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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. It's late. I just got done doing a few things such as Name tags for this event. I'm pretty excited about it that I may just stay up all night cause I have to be up in 4 hrs anyway:) and the flight is pretty long so I can catnap.

    I love these Industry events. There exhausting planning them out but when they work... It's worth it!!

    The planning for this event is now over but we did hit many tough obstacles along the way. Some was just bad luck and others.. Well we'll just leave that one alone because it's over with and became a non factor anyway thru perseverance by this Vegas Committee to will its way along and refusing to fail.

    I wish some of you here were able to come and try some of these machines with me. It's like a grown up mans and in some cases the Ladies Disney. Also the socials once again I wish you guys could be there with me as well so we can just talk shop and have some fun. Maybe next time:)

    If I remember I'll take some pics and post them on TGS..

    Ok now it's lights out. 4 hr sleep is enough to head on a plane and sit and dream.

  2. All you guys should be packing your swim trunks in Vegas next week:)

    My residential end is a monster. 18 yrs building it and we have people all week who want stuff cleaned before Easter.

    No matter how our commercial end builds up I will never give up my residential end.. Except maybe when I'm dead.

    If I get lucky I'll be like "jiminy cricket from pinocchio" who said this about living to 93(I really want to live to 103)

  3. My guys went out this morning and there is a snow covering on the ground. We got about an inch yesterday. Couldn't hold back any longer to open our season maybe because last year we got spoiled opening up 3 weeks earlier.

    This weather here bites. Can not wait to be in a vegas next week. You guys in those warmer regions are lucky. Snow bites here except when your a kid with no responsibilities and falling on snow means you will get right back up. Today not so easy.

  4. The whole event was birthed from an intent to hurt two other events......why support something like that?

    I do have some friends going but once again you bring up a valid point.

    I asked a couple of guys today if they want to go and they said no. Still debating on going myself then because it's not to far from me. Who knows maybe I'm just wasting my time to think differently on some things. Will see.

  5. Thinking about attending this NJ Roundtable coming up. The best I can do is come in on Saturday morning and stay for the day but then will head back cause I'm flying out for the Vegas Parking Garage Event Sunday Morning.

    This is our Industry. We can bicker or argue but it's our Industry. I just contacted a PWNA BOD Who said he would go if I would. I really did want to see Tony ************** Speak and he fired back at me today with an expletive and to never have contact with him again.... So of course I contacted him again:) He's in shut down mode now but he'll come around again..

    I also think about what guys Like Diamond Jim Foley, who's brilliant by the way, who says basically it's the same guys and this Industry will repeat itself in the group settings over and over. Guys like him are much smarter then people like myself. If everything stays the course we will go thru another bunch of yrs just repeating what was wrong in the past..

    It's a tough pill to swallow to step back and let the bulls be bulls because when you think about it they will only "Beat each other up" and the winner will win at a very high cost... As in wasting so much valuable time and also they will most likely become jaded and on top of that they may have to hear from their significant others how there wasting to much valuable time..

    So I'm leaning towards going and mainly because I know that in person we will be more supportive or at least more understanding of each other then we can be on the net. The net doesn't mean much when the chips are on the table.

    Anyone else willing to take this risk who may have thought differently?

  6. I can see how this benefits the Org's or the people that do the cleaning....and why John (PWNA) and Ron (*****) would support things like this.

    We would need a Barry on board where we can SEO this thing to the top:) I mean that seriously.. As far as something like this would go it would be to much of an undertaking for anyone one person to do this alone unless there loaded. Also yes to what Barry says above as well where a joint venture by groups would be ideal.

  7. I've been out of the USA. Other bad governments isn't a reason to accept bad government "lite". I'm not unpatriotic either, I was about as gung ho as they come (former US Army Helicopter Pilot)

    I'm not opposed to doing charity work...there are lots of other organizations to do volunteer work for besides a group of people that tax and regulate us to death.

    Sure.. We do some charitable work in other sectors.

    What would you suggest for a high profile cleaning that can also give this Industry some much needed recognition as well?

  8. I love my country but not the government.....they can clean there own buildings.

    Fair point Barry but in my case I've been to many places around the world. Go to Turkey, Egypt or Nicaragua for example.. Our Gov't isn't perfect by no means but compared to these other countries I've been to including Haiti, Cuba, El Salvador etc we are by far one of the best in the world. I am so grateful that my daughters are born here in this great country "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" !!!!!

    About time we take a positive stand for our homeland one way or another.

  9. This is a project I'm considering on putting out feelers to see if it can be done.

    So we do an organized free cleaning of the White House or do we look to close out the 9-11 attacks here in NY to where the Powerwashing Industry was the final act in doing a new construction cleaning of the surfaces of the Freedom tower? The Freedom Tower : One World Trade Center, New York :: Glass Steel and Stone

    I'm personally leaning towards the Freedom tower but of course who ever responds I'm game to do either because " I love my country"!!

    I had friends that died from 9-11 and as I sit in my office, every day I stare at Dennis Leary who was the Star of "Rescue Me" and in an odd way him and I connect. Actually in a sad way. Jimmy Ryan who lived a block from me dies of Pancreatic cancer that was related to 9-11. FDNY Firefighter Jim Ryan of Kings Park, 48, dies

    His only daughter is my daughters best friend. We take here on vaca and she's at my house all the time. I consider her my "3rd daughter".

    So I obviously lean towards here in NY.

    It's poetic justice to end this attack with the Powerwashing Industry closing out to "Whats good".

    But if the opportunity was to come I would no doubt clean anything "White House" and I would do both if it's possible.

    My goal is to try for either within a year.

  10. I had the honors of meeting Larry Hinckley in Dallas at a PWNA Convention around 2004-2005. I even called Delco in the late 90's when he worked for that company to pick his brain about a few things. Larry would answer and help anyone in this Industry at anytime.

    He also administrated the Delco Bulletin board back in the day when it was by far the number 1 Internet site to go when it came to Powerwashing. To this day I still not have seen any bb as dominate for it's time as that one was.

    Larry has helped so many people including myself that the list would be never ending.

    He is a giant in this industry and he will never be forgotten as a person who really cared... To help you:cool:


    Anyone else have anything to add Post it here..

    Thank You Larry Hinckley - The Final Interview with a Power Washing Industry Maven Before His Retirement / Powerwash Blog

  11. You ever wonder to yourself as "Why care anymore"? Stuff like this gets me jaded.

    I've always been a person who may "Care to much" and in most cases I got heavily involved in things that I do. If it's fun and rewarding then those two alone to me are great motivators.

    When you take away that you no longer believe in something because of maybe the past history and it doesn't seem to be worth the effort to get involved anymore because you just know deep down inside "Nothing is going to change"

    So here's the question -Why Care any more about something you just no longer believe in?-

    That's what I ask myself and everyday I care a little less to the point I'm soon not going to care anymore.

    In my case I get whammied because of the "Failure" of the past where some like to stick it to ya because of the past. That's another argument I need to stay away from as well. A failure is just that and no matter how hard one tried and a bunch of us indeed tried and gave it our best shots-- it failed.

    Time to move to bigger and more exciting things then just re-living the past over and over.
