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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. My wife and her family all went to Catholic schools and my girls made their communion and soon my youngest will be making her conformation.

    I always believed in God but was pretty much agnostic but as I get older I'm leaning more towards finding answers which is what I always love doing on most everything..

    So who's believes in God, is on the Fence with God or just doesn't believe any of it. If this is to personal to answer please don't. I'm not doing this to "Out" anyone with there beliefs. I'm searching.... For answers.

  2. Yep.

    That's great John! Doubts are just put there by the ole devil himself. Same guy that puts you up to some of your other orneriness! ;) just tell him no

    Well Chris--- like I tell my girls "Don't ever follow anything blindly". Search for answers and always make an educated decision so you don't get fooled when your on your own.

  3. John T, Who ever wrote the email had obviously read all of the org bashing in one sitting and was transported to an elevated level. I like his stuff! If you find out who is the author, please forward his contact information and I will sign him up with a six figure salary to grow the Armstrong Clark Co.

    Twitless in Calif,


    From your fellow twitster because of your Post maybe the real brain behind this will stand up and say The line that got Peter Finch from the movie Network who received the academy award for this famous line which he died before he was able to accept his best actor award for.. I'm as mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore. - YouTube

  4. Thanks for sending me the link John...I totally missed this thread. I follow threads in tabs rather than using the board like it should be. Old habit from sport's forums that got 5+ threads a minute during a game....impossible to keep track.

    I seen that same email last year....before the ***** launched their cert thread. Einstein didn't directly email me, I guess I'm not worthy. Dave at Roof Refresh forwarded it to me. I think he was emailed directly.

    Dave is a Mod at Don's board.....are only Mod's getting emails from Einstein? Perhaps a clue?

    Very interesting Barry since you said this. The people who I know got this are yes indeed Mods on various boards. The guess is that its coming from someone inside who is a bit Disgrunted as being overlooked for something.

  5. I have a few people inquiring when I was removed as a Mod on a certain bb. It's also the only place I ever been banned from. For those who ask because of there research I was removed on this lovely date of 9-10-11. So anything from that point forward where there saying I deleted Post there is inaccurate. I never deleted post here on TGS.

    I served honorably as a Super Mod here on TGS from it's inception and same goes with PWC. I also am heavily involved on working with many on PWRA bb which is the is part of the best Powerwashing Association in the country. Many of us support each other there because it's good business sense to do so.

    So I hope this clears the air on how my name might be being used as the one who has deleted many threads in the past year on a certain site..

    I'm always about supporting fellow contractors thru and thru.

  6. And as you know, my words have been that I don't care much for you John but that is not an official position of the ***** (not yet anyway HAHA!). John, I find it is important to keep in mind that we are all contractors with our own opinions and views. We were all voted in to the Board individually and we all bring unique experiences and beliefs to our positions. And serving as part of a board doesn't mean you surrender all your own personal beliefs. But when we come together for a BOD meeting we discuss, debate, share opinions and even sometimes yell or get angry with each other. If anyone out there is looking for an organization run by like minded robots I regret to say ***** is not that. However we vote as a board and that is what determines things. In fact even Ron gets upset and sometimes disagrees with BOD decision. He cant even vote and sometimes cant debate but we work through those things.

    So if at one point in one post on one BBS, one of the BOD members, or volunteers, or members shares an opinion or viewpoint it certainly is not logical to clasp onto 6 or 7 words and let that be your version of Custers last stand if you will, in your battle against the entire movement of an organization. I would never do that to you John, and im sure you've said a lot of things in your lifetime online.

    As we move forward I have no doubt there will be actions the board suggests that I dont agree with, that I dont like or that I may say something about. But when a vote is taken and a decision is made, that will be the action the org will take, even if I don't agree John. That meshing of ideas and differences is what helps to make us stronger John. That is why I have even asked you and others to come join us. Not because we see eye to eye (in fact I disagree with most of what you say) but because the current ***** is not about one man or one opinion, but it is an effort to be the best and most effective voice for an industry that is fractured, broken, and at times even selfish and immature.

    But we will only get better and the invitation is there for anyone (even you john) to put aside these petty threads and help make a difference. Visit *****.org or ask Guy or me or others about it.

    Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

    I appreciate the olive branch Charlie and likes or not doesn't make me sway from doing what's right. No matter what you think about me I find you to be a very good BOD even though I also don't believe in some of the things your doing. I do honor your efforts though.

    It's late but I'll tell you and the TGS crowed something and you should pass this on to your fellow BOD's. First off I got a very disturbing email today. One day you will understand a little more that when you try to do something good someone else takes is wrong and they make it there business to come gunning for ya. I'm not worried about it because there's nothing I did wrong. If it comes out it won't be from me and it has the potential to be a duzzy.

    That's #1. This has happened to me in the past but I always come out ok because there's nothing that's wrong. So I'm use to dealing with people who think they should take things further when they really have no grounds.

    #2 and this pertains to you and your board. You have some guys on your board and committees who seem to take pleasure on trying to bring others down. They do it by belittling them let's say over there partime status or if they belong to a different org, bb or whatever. Anything to try and knock them down. I have 2 people including your president who personally tried to cripple our Vegas Event. You know it because you saw it.

    We have some of your guys instead of keeping the BMP talk rational on other bb's they came in and started showing other people's business in a negative light that almost caused a lawsuit. If only you knew how some of us talked and said to leave this person alone because he can't help himself. We basically came to the defense of the person who was doing this and he's on your committee.

    You think there's not more.. There's much more such as someone on your side calling a past ***** members customers just to bad mouth them. What about once again a ***** member just recently going into some ones areas of employment just to bad mouth this person to EPA types. You know who I'm talking about..

    Lastly you guys are forever bringing other people org's just to be disrespectful and try to cause alienation.

    So what do you Charlie Soden want from us? Do you want us to back off when many of us have been wronged and are still getting the headaches that you maybe experiencing now?

    Do you want us to say how great you guys are doing rah rah rah while some of your constituents are bleeping us continously?

    Look I am a huge supporter of this Industry. I support orgs, associations and most things in this industry. You would be hard pressed to find a bigger supporter then me. Of a matter of fact I was asked tonight to help out for an industry article and I already wrote it and sent it out. I support Industry training classes and Certifications of which I had 3 of them over the last few yrs. I sponsored things for the PWNA in the past, helped them with their Memphis Convention, donated startup money for the New ***** and even brought Carlos in to our original talks. I helped the ***** with there excellent convention in 09 and I sponsored some things there as well.

    The one thing I never asked for was "What's in it for me" I never asked for money and never took anything from anyone. I would be embarressed if an org president was telling everyone to hire me over my fellow members because I care about my fellow members and the orgs themselves.

    So I'm a giver. I'm also very fortunate because I worked hard.

    There's a ton of other good guys who may not share your beliefs but it doesn't mean your tigers in there should be posting attacks against them.

    I get what your saying and I would love to see this beating each other down stuff stop. I could close post here if I deem it necessary to stop these two way street beat downs because in the end your org. will lose. We gain nothing but your efforts will be lost. And for what?

    So your showing yourself to be smarter then alot of your comrades who are way to aggressive. I'm a bit aggressive myself but I've been fighting things for yrs in union activities and I know how to win most of the time. On this I can't win but you guys could lose. Think about that. You guys gain nothing trying to discredit or beat guys down. It's your org. and most people are freelancers your fighting against. Me I'll alway be OK. Belonging to 2 orgs and 1 association is good enough for me. I would really love to join your org. But your VP did so something to me that's very hard for me to get past... So he gets Zero respect from me as he does the same back. Best thing for him is he's not here. You could say he got a favor getting tossed.

    So work it out with your partners, get them to back off and stay focus on there work and maybe some of is will try a little bit harder in not being so hostile to you guys.. It's a two way street. It's best to be on the same side we don't keep hitting each other head on..

    Good luck.

  7. Hi John, If you don't know who authored the original email maybe it's not appropriate to speculate. In the middle schools they call that "gossip". I think you are better than that, and could instead try to set an example for the youngsters like me. Just a thought, thanks John

    Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

    We pretty much know who it is..

    Your a smart dude Charlie. It would be good to see you elevated into the ***** VP slot cause some of your comrades can learn alot from you already. If you were a ***** VP it's already obvious you have integrity and would stop your Pres. Doing what he does so other ***** members don't feel slighted who have schools themselves.

  8. Oh you're killing me!!! Hahaha!!!! Please, hahaha!!!! Stop!!!!

    Finally we get the milder Guy.. Stick to post like that and you'll be much better off..lol So when are you finally going to endorse something yourself?? How about a Vegas Parking Garage Endorsement:) That should be allowable in your BOD position right?? Just don't let your Pres. find out cause he would be pissed and you may get fired..lololollol. At least you won't get a pay cut.

  9. So what we have here now is

    1- the ***** President is endorsing the ***** VP's school all over the net. There's other ***** members that own a school and one of them posted here tonight. Did anyone tell him yet what the ***** pres is doing to throw business away from him?

    2-The ***** BOD is stating about shopping ***** BMP's to the EPA.

    Man I am so glad I am not a member of this non profit org. They can't even get there stories straight and yet what they accuse everyone under the sun of doing(and most people aren't) there goal is to do it themselves.

    You guys should stop talking org stuff on the net. Your crippling yourselves. You should also stop attacking others at every turn. Because the more you attack the more they dig and if your not on the up and up it just starts pouring out all over the place like it is here. Your dealing with a non profit so use your brains and read up on them ASAP. First thing you'll realize in there is something's your Pres. is doing is off the charts wrong. Don't think so? Watch how your BOD's start collapsing first. Look it up. Lawsuits will come within if you don't get your acts together. Within means from BODs and members and not us outsiders..

    That's my last lesson on this. Look it up for yourselves.

  10. Oh John please stop you got me laughing so hard I can hardly type, Hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe we need some seasoned English Teachers because were far from stupid, and where not going to take it anymore. I mean common Man!!!! Blahaha!!!

    What happens when you can't keep your stories straight. Don't worry Guy us hard working contractors don't need you to make accuses for us.. Hey how come your president isn't saying your contracting business is the best in the country? Is it because he can't make any money off of ya?

  11. Hi John, as you should be fully aware, any actions or official positions on behalf of the organization would come in the form of a BOD vote. If the board adopts a position on the items you are concerned about, that will be presented in the minutes.

    In the meanwhile, are there any other "continuously hard working contractors' you would like to discredit?

    Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

    It's your fellow BOD's words not mine. His words are in red. You should also think back Charlie who was attacking who just recently especially about BMP's and EPA's and look what we have here. It's a two way street that will not end until some truths come out as to why some of these guys were attacking good hard working contractors and now there fellow BOD's are making a mockery of this Industry.

    As for Billy Booze I think he posted that honestly without his hand being held. He apparently didn't know how so many others were getting attacked by some of his fellow BOD's and I'm guessing now he's going to be attacked by his own side.. Maybe you guys should communicate a little better with each other so you can get your stories straight.

  12. John do you know who wrote the email?

    Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

    I definitely know who sent it to me. It was sent to this guys website email.. I'll call him tomorrow to see if he will comment about this on TGS. He thinks one of those guys is purposely messing with him.. Like you said Charlie "Someone has to much time on there hands". Better yet give me your email address and since your a BOD I'll ask this guy if I can just forward to you his email. Maybe you may know who it is. It's one of the reasons I asked if anyone else got this email. I haven't yet but then again I was never asked to help with the ***** so I'm not targeted with this garbage.

  13. Although I promised myself I wouldn't respond to any of your posts Barry.....I will respond to this one........I couldn't agree more!!!!! I'm not sure how I missed that seeing we were both In that thread but I did miss it.

    I will make no excuse for Bill's quotes only to say that it has never come up in discussions, is not now in discussions, and if I have anything to do with it, will never come up for discussion. I'm sure these were some random thoughts of his and maybe he was thinking out loud (Why I Have No Idea) but again I won't make any excuses for those quotes. But I assure you I don't agree with any unnecessary contact with the EPA. Yes, Leave Them Alone!!!

    Any type interaction with any Governing Body must be voted on by the board, 1 Man can't do it and won't do it.

    I do think however that we should research the benefits of the OSHA idea as far as safety standards, it could have merit........Thoughts?

    Sucks when you have to try and explain away once again another BODs position on things. Where having enough problems wondering why your president is all over the place recommending people to take the "Best PW school in the country" who just so happens to be your VP's school. Now we have a BOD point blank posting the goals of the ***** which is to from what it looks like is to shop their BMP's with EPA personal.

    Maybe he should speak to you so you can inform him how your one of the ring leaders about there being NO org. Involvement with the EPA.. He's in complete contradiction to what you stand for. This is what happens when stories don't add up.

    Better yet get Billy Booze here and let him explain what he's writing so you don't have to make excuses for him by suggesting "maybe he's thinking aloud" when he posted the above.

    Didn't you Guy just post somewhere here that your not happy your president is all over the place promoting your VP's school to everyone over all other ***** members who may have schools as well and you said "maybe the Pres is trying to help him out because he had a heart attack and maybe had some medical bill issues"?

    Common Guy give us a break already. Your better then that and where not stupid. Most of us posting here are seasoned contractors and when somethings not adding up were far from stupid.

  14. John's Quote:

    "Today we just got a commitment for 5 people from the EPA which may put this group over 10 now. This is going to be some ground breaking session."

    Other side of the coin.

    Yes A few of us are going to ask them the questions that need to be asked such as why do automobiles get all the breaks when it comes to pollution and yet Powerwashers are getting scrutinized. I still rather get these answers instead of some VP Bullshizzing people on the net how he had fines overturned and laws changed.. Rather here the facts from reliable sources and that guy... Well you know where people stand with his stories.

  15. It's pretty simple really. In fact, I asked my 8 year old son three questions this evening and he got it.

    What do brick Layers do?....They lay bricks.

    What do pressure washers do?....They pressure wash.

    What do regulators do?....They regulate.

    You'd think the ***** learned their lesson on this with the "Shopping BMP's" thing.

    You don't bother these people. You stay off there radar. You work hard, make a living, follow the existing rules and hope some government A-hole doesn't come up with a new requirement that drives you out of business.

    Once again Barry you got me tied-- I can't argue what your saying.

    The leaders of the ***** spouted all over the place about BMP's being shopped.. And here in Red that's what there goal is.

    You know if these leaders were honest and just backed off and went about doing some work instead of jumping down people's throats then they should get a pass and we all wait to see what they come out with.

    But instead they fire insults at others when there goal is to do what there accusing others of.. Shopping BMP's to EPA types. Real good.

  16. I'm just gonna laugh at this one...

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!

    Lol.. I thought it was funny to but when I got a phone call about this it seems the person doing this is actually a supporter of the org. who's president is doing all these YouTube video's. The person that appears to be sending these emails is unhappy about something that is causing drama... Nothing in this Industry suprises me anymore..
