truck. Mans & ladies best friends for sure.

    Do we have any cat or reptile lovers here? Lets here about them as well. I'm not one to put a snake around my neck but I sure get a kick out watching how some others just love doing that with their snake pets--Yikes.

  3. Just wanted to say thank you for the peace of mind regarding starting the new washer up. Did as you said took about 8 seconds and then water was a-flowing. Holy Crap what a difference between 4 GPM and 5.5 GPM! Granted it's a new machine and the old isn't pushing exactly as it used to but wow. Thanks again.

    Glad it worked out for ya Joel:) Its reasons like this which makes www.thegrimescene.com such a great place to learn and interact with other powerwashers. I learned a ton here myself.

  4. Also who ever owns a gun/guns, for yours and your family's safety I hope you keep them locked up by the very least with a trigger lock on it and on up. Most killings by far in this country involves loved ones either killing themselves or each other. The easiest way is for them to find an unlocked gun and shoot themselves or their friend... This happens to kids way to often alone.

  5. I have to say two things concerning Zimmerman & Martin. First it was not a case on racism. The media tried to make it that and at least so far the courts have not. Zimmerman is also part Hispanic in case anyone is wondering. Zimmerman IMO was in his right to find out what Trayvon was up to. He was the neighborhood watch for the night if I understood that correctly.

    Suddenly this thing breaks out into some type of fight. Why that was only Zimmerman really knows and the Jury can only convict him beyond a reasonable doubt and they surely didn't háve that. That is the law.

    I don't think for one second Mr. Zimmerman was trying to kill Mr. Martin. He shot him in self defense to "Stop" him. That's what we were taught. If you shoot, you shoot to stop. If you think about it and Zimmerman really wanted to kill him then all he had to do was unload his gun into Trayvons head & he didn't(that's like an execution killing)

    The other problem in here is and I truly believe this is what President Obama came out and said. There is no more political figure in this country then the president and his words can influence millions. He made this very political.

    What I found most disturbing of what our President said was that after the verdict, a couple of days later he said he could have been Trayvon Martin and could have been killed himself. Really? So the president would've escalated a neighborhood watch personal to the point of an all out fight that could've caused him to be shot?

    Common!! That's not a fair point to say unless the president was a bad guy who went out at night looking for trouble back then... Him saying that just causes more unrest.... And believe it or not millions of Americans listen to exactly what the President says when he speaks.. I know I do and that was a disappointed and inappropriate thing to say that can most definitely influence politically what could happen next to Mr. Zimmerman.

  6. So the safe that only accepts your hand print, what happens when the battery dies? If I was to have a pistol, I would look at the Ruger LCP. They say it is small enough to fit the back pocket of a man's jeans. http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/ruger-lcp-380/

    Well to be more specific it's not exactly that safe. There are no batteries. Picture a metal box. It has a hand indentation on it. Mine has a right hand indentation on it. In the dark for example all I have to do is put my hand on it and push my fingers down in a certain order that only I know and the safe door swings open.

    I could keep this under my bed and just reach down and move a couple of fingers and pop out my guns. This safe holds 3 guns and around 200 rounds. It's safe as heck and easy for me to open in a heartbeat.

  7. You have water in the tank and the water line is hooked straight to the pump(make sure you have a filter between pump & tank).

    I would just start the pressure washer and squeeze the gun or open the ball valve and let the water completely run thru the system. Also make sure you have the pump setup for bypass back into the tank so that can protect your pump from over heating while the Powerwasher is running and the gun is not squeezed. You always want water running thru the pump at all times when the PW is running.

    If you have everything hooked up like above and there is no air leak in the hoses or fittings then everything should run fine.

  8. What heart warming stories.

    Hardest jobs I ever had to deal with in law enforcement besides anything to do with injured kids was dealing with injured animals... Especially dogs. They yelp and cry just like people do when their badly injured. I do love animals and even went into a burning house to get this ladies dogs out. Also got one of my yellow labs from a house fire when this lady had all these puppies running around.

    Let's see some more animals you guys/gals out there have. They just have a way of making people smile:)

  9. Below is a picture of the exact Gun I own that I can carry most anywhere. I carry it once on occasion but most of the time I keep it in my safe that has a hand print on it that I use my hand to pop in the number to open this safe. I do have a small arsenal in there.

    I'll take a picture of that one of these days.

    Face it--- for better or worse this country is built on guns. It truly is. I personally wish there were no guns in this country because I dealt with suicides, accidental kid deaths, Parents killing kids and vise a versa. But where a country that is built on guns and the fact is there are as many guns here as there are people which is roughly 300,000,000 in this country.

    So since the 2nd amendment exist I follow my rights to bear arms. I'm also extremely careful that know one can get to my guns.

    Now what I'm getting to. The Zimmerman story. I feel terrible for Trayvon Martin who was killed. Absolutely terrible. Who wouldn't if you have kids. He was someones child.


    Now the problem. He gets into a confrontation with the neighborhood watch which was Zimmerman who has the right to bear arms. This kid is apparently pounding Zimmerman pretty good. What happened in here only the jury and the judge and Zimmerman really know.

    In my case if I was doing my job the last thing I would use is deadly physical force but if need be.. I would use it.

    This case is unfortunate. This country is built on guns may not be the greatest thing in the world but it is what it is.

    So like my rights allow I have my family covered... but I also have myself covered because no one in my household can open my safe because of the hand print code I have.

    What's your thoughts? Do you allow yourself to use your right which is the 2nd amendment which is your right to bear arms?

  10. I love my wife of course and my two girls. All 3 of them can easily talk back and give it to me.... sometimes I probably deserve it. Luckily none of them ever yell at me. There not yellers...

    But these two killers here I take almost everywhere. My two dogs. I leave our pool gate open every day so they can swim. Labs generally love the water. I bring them in my car when I go to get breakfast almost every morning and I take them when I'm out doing estimates. My last set of dogs were two yellow labs. These two chocolates are my last big dogs and I love them to death..

    Lets see your animals that just not matter what love you to death:)[ATTACH]20351[/ATTACH]

  11. Hey Joel--You said you know the water is running to the pump if I read that correctly. Let it run for a few seconds and you will see or at least should see water with air shooting out of the hose then soon all water. The pump will be primed at that moment. Gravity fed this should work every time and if its a belt driven setup it should have the ability to pull the water up as well.

  12. Stain during the coolest time of day, in she shade if you can.


    That's my plan but I'm so concerned how hot the wood is even in the shade that the solid stain is going to dry to fast.

    I guess as long as it looks good for next weeks party is going to have to suffice.

    For any woodies out there, solid stain is OK for verticals but the horizontal surfaces they bite. You also loose the beauty of the wood grain and that's what I miss the most with my deck-- darn dogs:) like it's their fault..lol

  13. This is a personal question. I'm staining my front porch Armstrong Clarke Amber stain. That is one beautiful stain.

    The problem is my back deck yrs ago I made the big mistake of staining it a solid color because my dogs were killing it. Big big mistake.

    I have my daughters graduation party next weekend and we powerwashed all the lose stain off my deck 2 weeks ago.

    I have to get it stained solid for the party next week and this heat is relentless and we all know solid dries fast as heck.

    I'm going to try and stain it tomorrow because There really is no more time for me to wait.

    Anyone stain a solid color in this heat and did it come out OK?

  14. What do you do if a company doesn't stop the harassment Especially with faxes? I've told them in the past via phone to take me off there list. I sent emails to them that you can check off area's to get you removed from their list and then I finally threatened them... And that seemed to work for awhile but yesterday I get another one of their emails and today Kathy told me there infomercial once again is on my business phone.

    I'm guessing these morons will probably send a fax soon.

    What's your suggestion to stop them permanently that isn't going to cost me $$ because there not worth it for me to spend a penny on. So what would you do outside the law(meaning I know I can work my way to report them for continuous harassment)??

  15. Actually, that is standard. We use Constant Contact. When you add email addresses, you also add the person's first and last name. Then when you design the email, the template you use has a standard greeting or salutation. It might say Hi John, or Hello John, or something similar depending on the template the company is emailing. If a name is NOT associated with the email address, it will simply say something like Greetings for example.

    You should check into Constant Contact. It's pretty cool, and great for business......


    Yes Beth Constant contact is great. The majority of our Vegas event members came from a few solid people's constant contact list that they sent out our info for us.

    On this one particular company that's in discussion here, there last response was not a standard response. Resilience can crack right thru some of these companies especially when they go overboard with garbage. When your getting fax's, info voice mail advertisements and continuous ridiculous emails from them and even there information makes no sense... Then it's time to knock them down and out.

    I would love to put their response I got yesterday on the net so people can see how stupid they were. Maybe this time they finally figured it out because there responses are now apologetic.

    Let's see if they do what's right now instead of still acting like Morons.

  16. I have seen the 48 hour notice on many things I have unsubscribed to from contractor things to home goods, restaurants, and stores shop at that send far too many emails for my liking. Keep a list. If you get them past that point, take the next step.


    Thanks Beth. That's pretty much what I'm doing. I love when they respond back using my name as in "Hi John". I have to say at least this time it wasn't an automated response because they said some things in this email such as they acknowledge the legal aspect of this.

    Hopefully these Friggin morons can finally figure it out.

  17. Funny part was that you and I won, but Rob lost quite a bit! I think I head to Vegas in September for CETA. Won't be the same without you guys though...unless ya'll wanna come too! That'd be fun! Hey, I was going to email you about this, but might as well ask you here. Did you know the Long Island police guy/comedian that was on America's Got Talent the other night?

    I couldn't say. I only watch that show once and thought it was pretty cool but haven't seen it since. My childhood friend is a long Island cop who does stand up comedy for the dep't retirement parties etc and before we were cops he use to go up on stage at comedy nights. I just saw him at another mutual childhood friends fathers(our old hockey coach) funeral. He had us all laughing which was good with some oldtime stories..

    His name wasn't Jim Molinelli by any chance?

  18. How do you guys get a marketing service/group to stop emailing you every time they have something stupid to say?

    I notified these people to stop. It's an obvious scam. I got an email confirming that I will be taken off their list of constant contacts. Yet once again they just keep sending emails to me. Some go to my spam mail and some get thru.

    Their wanna be's industry related and they just refuse to stop..

    What would you do?

  19. Hey Allison-- my family was at my daughters dance nationals all week in Atlantic City. I was only able to go down yesterday(Thursday) that's the day my daughter had most of her dances(6 of 13).

    I snuck down to the $10 blackjack table and applied Rob Carey's tactics(man was he our good luck charm) and I was doing OK. My last hand I got two deuces. I doubled down and pulled another deuce so I tripled down. This was my last hand(only had a half hour to gamble). I won on all 3 and left. A quick $250 won and gone..

    I gave both my girls a $100 each and then split.

    Next time you me and Rob hook up again we have to do another couple of nights of blackjack. Robs a genius on giving tips that stuck in my head.. Fun times ahead again:)

  20. You guy that work nights are brave souls.

    If I worked nights I believe I'd have a trigger gun rigged up to the surface cleaner. No lance/wand. Man, a zero degree nozzle and 200 degree hot water would really ruin a bad guy's day...er, night! Especially at 3,500 PSI and 8 GPM LOL! I think I'd rather be tasered any day...er, night!

    lol.. Some of these people want you to shoot them. I remember that from that crack epidemic.

    I never recalled any screwball wanting to get sprayed with water especially with a quick pop in with a red zero degree tip. I'll plead the 5th admitting to anyone if I ever did that dealing with commercial night work for 15+yrs now especially when I was on my own....
