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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. And although I didn't see where he called you a clown, if he did, no I don't agree with that but I also don't know the context he said that in.

    Rob at least we finally have Guy saying he doesn't agree with what the ***** president said about you. This will be one of many times to expect the ***** BODS to Begin to get upset with what the "Bossman" says about other contractors. The U Pres. is purposely calling you a cofounder of the ***** because he knew here when he was on TGS that you wanted no part of taking away something that Robert created.

  2. Poster Children, good one Matt. I'm glad you are networking with others in your area, that's verbatim a conversation I had with someone last night.

    I'm still unsure of why all the concern over something you care nothing for. All of a sudden everyone is concerned an attacking us when we've be in place over a year now? I don't get it.

    You say silence is golden, and you're right.

    Look up affidavit and look who your boss was requesting them from. You'll start seeing the disrespectful things he's doing already but you already know this Guy as we all know you do. You can't defend bad behavior no matter how hard you try.

    Suggestion to you is to Post about your shooter tips and stay away from org. Post because you can't seem to help yourself in trying to defend your presidents bad behavior tactics.. Oh by the way Mental Illness is no joke.. I should know. I've taken many people there over the years including some children who's parents hearts were broken because there kid had to go.

    So where do you stand now with your Presidents joke?? That's right.. Go ahead and defend it. It's what you do.. Trying to defend bad behavior..

  3. I do agree that silence is golden, but the opportunity to defend our beliefs and what we know to be true can't be passed up. I also cant help but think that the new members who are signing up are hearing of us here.

    Right back at you Chris. You guys are allowing your ***** boss and his Enviro Co- chair Tony S. to tear others down, to Post pics of other people's place of employment and to criticize them, to crack mental illness jokes on an event that's coming up and on and on and on.

    You want to take a stand how it's OK for your boss over at the ***** to do this to others by looking the other away and then talk about all the hard work you BOD's are doing?? Well put this on your lost..Reign your President in before he starts pissing off the whole Industry if he hasn't done it already.

  4. As BOD member You cant control what people will say about the *****, You guys can only control how you choose to respond to it. And sometimes, silence is golden.

    Excellent Post once again Matt. This last part above for them is golden. When Guy gets up in 3-4hrs from now he's most likely just going to come right back in here trying to defend himself and his President. This keeps up where going to watch history repeat itself probably alot sooner then expected.

    Like you said with only 10-12 Post here in that "testimonial bread" thread on probably the busiest Industry bulletin board says volumes. It looks like most people see right thru what there president is doing on a bunch of things and they just don't like it. No one likes to see other contractors trying to do something positive and an Industry President tries to bring in "Mental Illness" into the picture. For one thing some people may have a love one with mental illness in there family somewhere and for him to just crack remarks along those lines to try once again to derail another positive thing in this Industry these BOD's are probably starting to get fed up with his antics.

    This keeps up it's just a matter of time for there ship to start sinking. He's probably already alienating his BOD's already by shoving down their throats how his VP has the best personal Industry school in the whole country when some of his BOD's probably teach themselves such as maybe Billy Booze with Roof Cleaning.

    There time clock is ticking already.

    Let's wait and see who's going to speed that clock up. I'll be back on later to see which ***** BOD is going to take some more shots at hard working contractors.

  5. My Wife let's me say whatever I want to, that's the only Boss I answer to John.....Again none of that has anything to do with this thread.

    1 Post you're jumping up and down about Certs. another it's about Ron or Tony. The nut house thing was a joke John and you know it. Doug wasn't hand picked he was voted in.

    What other kind of junk that has nothing to do with this thread or TGS do you want to bring up?

    Yea sure Doug wasn't handpicked by Ron to be the ***** VP and then he got voted in. Right. That's believable- big time NOT! I could care less about your Certs but I do care if your misleading contractors in there. You mean Rons a Joke and we all know it... Well then that I can agree on because I already know why he purposely planned the NJ RT as you do and you also know that he was telling many that he was going to do Vegas event first the same time were doing ours..

    So that is no longer a Joke now is it? Of course not.

    The only thing that any of this has to do with TGS is if any of you are caught lying here just to further your cause. Also as in your case calling TGS members names such as little man to one of then recently to incite them over something that you did that was so off the charts wrong... Well maybe you shouldn't have called this guy out over here. Did you think about that one.. Of course not.

    Once again try practicing what you and your guys are trying to preach now. You want respect then earn it. If not then expect a long term as a ***** BOD that will have nothing to look forward to but misery... And like Matt Johnson so eloquently stated you guys better turn the tables soon or History will repeat itself because it always does when the same mistakes are forever being done over and over.... And I think you know that by now.

    On that note Goodnight

  6. No I think all the crap that you brought over here and started because your feelings got hurt is pretty disrespectful John. And you banned Ron & Scott just to be spiteful because they hurt your feelings. None of this has anything to do with the *****.

    Keep crying Wolf John.

    Your skirting the answers because you can't answer them or your boss won't allow you to. Those two above mention couldn't hurt my feelings no matter how many times you tell yourself that.

    So what's your story Guy do you support your ***** president and his Enviro Guy Tony to attack others? How about your ***** President handpicking the ***** VP and posting multiple threads now endorsing him on the net?

    Where's the transparency? How about when he attacked the Vegas event with that nut house link. Do you support your leader in doing stuff like that? Well do you?

  7. What has any of this got to do with Roof Certifications??? The subject of this thread???

    It doesn't have to. I'm addressing your points that your expecting others to follow in this thread. First off where do you see a double standard? You guys posted last week that the ***** BOD's are not endorsing or promoting private companies. That's the words of your fellow BOD's which has nothing to do with Michael so there is no double standard. Those are your rules and you guys aren't following them.

    So what about the attacks your president is doing to others? How about your Environmental Chairmen or Co-Chair or what ever Enviro position Tony now has within the *****. Isn't it very obvious he is publicly attacking quite a few individuals that some do and some don't belong to other org's?

    What about your statement above to Matt that says will we ever have a national org? What do you think the PWNA is?

    What goes around comes around. All the above is pretty disrespectful don't you think?

  8. Like I said the problem you and others have is with a couple of individuals in the Org. not the Org. itself. And that's fine, I understand. But confine your problems with them, not everybody else, and certainly not the *****.

    I don't expect you or anyone else to agree with (Or Like) what we're doing, again that's fine, but don't hide behind "Concern For The Industry" and attack folks that are trying to do some good things in order to take down or discredit the one's you have the real problems with.

    Will we ever have a National Org.? I don't know..... but if you don't at least try you never will. Got to start somewhere.

    Once again are you guys following the advice your giving Guy?

    Isn't one of the ***** Listed Environmental guys Tony ************** attacking Robert at every turn and putting up pictures of his sons company and then ripping it on a bb where he represents the *****?

    Isn't the ***** president tonight promoting his handpicked VP's school thru a videotape we can all see on YouTube which apparently is against the ***** rules and he's all along trying to purposely interfere with other contractors who are holding events in the near future?

    Isn't the PWNA a national org?

    Practice what you preach brother or it will come back to haunt you every time like it's happening to Ron now.

  9. Defensive Matt? I tried to answer a few questions and carry on a civil conversation and then someone compares me to a dictator and attacks me? I try to answer a few questions honestly and then belittled for answering them? When I don't know the answer I truthfully say "I don't know the answer" but here's where you'll find it, and attacked for being truthful?

    Yea I know the definition of Insanity.

    You don't see me pushing anything on anyone Matt. You don't see me mentioning the ***** in every other post, Certifications or sickening hero worship in any of my posts. What happened in the past is just that...the past. Like I said the problem you and others have is with a couple of individuals in the Org. not the Org. itself. And that's fine, I understand. But confine your problems with them, not everybody else, and certainly not the *****.

    I don't expect you or anyone else to agree with (Or Like) what we're doing, again that's fine, but don't hide behind "Concern For The Industry" and attack folks that are trying to do some good things in order to take down or discredit the one's you have the real problems with.

    You and others here had the chance to stay in the game and make a difference, you and others could have been on the board and do all the things you demand done now.....but you didn't... If things aren't going the way you and others wanted them to, don't sit in the bleachers and blame the players in the game.

    Will we ever have a National Org.? I don't know..... but if you don't at least try you never will. Got to start somewhere.

    That's all good Guy but let's see if you guys practice what your preach. So far the ***** president hasn't and unfortunately for you he represents what you stand for because he's your President who to us "Outsiders" he wants respect from us then he has to earn it. He can start by taking down that mental institution link he has up on *** where he's telling people to contact the nut house to get info on the Vegas Event coming up.

    The guess is he won't do it so don't expect because of actions like that for many people to give him even a drop of respect. Zip Zero.

  10. Members have to be treated equally. To have 1 contractor ***** free member vs. 1 contractor who has a donor membership and BOTH are considered ***** members yet 1 can't vote(free member) to 1 can vote(donor member) this appears to be a huge red flag. Contractors should be treated equally as members of there all being called members.

    My concerns here would be 2 things.-- #1 now is my business. Is this worth me joining?? #2(past union life still has me thinking like this) is this a fair system for contractors? Is it when 1 can vote and 1 can't?

  11. As I posted yesterday the forum members are active and are considered members of the *****.


    This Part Chris is no good. I have a gut feeling in a non profit you can't count this as membership. Non profits get tax breaks for a reason. Memberships are usually broken down on who can vote and who cant by the bylaws. That usually works with BODS as the only ones who can Vote or your membership at large.

    You guys decided to count active bulletin board members as members of a national non profit org when you also have paying members something is not right. Calling the Paying members as Donor members so you can count "Free" members in with them... Something seems amiss.

    Donor membership in itself to give "free" members now the right to vote sounds like your in a collision course with corruption. What are you going to do with a "money man" who comes in down the road who wants to donate more money for his membership? Are you going to give him the ability to have more voting powers(corruption)?

    What's the main reason you guys are counting "free" membership in with "Donor" members? Who's the brain who came up with this within a non profit?

    These are tough questions but don't forget the majority of us here are business owners and some of us(very few) understand a little bit more with non profits and IRS breaks.

    So please explain why free membership counts as ***** members in a national non profit?

  12. I'll tell you what I know....but let me say this, I really don't care what the man does on his own, there's nothing wrong with being a capitalist. It's when I see people with selfish interests use Org's for their own gain, and pretend they do it "for the industry" that I get ticked off.

    Thumbnail sketch.....

    • He started with ARCA (American Roof Cleaners Association) as the asst of Dave Westerman who created ARCA when he was invited to leave RCIA

    • ARCA fizzled out and in Mar 09 he hitched his pony to RCIA...posted a lot and became an instructor.

    • In Sept 2010, he "officially" started selling training *** LINK

    • He and others pushed for the RCIA to become a bonafied Org....In Oct 2010, he became Executive Secretary

    • When CT discovered that he was working to open up the RCIA standards to include any cleaning methods (for increased Cert revenue), CT disbanded the board.

    • By that point, Booz had parlayed his 2nd Org into a position with NCE and moving to ***** from NCE was almost a given.

    Since he began roof cleaning....he's tried, almost from the start, to monetize training and certification for himself. Within a little over 1 year of joining RCIA, where he himself claims to have learned roof cleaning from CT....he was offering himself as a roof cleaning "Expert".

    He could always come here an elaborate himself....almost everything I typed came from his own forum posts or CT and other RCIA members.

    I just read that *** link you put up. Nick the cleaner I know pretty well. He took me out to dinner when he came into my town last summer. Good guy. Chris Tucker is a legendary roof cleaner probably second to know one. I've been reading his threads since the late 90's. He's like the Jim gamble of roofs whereas Jim Gamble always and forever wants to talk Garage cleaning and Chris Tucker is roof roof and roofs.

    Chris seems to be pretty supportive of Billy Booze in that link. So that's a plus. Joe Crowder on the other hand talks about liability in there and once again I think most people will have that thought when it comes to Certifications.

    So it's like a nowhere thread. Points brought up but nothing solved. Interesting read though.

  13. I've had more than one person on the phone ask me why I care about an Org with 80 members....I couldn't care less if they have 30 or 300.

    It's not the numbers that matter to me....it's how this cake is getting baked that I find objectionable. At some point, someone will lose a job to a guy that has a Roof Cleaning Cert that isn't based on any process or procedure. The guy could get on the roof and blast shingles with pressure, ruin the roof and all the ***** Cert Committee cares about is that one of them made some loot off of training.

    You know Barry I can't defend that. Once again I can see that what you posted here is going to be most likely what most other contractors see as well.

    Using your example above this is where I can see the ***** Certs coming back to possibly bite them in the azz.

    There not showing anywhere that their org is bonded. This can haunt them especially the BODS who's names are going to be passed around as helping write there Certs. It just takes one guy to do what your saying above and he now gets sued and he says this is what he was taught with his ***** certification. Now he may be inclined to sue as well... And guess what?? The ***** BOD's are not bonded as in they have no insurance.

    This is minor but it could very well happen. The bigger picture here is what qualifications do these BODS have that made it OK for them to be the issuer of these Certifications? This is where I think most have a problem with. I can see possibly getting outside Agencies to recognize maybe Environmental Certs(very slim) and the bigger one which as far as I know neither of the 2 main orgs in discussion here is a Safety Certification. I can see possibly a better chance of an outside agency such as OSHA recognizing these standardized test(slim).

    It's an uphill battle either way. As for me I get the certifications that I think can help me and I market them. Is that the only benny I get from them? I say no because I do learn a little. The PWNA Enviro Class and Certification only cost be about $90 maybe less. So it's not like it cost me a ton either.

    But your points are valid.

  14. Just to get some clarification. What is the difference between "members" and "Donating Members"?

    There's a clear cut answer here Kris. If you ask me how many PWNA members there are it's an easy answer. As of 1/8/13 there are 213 members.

    Why we can't get that answer from the ***** is baffling. No one is asking about ***** bb members, ***** mailing list members,***** non donating members, ***** member that are married... Etc etc etc.

    If you want to know if something is worth your small investment it starts with membership and how many are there.

    Simple question that should have a simple answer.. Still waiting for that now going on 3 weeks.

  15. Sure, just for you John.

    The 80+ donating members are those who have paid dues. Yes, they're eligible to take a certification test per the guidelines.

    The 300+ number comes after you add in associate members and regular members(forum members).

    That isn't an attempt to fudge numbers. Those are real people who have joined and are active on the forum since this BOD took over. I'm sure we could count thousands like Thad mentioned if we wanted to but that wouldn't be accurate.

    Does that answer your question?

    Doesn't answer the question. It's actually misleading. We used to have 5000 PWNA bb members when that bulletin board was near the top in ranked but the PWNA membership total never surpassed the 475 total.

    So once again if someone says "Hey Chris I'm thinking about joining the ***** and I'm going to budget it into my business expenses for the year. Oh by the way how many members does the ***** have?? And your answer is_____??

  16. John, who is the guy second from the right on the first row?

    You may have seen him in the past or as recently as this past IWCA Convention. His name is Kenny Cohn (might be spelling his last name wrong) who was a past IWCA President.

    Its good to surround yourself with people like him. 2 yrs later I served right under Jim Grady who was also a past IWCA president who was the PWNA treasurer and when he left that's the position I was given. Jim Grady is aces.

  17. Don't be silly Thad. That wouldn't be right to count every account that was ever created on the forum as a member. I'm sure that's why y'all don't do as neither do we.

    I've explained our membership On here more than once. If anyone can't figure it out they're welcome to search my posts or give me a call.

    Chris explain your membership totals one more time and are those members considered eligible to take your certification test if they have the 5 yrs or the training hours or both as per the ***** guidelines.

    Your quoted as saying you have over 300 members when people here where asking you how many "*****" members you have.

  18. You just come to Texas and I'll make any cajun dish you want plus you get some of the best BBQ around! :cool:

    I also make a mean crawfish Etouffee...You can's beat onions,bell peppers smothered in butter then crawfish tails simmered and served over rice! Potato salad on the side!

    Gosh I'm eating salami on white bread right now and I'm salivating reading Shane's post above:excitement:

    - - - Updated - - -

    You just come to Texas and I'll make any cajun dish you want plus you get some of the best BBQ around! :cool:

    I also make a mean crawfish Etouffee...You can's beat onions,bell peppers smothered in butter then crawfish tails simmered and served over rice! Potato salad on the side!

    Gosh I'm eating salami on white bread right now and I'm salivating reading Shane's post above:excitement:
