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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. No comment as of yet. Last year we used Cabots, Benjamin Moore,Sikkens and Wolmans and none of them was that great.

    Like Matt Johnson's says -- every year I want to get away from staining anything but every year we get to many jobs that it's to hard to walk a way from.. And when a house or deck comes out nice there is nothing better to look at in any type of work we do..

  2. VOC(Volatile Organic Compounds) are crippling stains and you woodies are the ones who need to keep producing excellent results for your customers.

    Is this another green ploy to cause us wood restoration guys to be hit with environmental issues that may be over stated?

    Years ago this Painter told me the best paints ever made were lead paints. They would last for years. Of course kids found this type of dried paint to be yummy and unfortunately extremely poisoness if not deadly.

    What about stains and the VOC's? There here and there real.. But are the stains themselves the last few yrs also getting over regulated? Where does this end?

    What's your thoughts and what have you done to find stains ahead of the curve?

  3. Occasionally now and then

    Your the king of this Matt. I talk to Contractors in your area who said they worked with you. Bob S. comes to mind. You also worked in my area with fellow contractors..... Hmmm there's a speaking session to possibly have for the future... NETWORK NETWORK.... NETWORK some more.. Bow down to King Matt:)

  4. I do. Yesterday I got a nice job from a neighboring contractor. A few of us pass jobs onto each other when we don't want them. Last yr I got almost a $20,000 job from a local contractor that has panned out to a another 10 grand more and also another 4 grand so far this year.

    So do you network with your local contractors? If so tell us how it's going.

  5. Every Sunday it seems until summer hits. Today we are doing a 400 car garage. Sweepers/Scrubbers/wash walls and ceilings.

    You lucky Dawg:) we do Garages on Sundays as well. How cold is it by you now at night? Where still hitting the freeze #'s causing for this week alone, 2 cracked metal balls valves and one general TSF 2021 pump to possibly have ice damage on the inside. Opening that one up later today as I tinker.

  6. Sunday equals off.

    iPhone - Tapatalk

    Man I wish that was true when I was in law Enforcement in my early career in some nasty places. Give all the cops a few days off and watch how fast NY City back then would have turned into Kurt Russel's movie "Escape from NY".

    This was during the crack epidemic in the mid to late 80's-- total helll hole.

  7. We do for commercial work and mostly at night. Only on a rare occasion now we'll we do residential work on Sundays.

    I was brought up as Sunday is a day of rest but I don't rest except at night when I try to sleep. One of the things I like doing on Sunday is fix any broken machines we had during the week(have to fix a pump today) and if there was nothing wrong I tinker in my shop. This is what I like best. I don't know maybe I'll start building the wall behind surface machine I have thought out....

    Oh yea I check to make sure all chemicals are stocked in the trucks and trailers so they guy are never low on supplies.

    So how about you.. Do you work occasionally on Sundays, tinker with equipment or really do make it a day of rest?

    What's your Sunday like?

  8. Good place for that like button .....my beard is Gray so i'm the salt of the pepper!

    Hey i'm not the one who has to look at it so if the homeowner likes Gray then I like Gray.

    Different strokes for different folks..

    That's because your a true wood restoration artist where I'm a Sifi Channel combo wood,vinyl, parking garage,Bldg monster that sprays to clean.. Stains?? Our goal is to remove stains.. But we also apply them as well.. Go figure.

  9. I dont do houses, but I hate putting gray on a deck. Feels wrong to me. It holds up really well though, seems to be a good pigment in gray stain. I just never think it looks right, especially a semi trans when you have bright clean yellow pine to cover over

    Very similar thinking. We get paid well to get rid of anything that's real grey in color.. Then to re-stain it a weathered type grey??

    In the past we stained houses light semitransparent green(totally gross), snottish yellow(even grosser) amongst some disgusting colors. Earth tone colors that are along the mahogany,cedar families to me are beautiful but at heart I was never a fan of staining or painting anything... I just want to clean clean and clean some more.. Crazy right?? Yup this is where I will openly admit I am crazy at.. I love CLEAN:)

  10. When this stain completely dried it evened out to look like that weathered beachy look which I don't have a picture of because we never go back of course unless there's problems.

    I'm look for another picture of a house we did that we actually were staining it Grey where the same thing the wife wanted that color. This one was a problem because the second day there the husbands family was there and what a problem this was. They hated the Grey and the only one who liked it was the wife again. On this other house she was over ruled and we ended up striping out the new stain and restained it natural Cedar..

    The reason Why I'm posting this pics now is because we are stripping two houses this week and one of them the homeowner is leading toward staining it grey and on this one were going to strip it but if he goes grey a painter will do it thats affiliated with him. If he goes natural in color where going to do it.

    Should be interesting.

  11. Here's a picture of a house we did that I tried in Vain to talk this homeowner out of staining it Cape Cod grey. This house was covered in black mold and mildew that was sped up because its on the water in the Hamptons. It cleaned perfectly and a nice Natural Cedar type color would have really turned this house into a head turner but the wife demanded Cape Cod Grey.. We all know the wives are the "House" bosses. Personally I hated it as did the husband but he lost out.

    Its reasons like this we don't mess with colors anymore. Money to some is everything but I have a hard time doing something that I hate no matter the money involved.

    You'll all do much better if you do not think like I do:)

    look how this house was destroyed--Yuk.

  12. How does blogging work if you do your own blogs away from any Bulletin board?

    Can they really become popular?

    What about a Blog coming back to your business if you don't want it to. For example if you want to blog let's say something called "The truths in the Powerwashing Industry leaders hoax" could that stand on it's own?

    Would it be better served to have a bulletin board made up maybe even titled "The Political Truths in Powerwashing & the Hoax that some do?

    What's better a Blog or a separate bb that let's people address everything?

    How should this be done so I can continue on what some others have caused to start? It's time to bring out the truths and many people want to add there own as well about certain things.

    Barry for one, what do you suggest?

  13. I use to check wood with my wood dampness meter. The magic # was around 15% or less dampness before you should stain. Here where I live it's pretty damp. I did run into drying problems over the years because of the dampness but the one thing I never wanted to try was these stain products that state you can stain when the wood is WET.

    Has anyone tried any of these stain type products and did you find the saying that if it "Sounds to good to be true" it really is to good to be true?


  14. Works okay if you use "Go Advanced" button

    I tried that last night Barry but I couldn't see the pics I was posting. They came up as Question marks.. I'll try that again later tonight.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Works okay if you use "Go Advanced" button

    I tried that last night Barry but I couldn't see the pics I was posting. They came up as Question marks.. I'll try that again later tonight.

  15. I got disturbing news today.. Apparently I now have a problem with my right knee now. I'm staring at the very least Athroscopic Knee Surgery. My left knee I blew out at a CT Parking garage almost 2 yrs ago now. Also the problem I'm having is Arthritic knees now as well.

    For years I didn't always wear a Respirator so I can no longer be around chlorine without a reaction in my lungs.

    I was always very active to the point even today when I came out of the hospital I climbed my flatbed to change out some busted ball valves from my guys cleaning in icy conditions.

    The docs told me my right knee could give out because my Mensicus is curling up in it due to some tears..

    Sucks!! I always loved "Physical Labor" and being outside but now I am going to possibly pay a price some more..

    Lesson learned. Take care of your health first. Mike Pontillo Says your "Wealth is in your Health"... It's true..

    Take care of your health and hire more guys if you have to or do what it takes to keep " Your Wealth in your Health.

    Learn from people like myself if you can.

  16. I see a lot of post coming up from others that says there double posted. My problems is not only can I not post pics but my post are also coming up as double post so I have to edit out the other post.

    Beth/Rod run a very honest and professional bulletin board so I know my controls aren't messed with like they were on one other site by a certain Admin that does this to many...

    Is anyone else having difficulty with there post here of late?
