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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. John T

    It is kind of irrelevant if two people Love God Equally.

    Just because someone believes in God and even follow his commandments

    (Meaning being nice, good hearted, don't drink, smoke or cuss ect..)

    Does not mean that they are a "Born Again Christian"

    Ephesians 2:8-9 talks about "Saved by Grace not Works"

    Now if you have two Born Again Christians,

    One is blessed with health, wealth and success and the other is struggling in those areas.

    One may look at it "As the Valleys we go through in life"

    You have to go through the Valleys to reach the Peaks.

    The Valleys "Should” only make us stronger.

    On the other hand...One day we will ALL lose our health and the importance of money and success,

    Weather it be a sickness or accident or even if we are fortunate enough to live to grow old and die of

    Old age..

    In the worst case scenario someone might fear today “which is probably dying”

    Even then Gods give us Peace in our Hearts.

    Another way to look at it is….Jesus was persecuted…It don’t even come close to our troubles

    And Matthew 5:10 tell “How Blessed are those who are Persecuted”

    Not sure if I answered you question, but I hope it helps.

    Excellent Al!! That's about the best explanation I ever received concerning this. I appreciate this and also the time you took to write this. It makes sense the way you post this which tells me you do know what your posting about.

    Thank you:smile-new:

  2. I talked to Jim today. He was released this morning and is resting. He needs to go for more testing to see if maybe there was a restricted blood vessel that may have caused his problem. The doctor ordered him to take a few days rest.

    Jim wanted me to let the bb's community know that he appreciates the concern and well wishes.

  3. Wow.....Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery Jim. John....if you speak to him let him know he is in our prayers!

    Yes will do. Jim's wife text us thru his phone today on what happened. To say this was shocking is an understatement. A couple of committee guys confirmed this to be accurate and Jim was in alot of pain and is not getting released as of earlier today. When I hear more I'll keep people in the know.

  4. Boooooo snow..lol. Where getting our website finished up, we have mailers going out in about 2 weeks, I'll be servicing the machines all this week and where calling to find out how some of our bids are doing that we put out the last few weeks.

    Looking forward to starting our 18th year in this business. I'm still as energetic and excited as the first year I started.

  5. Last night right after Jim was having Dinner with his wife and 2 children he suddenly felt sharp pain in his left shoulder, armpit and the left side of his chest. He was rushed to the hospital where there now keeping Jim in for a second night while there doing a battery of test to see what caused his excruciating pain. His family has been at the hospital since yesterday.

    Thru it all, differences or not, the one thing that matters is Jim gets healthy again.

    Jimbo- Godspeed on your recovery!!

    Send your prayers to Jim and his family.

  6. I have Beth's article folded over as a must read. I always enjoyed Beths articles. From the blastmaster mag yrs ago all the way up to now and in the future.

    Out of everyone I know in this business, Beth is the one contractor that I can recall that has written the most articles for multiple subscriptions and every article was done with a true writers flair with "Facts" backing everything up.

    Shhhh little secret about Beth shhhhh she has an ancestor who's a signer on this country's "Declaration of Independence"

    Anyone want to take a guess of who that is???

  7. I like the XJet on residential work...I was a big fan of it for several years but am converting our other rig for DS'ing. Will keep the M5 handy as a back up I guess. It does lay some foam though doesn't it.....

    Good luck on the DSing Los. I use to DS all the time until I discovered about X-Jets on these bulletin boards and never looked back. I always love the draw of the X-Jet but some people still prefer the DSing regardless. At least now you have 2 more weapons in your cleaning arsenal.

  8. Only an idiot would ban or censor someone over respectful questions in a forum. Some one would be protecting their interest... Follow the money... as in most shady conduct like the poll is questioning, I bet you would find $$$ at the root of the reason for censorship and banning to silence someone. 10 to 1 odds that I would be right!

    Mathew Johnson

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I agree with what your saying Matt except I would say 100-1 that your right. Follow the money trail and it will take you right to the source almost every single time.

  9. Should your questions or posts be consored or should you be banned for posting questions on a forum in a respectful manner??

    Just would like to know others opinions of this........

    I voted NO.. But in reality it's going to depend on what board your on. IMHO the best system on the net is on TGS. The infraction system gives people a warning to cool it. If they get some more infraction points they may lose the ability to do certain things. Finally if they get banned in most cases they have the ability to come back here so in essence they get some time to cool off.

    Of course some people who come back that were banned(people are very rarely banned here) they only take a couple of days to post something very nasty at an owner of a site(extremely rare and only happened one time that I heard of here)

  10. It's funny how some people won't admit they moderated other Powerwashing bb's and if you said they did they call you a liar..lol.

    I know me and Beth moderated multiple bb's at the same time and she is one of the rarest who actually administrated at least 3 very popular PW bulletin boards. She's the only one I know of that admin or co-admin both PW org's bb's.

    Mike Hughes is the only other person that I can think of off hand that was the admin on 3 different PW bb's.

    So who else moderated multiple PW bb's and was it worth it to help out your friends sites?

    To me most of the time it was.

  11. Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things I ever done. I loved smoking. It was a perfect companion.

    I must have quit 30-40 times before I quit for good. I use to go to a bar or restaurant and within one drink I'd light up again. Never failed. Drinks & smokes go hand in hand.

    Finally when I quit for good I would never even have a drag because I was "afraid" I'd cave in again. As time went by it got easier. Eventually after a long while the thought never comes to me anymore about having a cigarette..

    My friend "The Cigarette" is dead to me. Even if I got diagnosed with something terminal I am never going back because now I got my 2 Girls who look up to me for never smoking. There all that matters when it comes to this. That's one of the ways I quit. I just thought about them:)

  12. John T. I am a firm believer in the Ten Commandments and do my very best to follow them.


    Same here Jake. Always have. Probably why us good people migrate towards each other :)

    As for Golf which I gave up when I ripped my forearm. I do recall hearing Jesus Christ's name mentioned alot.. Can't say it was done in good taste though.

  13. Sounds like a silly question I know, but just wondering?

    I have been smoke free since July, none, nada. I didn't like the patches, gum and other stuff.

    So now I vape, do you?

    Congrats vape is better then nicotine burning up your lungs. I quit April 2001 a month before I turned 40. A few months we had 9/11 here and that was tough not to cave. There's very few things I'm afraid of and one of then is taking a drag of a cigarette. I haven't taken one. Not one.

    Nicotine is on the addiction level as bad as heroin and kills a ton more people.

    Good luck Guy and I mean that. What your doing is dealing with the psychological end of cigarettes where the hand movements etc are a huge part of the addiction. I actually did twice the price of packs back then where I smoked lettuce lace cigarettes and I failed. Went to a psychologist on a smoke quitting program and failed. Also went with my wife and friends to a hypnosis class and failed.

    I loved smoking my pack+ a day. The problem was I dealt with in law enforcement getting people buses to take then to the hospital because they were smoking thru their necks and they couldn't breath.

    The only way for me was to quit cold turkey and never go back.. All bull jazz aside I feel your pain cause I been there.

    Good luck and God bless... Is the best advice I could give out on the cig addiction. Look your kids in the eye and maybe that gets you to never go back.. Most people fail. Good luck.
