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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. That stuff in red is a bit discomforting.

    You read my mind Tim. I was thinking the exact same thing. I know you don't care for the idea about this Vegas Event that where doing where we are going to ask these EPA guys questions that we have. I completely understand why some may not like that.

    What's disturbing to me in the red writing above is guys Like Tony ************** and a few others were taking sniper shots at us for even bringing the EPA in to ask them the tough questions when all along the *****'s idea is to Deal with the EPA themselves.

    Seems hypocritical now reading that red writing coming from a ***** BOD member. I'm not even faulting Billy Booze for that because he never posted anywhere taking shots at us as if there goal was never to consult with the EPA.

    What where seeing now is the ***** has a "Double standard" since Tony is on there Enviro committee and he was rocket firing at us with this Vegas Event mainly over anything EPA.

    I can say that Barry has always been consistent in his assessments.

    Some of these other guys?? The red print now says volumes.

  2. I get forwards every day on my phone text which sometimes I just pass them on if there funny.

    I also get emails sent to me all the time probably because of my last job. My response to those is always calm down, take it easy, don't take what so and so said so seriously etc etc.. I never mind helping to sooth people's nerves.

    This email my guess has to be coming from someone who's been reading some of these threads here and on other places.


  3. This email was forwarded to me from a friend. Who's sending them out


    Check this out.* Someone sent it to us last night.



    -------- Original Message --------


    From: "Albert Einstein" <Einstein.albert@scientist.com>

    Date: Thu, February 21, 2013 10:59 am

    To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Dear Roof Cleaner

    It has come to my attention that your company isn't certified for roof cleaning. I'm hoping I might be able to convince you to join one of our accredited members.

    Myself and my fellow Nobel award winning scientists have performed an in depth and comprehensive study into roof cleaning.

    Many of the results of our study were perplexing. In fact, we repeated the tests several times to verify the results. Upon completion, we published our findings in several peer reviewed journals and allowed further study before releasing the findings. Lastly, we submitted our findings to the Bureau of Weights and Measures and the US Department of Standards and Compliance.


    We have shared this information in the past with a few of your industry leaders and would like to offer this study to you.

    Some of the findings you'll discover in the pamphlet


    Logo's increase the quality of the roof cleaning.

    The more words you type, the the better you are at cleaning roofs.

    Typing has produced several "expert" roof cleaners.

    Believing they are a member of an "elite" Org makes people smarter

    Acronyms in the Org name doubles's the quality of a roof cleaner.

    Feeling "certified" makes you feel smart.


    Myself and my fellow scientists have formed a certification clearinghouse to accredit the certifications. The Western Institute of Technology (TWIT) accreditation allows fellow TWIT members to share their unique knowledge with other members. There are currently two TWIT organizations but we are working with another to bring them up to TWIT standards.

    Not everyone can be a TWIT, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

    For just $150, you can begin your journey to becoming a TWIT. You'll receive our 10 page study, a TWIT sticker, a forum account to type in, and a title. For an additional $49.99, we'll make you an accredited TWIT instructor.

    Please visit our website www.twits.scientists.com.

    We accept PayPal and all major credit cards.

    Thank you

    Albert Einstein*

  4. OK i said it mission and vision, ...........action to my own suggestions. (HELP: I cant do this alone and no one person or small group of people should ..............., I know we all may have different opinions, but that should serve to make a BMP manual better)

    How about this for a cover........thoughts?


    I like the cover to Nigel. Also your doing one great job researching this. I also agree that we all have different opinions and your right it should serve to help make the PWNA BMP manual better.

    Excellent point you brought up that we need to Identify the vision for a PWNA manual and ultimately it's mission. You are dead on about that.

  5. Oh yea the reason why I left my job was because I already 2x put in my retirement papers the last 5 yrs on that Job because I was making decent money Powerwashing and I loved doing my business.

    Also 2 fulltime gigs was wearing me down. So the 3x was the charm and I walked on New years eve 2011 and even though I miss the people I worked with( We were and still are like family) I never looked back.

  6. What was your past job before you became a Powerwasher or while you were Powerwashing as well??

    Many know I served in Law Enforcement for 25 yrs with the last 16 yrs I also power washed with a few guys.

    Today where starting our 18th yr and expect to be as busy as we have been for the last 8-10 yrs so nothing much will change there.

    So what Job do you have now while holding down your Powerwashing business or what was the last job you had when you first started to Powerwash?

    Also tell the TGS crowed maybe a little bit about your past Job and why you left.


  7. In 2006 I form the BDA . The Bleach Dwellers Accociation. I'm prez and Shane is vice prez we are the " bleach boys" . Debunking the myths associated with using bleach on wood ! We also have a European division headed up by our man in the UK.

    Well out of the usual org/assoc. discussions that come here, in mass land size the BDA is the largest. Now if you were all about promoting your self we would be seeing video's of Diamond Jim saying... "JOIN THE BDA BECAUSE WHERE THE LARGEST WOOD RESTORATION ASSOCIATION IN THE WORLD world world(echo).

    Then you would be doing a video on how everyone should hire your VP Shane...lol.

    But thankfully that's not the Diamond Jim we all know and love(as in bleach)

  8. Michael, I defend Ron because I've watched the drama and exaggerations that have snowballed and turned Ron into a caricature of what he really is.

    For example, Ron didn't send Rob 80 texts. And he didn't threaten his family. That's just one of the most recent ones I can think of. I hope Rob will come out and say that and begin a new dialogue in our industry that doesn't rely on exaggerations for effect and doesn't rely on calling someone a "blob" just because you don't like them. (or a clown)

    Sure Ron sent some texts to Rob, he brought up the past to point out that he thought Rob was a friend and felt betrayed. He was hurt and that's how he reacts. That's a personality issue, not an integrity issue.

    People get offended over the silliest things these days. That word doesn't carry too much weight anymore when the word "threats" is thrown around to the point it could mean something as simple as Ron saying "If you don't help me I won't buy you dinner", or pay for your hotel room. It has gotten ridiculous.

    As far as Doug's school goes....Really? First, I think Doug's school is $325 for two days. I don't know if he has ever had seven guys, but lets assume he has. That's $2275 or $1137 per day. If $1137 per day a couple of days a month seems like a windfall to you then either you've got another job or you don't have any expenses. That is just another illustration of how things look different through the eyes of those who have a safety net job like you have the luxury of having. See how it make you view things differently?

    And as far Ron's opinion of Doug's school goes...... "I've got the best wife in the world"...... Is that a false statement?

    Who is going to ever be able to prove me wrong? And who can ever tell me that I can't say it?

    Ron doesn't get up out of bed and strap on his ***** President skin for the whole day and unzip out of it when it's time to go to bed.

    He can say what he likes regarding his own opinion. There is nothing illegal or unethical about that. In the end we are all human beings and we all have the right to say whatever we like unless we are speaking on behalf of others in an official statement. It's just a goofy position to take especially when you do the math and realize there is no desirable amount of money to be made from it.

    And how, pray tell is Ron going to line his pockets with a measly $150 here and $99 there from the org? His fuel bill each month is more than the org would take in over a year if the membership tripled. I've seen his monthly bill. That's why all of this seems so ludicrous when I hear it. Maybe his goal is to get enough members to make a dent in his monthly fuel bill. lol.

    The math doesn't add up.

    Here's the truth about the certifications Michael. There's nothing more to it than this...No one kept track of who worked on them.

    When I was done with the five people who helped write the coil certs with me I turned them over to Bill and told him to find other coil cleaners to look them over and make changes as needed. I directed him to a few of the largest coil cleaners in the US that he could use. (don't remember if I told him, Ron or Doug)

    That was the cert with the fewest in the pool to help write, yet at LEAST five helped on just the coil part not to mention the OSHA safety part that I didn't have anything to do with.

    So, to be honest I have no idea how many people worked on the coil certification in the end. I have no idea who all helped on the others and why should I care? This isn't about ME. This isn't about one contractor and his OPINION of how things should be done.

    This isn't about taking names and "who gets credit for what" or "who is qualified to do what", this was a group effort with many contractors who worked together towards a common goal of putting together tests that measure knowledge of different aspects of our industry.

    I personally think it worked out better that way. I think we got a great cross section of the industry.

    You were asked numerous times for input. Don't be angry with those who chose to accept the offer to help just because you wouldn't.

    Still doesn't seem right that Ron is promoting the heck out of Dougs School as in Rons Signature now on ***, video's he's doing and Post he makes when 1 guy is the President of the ***** and the other guy is the receiver of The ***** president endorsements who just happens to be the ***** VP.

    Seems very wrong.. But hey the ***** BODS say it's wrong to do that and they now clammed up. So why do we care? Maybe we shouldn't because it's not our org.

  9. The first 3 choices to me all can have some clout one way or another.

    Since this poll you can only choose one I would like to take a class to learn and then take a Certification test afterwords so I can market that. That's a double winner. People may say the Cert end means nothing but to me it means market market market plus I very well may have learned in the classroom as well.

    Next up

  10. Ok Tony you seem to want to play fair. Between conversations today with pick your order--Rob H., Mike P.,Robert H., Barry, Jim G., and your close pal tonight Ron M, to many text and emails and posts, you just know it's a long day when you have to use the landline to finish calls.

    So you want idea's ok. First off stop pointing out what you or anyone can't stand about fellow contractors, org's, and everything else. People will make up there own minds....

    Knowing that alot of people don't care for org's, Certs etc.. What about the ones that do??

    I do and always did. Some others feel the same while others are hovering the fence. So what do you do when it comes to Certs?

    Do PDF files for manuals if you can so people who get Certs also have the ability to download and print there org. manuals so they can reference them at the job sites if needed.

    Welcome newer members because some full timers may have lost some rock solid jobs so they want to now how to clean better and charge more. You don't want these newbies dragging the Industry down by being low ball hacks with zero knowledge. Include everyone who is willing learn. It's smart business.

    Dump the whole idea of free org. membership vs. donor members(just my honest opinion) because your setting yourself up to cause discontent amongst your members and once again keep the Certs only available to members so it's a win for the contractor and the org.

    Work with people instead of alienating because where all going to die one day anyway(ok graphic).

    How's that for a positive post:) I hate the fighting with my own probably more then most.. Believe it or not. How about you? I'll stop here because a post like this was inline with what caused me to get the boot on the bb you frequent the most..

    Bring people together..

  11. LMAO. Thanks for your bio. I hope I dont have to pay for it and if I do can I get you sign my copy?


    You all just dont get it. Your BOD has put the cart before the horse on the certifications. Or maybe the horse just stopped? I have told many others this and since you brought it up I will say it directly to you. I dont need recognition about the convention I was a chair of. I had plenty of help and there were plnety of things that went wrong. Most of that only a few people only knew or know of. I am no different than the guy who put on the next round table. We have a very successful business and I can say that for the past 10 years or so. I have been blessed with being able to go from a part timer to a full timer. To answer your question from previously I was a professional bullfighter for almost 13 years. Not a clown like I was accused of. But if you want comedy I can show you that? www.*****.org is a good place to start. Its not about bashing but the materials and information that the BOD has released will continue to be detrimental to this Org. Can it succeed with only 100 members? I guess we will see.

    Hey Rob-- Tony, Ron and a just a couple of others who bashed the ***** Convention then, since I was involved you did a great job volunteering your time as Chair of the ***** Convention Committee and most that remember it said how great that Convention was. It was a beautiful thing and thanks for asking me to get involved then to help make it work.. A truly memorable experience:encouragement:

  12. I don't get it. I pulled the quote and removed it within seconds. How are you able to go back and repost things I've edited? And what happened to the rest of the quote?

    Do you do this often with other people's accounts? Is that what happened at the other forum that caused you to lose your controls?

    Very easy. I was on the phone and saw your new post. If you edited it or changed it since I wouldn't know. I don't blind edit or ban people if that's what your referring to. I banned now 2 people in my life and one should be back soon. Not bad Tony since I was with both TGS and *** from the beginning of both.

    Weren't you banned off of *** and the ***** bb's @ one time? Who did that to you? Was it Ron? Scott? To ring leaders on banning people as you know.

    Who banned you off of *** @ one time?

  13. John, I'd like to introduce you to the wonderful world of just being honest all the time.

    Unless texts reveal information that is proprietary to your business or personal in your family life that you've asked not to be revealed, there is an unbelievable peace in knowing that even private texts will not portray you in a different light than your public posting does.

    With that philosophy one never has to worry about conversations or texts revealing a Mr. Hyde.

    The problem with this is what's the right thing and what's the classless thing to do. You would Post your kids private text to you all over the net where most other people consider texting to be like a phone call. Wasn't it you who got to listen to a boat load of Rons private phone calls with others and then you came here to tell everyone? Yes you and you know exactly what I'm talking about.

    You want to be civil Tony then there's a two way street. If you want to do what you do on a different bb where you take pics of other people's place of employment and post those pics on the net to criticize them.. You'll find your way right back to where you came from.

    As for the Vegas Event that's past now. What's done is done. This wasn't about you and Ron. That's some type of Ego thing that you two need to work out.

    But just be very well aware since Your now involved with an organization.. If you or Ron try to throw others under the bus like you both tried to do in the past then you will keep seeing most people in the Industry reacting the way they are right in this thread probably everywhere and anywhere on the net.

    You won't fool most business people part timers or not.. Where all far from Stupid.

    Also since your already alienating part timers to full timers maybe you should think that some guys do the two jobs,because like you, they have to bring in enough money to take care of their families and children especially and I for one will never treat them like they don't belong here or anywhere in this Industry. Since this is apparently the stand you people in position at the ***** now appear to have---- well shame on you guys!!!!

  14. I'm your huckleberry.

    Rob, I thought you were literally a rodeo clown either now or in the past. I apologize for bringing that up if it isn't true, but that's what I thought you said before.

    And where are those 80 texts? Didn't Ron ask you to post them up if they exist? It's one thing for you to call a man a liar, but it's another to produce evidence. One of you is lying, either you or Ron. It's pretty simple to figure out who. Just post the texts.

    These guys on the ***** Bod are doing a great job dealing with you guys. It is the exact opposite of what was going on when the old ***** was in place.

    There's no running and hiding from questions here. They have answered the questions SO WELL that most of them have been removed from posting here in hopes that you will finally find someone who runs and hides or is afraid to stand up. You guys keep asking the same questions over and over again and look more foolish each time. The repetitive attacks are adding to the paid ***** membership weekly.

    It's pretty easy to see these are just personal issues. Apparently Rob has some problem with someone he calls "the blob" while whining about being called "a clown". What's next, is Michael going to complain about being called a "police officer"?

    You guys show your inexperience by ragging on Doug for his "school". It only shows that you have had no experience teaching a school because if you did, you'd know that the money made in such enterprises (at least at the rates Dough is charging) won't buy a family a round of big macs after expenses and you usually lose more money from the work you can't do during that time than you made.

    Doug has been blessed in this business and he takes his own time, charges what he has to in order not to lose money, and takes guys who would otherwise go out and destroy houses and concrete and teaches them the fundamentals. Are you guys simply angry because you aren't willing to give of your own time and do the same?

    And Barry, didn't you call me and offer to do web work for Ron for a fee? Didn't you ask me to talk to him and see if he would use your services to forward the cause we were working towards in the environmental department? Are you just angry that Ron decided the org didn't have enough money to pay you for something that other members have voluntarily offered their time and effort for free? If what we were doing was good enough for you to be paid to help then why is it all the sudden a bad thing? I don't get it.

    Every one of you have been asked repeatedly to join, free of charge, and help. I don't know how we could make it any easier than that.

    And Rob, we've all made mistakes. We've all gotten involved in things that we have later looked back and regretted. But not all of us sit back and use that as an excuse to tear down guys who take it over and succeed with it.

    Carlos made some mistakes. He did some things that were not completely honest in dealing with speakers and such. But he's one of the toughest guys I know. He took what he learned, put it in practice, went to the back of the bus and busted his rear end to provide for his family and show that he is a true powerwasher at heart, not a web guru, not a part-timer relying on powerwashing to buy his ATV's and big rims on his truck, but a true, work-all-night, dumpster-juice-in-the-face contractor. I've spent some time face to face with Carlos and have come to respect him and his family. I don't regret coming forward and confronting mis-truths, but I do regret not getting to know Carlos better first so I could better understand his decision making process and reason with him more like a human being rather than a faceless creature on the other side of a computer monitor.

    Maybe the problem is that you guys don't know the BOD and only know what others whisper to you on the phone.

    Don't any of you find it funny or at least interesting that none of the contractors who live and work in Ron's region dislike him the way you internet warriors do?

    Me, My son, Chris, Scott, Ty, Tom, Lou, etc, all live and work in Ron's region, but not a single one of them has anything bad to say about him except for Jim Cooney, who tried desperately to take Ron's accounts from him, but now has his "I don't ever do anything for less than 8 cents a foot" business up for sale with a broker showing a claimed gross income of only $160k/yr and a net of around $40k.

    And what about Doug **********? So a retired police officer from New York who has never met him hates him. How does that mesh with the local contractors he works with in Texas who never have a bad word to say about him?

    And what about Doug's "distributorship"? It's the same as Ron's was. Ron bought so much Landa equipment it was to his advantage to become a Landa rep so he could buy his own equipment at wholesale. When Ron was a Landa "distributor" I called Ron to buy some surface cleaner parts and he offered to give them to me for free. But yet, you guys all called him a distributor back then.

    Doug has a distributorship for some cleaner he uses a lot of. So what? So what if he sells some of it to offset his cost? What about the F-9 guys? My son is afraid to buy F-9 wholesale and become a "distributor" for fear someone will bring that up on me later and call me a distributor. What lunacy! A guy selling off a little overage on his chemicals is a far cry from being a Russ, Jerry, Paul or Pete.

    Do any of you guys ever subcontract for another power washer? Does that make you a "vendor" just because you offer services to "contractors" and charge something for it?

    It's time to bring some sanity into this conversation and make a formal declaration that ALL of us are in a position to occasionally charge another contractor for something and make money "off of other contractors".

    But there is a line somewhere that differentiates between a contractor and a vendor. So far we haven't even come up with anyone who is close to that line.

    Carlos sells chems, but he is definitely a contractor.

    Mike K sells various things, but he is a contractor.

    The only example I can think of who would be close to that line is Matt Johnson and I don't know what percentage he gets off sales vs contracting.

    Paul K, has a huge contracting business, but he's stepped up and taken on the label of "vendor" for the sake of his own conscience and honesty.

    You guys are looking foolish with this. The BOD wiping the floor with you and you don't even know it.

    As far as the certs go, there has never been a time in the history of power washing where the entire community was asked to bring input for certifications before now. You are speaking of these certifications as if somehow we, who participated together in the preparation of the tests, purport to be the only ones who know anything about powerwashing.

    The fact is we don't know everything. That is why we have an open free membership to allow anyone with anything positive to add to join and give their input. If the entire power washing community can't be trusted to come together and come up with some basic standards and practices, then there is no one qualified to do so.

    This is not a Robert Hinderliter style invitation where everyone is invited as long as they be quiet and accept what's already there. For example, multiple coil cleaners were used in the coil cleaning cert. We had differing opinions on methods. Some of those questions were simply discarded because, even though we were each adamant in the validity of our method, the fact was, each of them accomplished the goal of safely cleaning the coils. Those questions had to be taken out because they were not "standards" but rather, our own personal preferences.

    These certs are evolving and will continue to evolve as more members offer more and more input. There are some basics that don't change. No matter how much time passes I can't imagine that cleaning your face with caustic would ever be a "best practice". There are just some things that are cut and dry.

    As technology evolves there will be changes and we need to keep up with that. That is where all the members come in. That is where you guys come in. If you want to see good standards and practices bring them on and together we will make them part of the certs.

    The ***** is your org. It's not Ron's, Chris A's, Bill's, Dougs, Michael or Robert H's, Daryl Mirza's, or Mike Hilborn's. It's yours.

    If it weren't that way there's no way on earth the BOD would have opened up a free membership to build it into a true contractor for contractor org. There will have to be some give and take with all that many people involved. If you don't have the ability to flex and work with others then maybe it would be best for you to abstain from joining anything or join the Pwna and come back and take a closer look at the ***** after the building process has had more time.

    Meanwhile, as long as my ban has expired, you guys can have at me all you want.

    I'm your huckleberry.

    Ok Huckleberry(your words) since Rob told Your Boss that Robert founded the ***** and thats it why does your boss now put Rob Huffman in as a Cofounder?

    How about your Boss putting down partime Powerwashers right here on TGS then defies what his fellow BOD's put out here that the policy of your org is for the Board to not endorse or promote private schools?

    Hey since your here what's the story about you and your boss yacking all over the place how your going to do a Vegas Event the same day we have one planned and now your dropping a RT right between 2 major Industry one? What's the purpose of that?

    So the goal is to get the ***** BODS selling schools and Certs to the Free ***** members?

    You guys are kidding no one. Can't wait to hear your explanations why you two tried to sabotage other hard working contractor events and trying to back stab a few of us such as what Ron did to Rob who point blank told him he's not or ever was a cofounder of the UA*MC just to cause Drama.

    Go ahead Huckleberry(your words) let's see how your going to duck around this one.

    2300+ viewers will be reading your responses..

  15. 1 Post you're jumping up and down about Certs. another it's about Ron or Tony. The nut house thing was a joke John and you know it.

    Rob expect to hear stuff like this to cover up what the head of the ***** does. Let's see Guy says it was a joke. First I get locked out and then The ***** president directs his followers to go to a Nuthouse link to find out about the Vegas Event. Then he precedes to tell everyone in there how him and Tony and a few others are going to do there own Vegas parking garage event.

    Then he finally plans a NJ RT Right between to major Industry events all because we wouldn't let him and his crew come in for free when everyone else is paying..

    How bad of a cover up is that.. "Yea errrrrrr this is the ***** Exec. BOD and where sorry Industry contractors because of these Jokes my ***** boss likes to do to hard working contractors."

    Joke.... Right... What a Joke there working under. Let him prove otherwise..... Problem is he can't.

  16. I don't endorse any school as the best because I would have to go to them all to make that kind of decision. Maybe Ron is trying to help Doug out because he had a heart attack about a month ago and probably has some pretty large medical bills, I don't know. I don't know why this is a problem here but not a problem elsewhere, or anywhere else.

    Rob expect to hear plenty of these type stories to help deflect what the ***** President is doing to hook up his hand picked to run VP of the *****.

    What Guy is really saying there is he's disgusted by what's going on but he won't give you the real answer as to whats happening there.. Guy knows its flat out wrong to endorse a buddies school the way the "Bossman" is especially right after the other ***** BODS are right here saying the ***** Board doesn't do that or condone that behavior.
