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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. Why does an org need to make BMP's regarding waste water control?

    They don't. But then why would they do it at all I guess would be your next question. Waste water control is a big issue for many commercial Powerwashers. So a national org. should IMHO step to the plate and try to be at the forefront in helping there members and this Industry in general to be able to work with the AHJ's etc that works in favor to the Powerwashers. What exactly that is has caused alot of debate which is always good if it can stay professional and eventually those debates tend to not work out to well in the long run. But the initial parts are always worth it because people tend to think together to work things out until it gets ugly.

    From what I have read there is only a small part of the BMP's that are causing the discourse. The majority of the BMP's the PWNA offers for example most people would be in agreement that are workable. Alot of it is common sense. For example, directing your wash water over to a landscape area instead of straight down a storm drain. Just basic commen sense.

    A national org should deal with issues instead of looking the other way and offer their members nothing. If the members didn't want that they have the ability to vote out the BOD's and the chairs of the committee's etc.

    But back to your first question Kris-- an org. doesnt have to do anything but I rather be a part of an org. that is proactive instead of one that has no direction known or doesn't want to do anything of actual value to it's members.

  2. So in short you're basically saying that BMP's for any company or org is just a set of guidelines for that specific company/org? And that these BMP's are not affiliated with the government of the United States, and that these BMP are the sole design of that said company? That the law has no bearing on a company's BMP?

    Yes. BMP's can follow the law such as no wash water discharge directly into a storm drain if that's what your local laws state but it's not vice- versa. Laws over rule BMP's. Another words you BMP's if different from what the law states they have no bearing in your defense..

    Obviously you want BMP's that are inline what the law states when you get into those grounds within your BMP's but your basic BMP's such as when KPOW personal are Powerwashing, shorts is not an acceptable work attire. Etc etc etc

    State agency's can adopt BMP's where they expect contractors to follow them or even be more strict then what their BMP's are but if you aren't at least following what there BMP's are you most likely will find yourself violating some type of law in that area.

    BMP's are Guidelines.

  3. You guys are making me think about the "Good old days" :). I almost bought an MG Midget around 79-80. I really wanted that car. I was into Jim Conner racing https://jimconnerracing.com/ so I bought a 72 Opel GT(poor mans Corvette) and my Dad and my Uncle along with myself spray painted it with 7 coats of paint to make it look like glass. Then I had the engine blue printed from Fontana racing where we had dual webber carbs added. This car was a rocket. It was also my everyday car until I left to serve the USN. I have the pics of this car in my night table. I'll try to remember to take pics of the pics. Those were good times.

    This thread brings back good memories:)

  4. There seems to be some misunderstanding of what BMP's are. So lets take a look at what maybe causing some of the misunderstandings here.

    First and foremost it must be understood that BMP's are not law. One doesn't get a summons for violating a BMP, they get a summons for violating the law. Anyone selling you on anything different there you should be immediately suspicious as to what their intent is to do so.

    So if you know anyone who was summons for violating for arguments sake the clean water act and they paid a fine then they were found guilty of violating some law even if it was on a plea bargain. Violations fall into the law category. Also a violation conviction generally means you were convicted of an "Infraction" and not a crime. Misdemeanors & Felony convictions are another story.

    BMP's stand for Best Management Practices. You can incorporate your own set of BMP's or as in the www.PWNA.org you can use there BMP's and restructure them if need be to work for your area.

    An Example of a simple BMP:

    A simple BMP let's say for my business could be like this- When Powerwashing the operator is advised to wear eye protection and work gloves. All I would be saying here is for my business this would be a BMP but it doesn't make it.. The law.

    So I hope this helps clear this up for some as to what a BMP really is.

  5. Thx. for the info guys. I am losing about 500 psi with 100' of 3/8" and according to the Gates Hose Online fluid flow calculator that is about right.

    That seems a bit high amount of PSI to lose using only a 100' section even though it's 3/8". The golden rule of thumb should be somewhere around 1psi per linear ft of hose in the example your giving. To lose 500psi on just one 100' section of hose can make a world of difference in some cleaning applications such as Gum popping where you may easily have a few hundred feet of hose in use.

    You unloader maybe out of adjustment causing some of the water to go into bypass while cleaning causing less pressure at the end of your Powerwashing hose.

    To answer a question like this you need a Russ Johnson to give you a better idea on why your losing that much PSI in only a 100' of hose....

  6. I would be carefull doing that. You are right in that it is lighter, but in the long run I think it will be more expensive because the jetter hose is not as abrasion resistance. Drag it on concrete and you will be replacing it much more frequently.

    Using 8gpm and only 100', I dont think you should be losing that much with 3/8".

    If you do go that route...Piranha Hose (Sp)

    Doug is right on.

  7. Yup I buy in bulk to. A skid at a time of 5gal. Containers of Chlorine. You may be looking into this to much IMHO.

    The Chlorine I get is from a Pool Supply Co. that you need to have a Lic. For which I have. Ths Chlorine is about as high as they come which is rated @ 15%. which is almost 3x stronger then your household bleach.

    Get it like us then it can be used for many different applications.

  8. Perhaps if we could merge the two orgs (thus eliminate the infighting in public), I would be more inclined to sponsor a program that promotes wood and wood restoration. I doubt this an original thought.


    Hmmmm... You have a better chance of merging the BDA with TGS and do there own show before these two orgs ever merge. No one can say that your not an optimist though Jake...

    A joint convention by them "wood" be cool but can't see that happening anytime soon either but then again I am a bit Jaded by all of that stuff now..

    One thing is certain. TGS rocks for Wood Restoration post-- & Composites bite compared to wood:)

  9. So far this year we stained with Flood natural(Hybrid-sucked and sprays like garbage), Superdeck natural(came out good and sprayed excellent-oil based) and AC Amber(came out excellent and sprayed like a charm).

    I wish AC was something I could pick up at my nearby paint store. We sprayed a house and we ran 2 gallons short. I had to get ACR products to send me some more so we had to shut this job down for 2 days until stain arrived.

    AC Stain is excellent and I'm leaning towards stock piling it but I sure wish like the old days, they didn't messed with the local products because of the VOC's and it was sure convenient to pick everything up locally.

  10. Thanks for all the input and Help!

    Found out it was the battery. I actually had two batteries that were bad on this trailer set-up. Thanks again.

    Get yourself a battery checker. If you got a bad/dead cell the battery is shot. Besides connections, one of the first things I check is if the battery has a bad cell with the battery checker. Good thing to own and there cheap.

  11. My apology John, but I don't quite understand what you mean by "take the above and run with it." Could you explain what you mean?

    Yes. Basically try not to get roped into arguments like you saw a few of us have. 99% of the time TGS runs very smooth. It's that 1% of the time where these last word arguments (not so much debates) where it becomes a he said/she said stuff.

    I know your history with Chris & what happened...but... It's pointless to argue over it because even though some think your right, he will think he's right. That's how people think. They usually don't argue something because they know their wrong..

    Fight for a good cause-- I always believe in that but don't fight the petty stuff(been there as well and it's worthless).

    So in essence give out good quality things people can use, even yourself and you'll have more people respecting what it is you do..

  12. Kris, I gave no advice, I made a Statement, I also outlined my thoughts, again not advice. This is TGS not ***, you had problems at *** why not leave them there....Now that's advise.

    Congratulations on your position as moderator here at TGS, I know you'll do a great Job......That's a compliment.

    Hey Kris... Hint/Tip-- us older more seasoned guys, take the above and run with it. Don't debate it or argue with it..

    Do better then we did.. Move ahead and take the lessons learned and you will move along at lightening speed.

    Your doing well already:)

  13. And that's your opinion Barry, which of course you're welcome to......But I Strongly Disagree. I (Like Many) got caught up in the negativity, I even thought I was the reason for it here so I stayed away and watched, seems I was too hard on myself as the negativity continued......But I think it's about to ease up.

    We all need to remember in the whole grand scheme of things that we (99.9%) are "Nobodies" in this Industry. The BS & Drama on the boards serves no purpose, it helps no one, it makes no profit.

    I'm really out of it (Drama) I just want to help with PW questions or learn new things...that's it.

    I will leave Drama, BS, me,me,me, and in general Holy Than Thou Judgmental Attitudes to the Key Board Cowboys.

    It's all positive or helpful, anything else is a waste of time, and time is something we all have too little of.

    Don't care to know who Guy may be referring to here but my attitude is similar to what Guys posting like I am on the other Powerwashing boards I go to. The drama is out.

    As for the Drama Queens there in their own area on the net as it should be:)

  14. Great Post.

    John has always been a straight forward guy. Some may not like that, but it is what it is.

    Thanks Jimbo.. Yes your right on... You want the answer I'll give it to ya straight. Consistency has always been my thing. Some people may find this odd even when I was in law enforcement, I have no real enemies. From a hardcore criminal to a Mother Type person, I always found that if your going to say something people want the truth. So the one thing I have never been accused of by anyone that matters is having a lack of Integrity.

    Looking forward to working with ya again for the 2014 Parking Garage Event.

  15. John, I have had the pleasure of watching you grow your business over the years and meeting you in person several times. Always enjoyed your enthusaism and gusto you have had for this industry. I am thankful for all YOU have done and applaude your desire to do as you see right. You never struck me as one to be harmful; only eager to be part of something you seemed to love. While you have often been in the middle of much debate, I truely believe your intentions have always been honorable. I know you and your beautiful wife deserve some quality time together, so getting off these boards should allow that. I know you won't be completely gone because this stuff is in your blood. Thank you for All of your efforts over the years. I am sure it wll be hard to replace your dedication that is needed to moderate these boards!

    Thanks Tracy that means alot to me and your right. Working with you guys and really having similar likeminded goals and actually completing them or at least giving it the best effort I can is in my blood. Your past employer use to say I bleed purple in my org days. It's really about helping each other and it doesn't necessarily have to be org related..

    I Know I'll cya around somewhere in the future-- I think we need to rematch each other in pool:)

  16. Enjoy Kris... You'll meet some cool people on the inside. If you take a liking to the mod area's it's almost a precursor to going the next step by doing things together with likewise contractors.

    Some of us went from Mods to Board of Directors in the same time frame such as Beth, Mike Hughes and myself. A bunch of us held our own Roundtables and helped others do theirs as well.. If you like the group thing and your inspired enough your going to meet some very awesome people..

    Who knows.. You may be the first Forum mod here who gets to infract me(You'll learn about that system as well)

    Thankfully I only had to infract 3 people and ban 2 of them in 10yrs here and on all the other bb's I did combined.

    If you have any question always feel free to hit me up on a PM or email.

  17. Hey Zap-- no I never forgot what it's like to be a newbie. I owe alot to people I met in this Industry. The rig setup I showed here was from a guy who was the first one to make fun of guys working out of their family vans when they started out.. There's to much history to delve into this but that person is getting what he gives which is Zero respect from many..

    Also the one thing I never was, was a lowballing hack... I think you know what I'm talking about. We were all newbies but I'm sure we took pride in our work we did for others as most people I know has done and still do today. Hackers we weren't then or today.

    I also do reflect back and I am still very thankful today to the many who helped me along here such as not only Beth/Rod with wood restoration, but from some of the very first Mods and members on TGS such As David Olson (since passed away),Michael Hinderliter, Michael Hughes(working for a much larger company today in a different field), Tony Szabo just to name a few. These people never got there heads to big no matter how successful they were and they also stayed honest to the core and always helpful to myself and many others. Another words they weren't users. I realize how lucky I was to meet these people and many others.. So no I never forget..

  18. My Credibility has never been on the net. It's the things I do with these good honest hard working contractors on the outside as far as this Industry is concerned is where my passions are. I've never been and Internet cowboy because I always back up what I say and people who know me.... Know that. In the big picture of things that's what counts.

    Hey Kris on a more real thing.. You missed a fun time at the Vegas Event Bro.. That's probably at least the 30th Contractor event I've gone to. Some I helped out with like this one but most I go because I enjoy and support The Contractors in this Industry... That's real.. Hope to meet ya one day somewhere down the road at.... Another Event:)

  19. Anyone interested in Joining the TGS Moderating team in helping to keep this Bulletin board at the top of it's profession? Contact Beth/Rod thru a PM here to see if they need some slots filled. It's been a good experience and it's been rewarding being a part of this ever growing site.

    As for me except for a few months last year I've been part of the TGS moderating team from the beginning of this site. It's time for me to hang that up. 10 yrs has been a long time and I probably should have left a couple of years ago. It's time to bring in the new and out with the old for guys like me because Political correctness is not my style.

    The best advice I could give for future Mods here is if you want to Mod stay away from the Powerwashing orgs and the politics because it's to slippery of a slope to do both. I should know because I've been doing that for...to many years:)

    Lastly thanks Rod and especially you Beth for letting me join the TGS team from their inception.
